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Meaning of "impresión" in the Spanish dictionary



La palabra impresión procede del latín impressĭo, -ōnis.

Etymology is the study of the origin of words and their changes in structure and significance.


im · pre · sión


Impresión is a noun.
A noun is a type of word the meaning of which determines reality. Nouns provide the names for all things: people, objects, sensations, feelings, etc.



Reproduction of a text or an illustration in a printing press. Process for the production of texts and images, typically with ink on paper using a mechanical press. It is often performed as a large-scale industrial process, and is an essential part of book publishing.

Definition of impresión in the Spanish dictionary

The first definition of printing in the dictionary of the real academy of the Spanish language is action and effect of printing. Another meaning of printing in the dictionary is a mark or sign that something leaves something else when pressing on it; p. eg, the one that leaves the mark of the animals, the stamp that is stamped on a paper, etc. Printing is also an effect or feeling that something or someone causes in the mood. I made that impression.


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imprentar · imprentera · imprentero · impresa · impresario · imprescindible · imprescriptibilidad · imprescriptible · impresentable · impresionabilidad · impresionable · impresionante · impresionar · impresionismo · impresionista · impresivo · impreso · impresor · impresora · imprestable


accesión · autoagresión · autolesión · descompresión · desposesión · digresión · inmunodepresión · inmunosupresión · intercesión · opresión · precesión · progresión · regresión · reimpresión · retrocesión · secesión · sobreimpresión · sobrepresión · transgresión · trasgresión

Synonyms and antonyms of impresión in the Spanish dictionary of synonyms



The following Spanish words have a similar or identical meaning as «impresión» and belong to the same grammatical category.

Translation of «impresión» into 25 languages



Find out the translation of impresión to 25 languages with our Spanish multilingual translator.

The translations of impresión from Spanish to other languages presented in this section have been obtained through automatic statistical translation; where the essential translation unit is the word «impresión» in Spanish.

In the following section you can check the translations of impresión in the Spanish-English dictionary.

Translator Spanish - Chinese

1,325 millions of speakers


570 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - English

510 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Hindi

380 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Arabic

280 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Russian

278 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Portuguese

270 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Bengali

260 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - French

220 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Malay

190 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - German

180 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Japanese

130 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Korean

85 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Javanese

85 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Vietnamese

80 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Tamil

75 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Marathi

75 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Turkish

70 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Italian

65 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Polish

50 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Ukrainian

40 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Romanian

30 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Greek

15 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Afrikaans

14 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Swedish

10 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Norwegian

5 millions of speakers


  excitement ; impression ; perception ; shock ; illusion.
 If done effectively, displays can add interest and even excitement to the process of information discovery.
 This planning phase involves moving from a vague impression that a thesaurus might be useful to a fairly precise profile for the thesaurus.
 Nevertheless, citation indexes do seek to link documents according to their content (or at least the perception of their content held by the author of the source work).
 The shock of Sputnik precipitated a near-frantic concern about our technological complacency, sending the country into a crash program of science education and space exploration in order to regain a lost prestige.
 A motion picture is a length of film, with or without recorded sound, bearing a sequence of images that create the illusion of movement when projected in rapid succession.
causar buena impresión  
come across
 When children are aware that records are kept there are always some who will want to impress or please.
 Mr Berman, who is a very personable and enthusiastic librarian, certainly comes across.
causar una buena impresión en 
make + a good impression on
 If the head of reference services does not pass along the information to the staff the reference librarians, by being uninformed, will undoubtedly not make as good an impression on the important city managers.
causar una buena (primera) impresión  
make + a good (first) impression
cause + a good (first) impression
 Also, using proper grammar when speaking and avoiding slang is expected if you are to make a good first impression.
 As a photographer I'm the first to know how much great executive headshots can cause a good impression.
causar una impresión    
leave + an impression
make + impression
make + an impression
make + a statement
 The impression left by the two early attempts to create universal bibliographic control was that the creation of one universal source of reference was beyond human resources and resourcefulness.
 The discussion didn't make that great an impression on me at the time because I had never, to my knowledge, experienced any form of sexual harassment.
 The reference librarians, by being uninformed, will undoubtedly not make as good an impression on the important city managers.
 This unique style will appeal to the individual who wants to stand out, make a statement and swim against the stream.
causar una primera impresión 
make + a first impression
 According to an old saying, you never get a second chance to make a first impression = Según un antiguo dicho, nunca se tiene una seguna oportunidad para causar una primera impresión.
crear una buena impresión en 
make + a good impression on
 If the head of reference services does not pass along the information to the staff the reference librarians, by being uninformed, will undoubtedly not make as good an impression on the important city managers.
dar la impresión   [Verbo irregular: pasado y participio struck]    
convey + impression
strike + Pronombre Personal
give + the impression that
confer + the impression
come off as
come across
 In Spain, posters and cartoons were used to convey the impression of reading as entertainment.
 'You commented earlier,' she said ingenuously, aloud, 'that Kass didn't strike you as the union type'.
 I also don't want to give the impression that my own catalog at UCB is fraught with irrationalities.
 The term 'librarian' may confer the impression of being a quiet, respectable and unassuming person and consequently be useful on insurance forms, passports and rental agreements.
 I love the content of this discussion, and hope that my comments don't come off as negative.
 Since many who read my articles are writers I'm sure what I am about to say will come across like preaching to the choir.
dar la impresión de   
conjure up + a picture of
come across as
 Examples would include deliberately contriving an authoritarian atmosphere, either institutional, by means of rules and regulations, or personal, by means of academic status, for instance.
 This article argues in favour of the term 'conservator' rather than 'restorer' of books as the former does not conjure up a picture of the Victorian artisan vandalising documents with irreversible treatments simply for effect.
 It comes across mostly as an incomprehensible if entertaining story about a few spoiled people hell-bent on complaining incessantly.
dar la impresión de seriedad en el trabajo 
appear + businesslike
 One seasoned supervisor insisted that in order to appear businesslike, staff reading while on desk duty should hold a pencil.
dar mala impresión 
look + bad
 To pull back now would make both her and him look bad.
dar una falsa impresión  
keep up + a facade
put on + an act
 Tom Hernandez tried not to show how sad he felt about his friends' leaving, and managed to keep up a cheerful facade until the party broke up.
 Singers, dancers, and actors must now all know how to sing, dance and put on an act.
dar una impresión   
make + an impression
leave + an impression
present + an image
 The reference librarians, by being uninformed, will undoubtedly not make as good an impression on the important city managers.
 The impression left by the two early attempts to create universal bibliographic control was that the creation of one universal source of reference was beyond human resources and resourcefulness.
 The contents of the web pages are therefore of crucial importance in presenting the right image to the world.
dar una impresión de 
give + an impression of
 Examples would include giving a spurious impression of busyness as the reference desk or deliberately contriving an authoritarian atmosphere.
dar una impresión equivocada 
send + the wrong signals
 The reason for this is simply because those who can't communicate effectively tend to send the wrong signals to others.
dejar una impresión    
leave with + the impression
leave + an impression
leave + an imprint
make + an impression
 One might mistakenly be left with the impression that the crisis is a mere 'banana republic' squabble over power.
 The impression left by the two early attempts to create universal bibliographic control was that the creation of one universal source of reference was beyond human resources and resourcefulness.
 Their music redefined rock and roll for an entire generation, leaving an imprint that endures to this day.
 The reference librarians, by being uninformed, will undoubtedly not make as good an impression on the important city managers.
impresión duradera 
lasting impression
 The landscape is the first impression the prospective tenant has of a building, and first impressions are usually lasting impressions, be they good or bad.
impresión imborrable 
indelible impression
 He left an indelible impression on the minds of the people of his age group.
no dar una impresión clara 
send + mixed signals
 Real progress will remain elusive if the US keeps sending mixed signals, talking of winning hearts and minds and bombing Pakistani territory at the same time.
obtener una impresión 
gain + picture
 The overall picture gained from this area analysis was that the hinterlands of the industrial towns were not areas where one could hope to find much in the way of bookshops.
primera impresión 
first impression
 Perception now being more important than substance, the author considers first impressions given by library brochures or the visual impact of web pages.
sacar una impresión 
gain + picture
 The overall picture gained from this area analysis was that the hinterlands of the industrial towns were not areas where one could hope to find much in the way of bookshops.
tener la impresión  
have + the impression
get + the impression
 I also have the impression, and it is no more than an impression, that the two are coming closer and closer together.
 From his description one gets the impression that the inhabitants of Utopia are serious minded and that they read for improving their own mind.
tener la impresión de que  
get + the feeling that
have + the feeling that
 From the way his left shoulder is tipped forward, from the set of his head and the length of his stride, one gets the feeling that he is a fully clothed sprinter just leaving the starting blocks.
 As I sipped my ice cold water and dug into the salad I had the feeling I was being watched.
  impression ; printing ; blowback.
 An impression consists of all those copies of an edition printed at one time.
 In the process of the search, prior to display or printing, the computer ranks references according to their weighting.
 Blowback refers to the practice of printing electronic documents to paper (blowing them back to tangible form).
cabeza de impresión 
print head
 The impact dot matrix uses a print head of needles which are independently controlled to strike a ribbon onto paper.
cadena de impresión 
print chain
 The tape produced for a catalog is fully compatible with a computer printer equipped with an ALA print chain.
cola de impresión 
print queue
 At the same time, a notice to the borrower is posted to the 'hold available' print queue.
correr la impresión 
slur + impression
 But the early cylinder machines worked less accurately than the platens, tending to slur the impression and batter the type.
en el momento de la impresión 
at the time of going to print
 This information was correct at the time of going to print, May 2004.
equipo de impresión 
press crew
 Having imposed a forme, the compositor carried it to the press room, where a press crew was required to pause in its work and pull a proof for him, often on an old press kept for the purpose.
etapa anterior a la impresión  [Generalmente se refiere a los procesos que hoy día realiza el propio autor de una obra al componerla en formato electrónico ante de su impresión]
prepress [pre-press]
 Advances in digital prepress that have occurred during 1980-81 are reviewed, and the continuing progress in electronic publishing techniques is described.
fase anterior a la impresión 
prepress phase
 Desktop publishing is a technology that brings the prepress phases of publishing in-house.
fecha de impresión  [Fecha que en se imprimió una publicación]
imprint date
 If no edition or imprint date can be ascertained, then an attempt is made to provide a date from amongst any other dates given on the work, such as copyright dates, and reprint dates.
forma de impresión   [En impresión, soporte material preparado de modo que su superficie, plana o cilíndrica, con zonas entintables que se transfieren a otro soporte, normalmente papel, con objeto de reproducir un original un número elevado de veces]   [En impresión, soporte material preparado de modo que su superficie, plana o cilíndrica, con zonas entintables que se transfieren a otro soporte, normalmente papel, con objeto de reproducir un original un número elevado de veces]
composing frame
 If they stared up at the arbour of sheets of paper hanging from the cords attached to the ceiling, they bumped into composing frames.
 Finally the forme was checked for odd pieces of type lying on it, in danger of being picked up by the balls and deposited on a page.
 He was referring, of course, to his famous technological plan to reproduce the catalog from individual entries embossed on plates, a considerably more flexible and less costly method than that of printing the catalog.
 Like their predecessors (which were mostly news presses) they had carriages with ink tables at the end and inking rollers fixed at right angles across the frame.
gestor de colas de impresión 
print spooler
 A print spooler is a software program used to capture printer output and send it to the computer's RAM or to disc file, then sending it to the printer at a rate it can handle.
impresión a chorros de tinta 
ink-jet printing
 This article describes in detail the various methods of ink-jet printing employing electrostatic steering, electromagnetic steering, and multiple ink jets.
impresión a color 
colour printing
 Nineteenth-century colour printing was both more complex and more precise than the two-colour work of the hand-press period, frequently involving elaborate ornamentation in three or more colours.
impresión de libros 
 The use of hand-made paper for commercial book- and news-printing dropped away sharply during the 1820s, and it was scarcely seen after 1830 except in de luxe editions.
impresión de noticias 
 The use of hand-made paper for commercial book- and news-printing dropped away sharply during the 1820s, and it was scarcely seen after 1830 except in de luxe editions.
impresión de tamaño reducido  
 It contains about as much information as it is possible to cram into a single liftable volume, without recourse to microprint or CD-ROM = Contiene tanta información como es posible meter en un único volumen de fácil manejo sin tener que recurrir a la microimpresión o al CD-ROM.
 The author describes present microprinting methods and the space and binding costs which they would save for libraries if they were more widely accepted.
impresión en línea 
online print
 Print charges are usually charged per reference retrieved with online and offline prints often attracting different tariffs.
impresión en oro  [Decoración de las letras o adornos de la cubierta o lomo de un libro en color oro]
gold tooling
 For gold tooling, impressions of the tools were first made in blind and then an adhesive glair of egg white was next brushed into the blind impression, allowed to dry, and greased.
impresión en papel 
print on paper
 While many believe that print on paper will never die, new formats are already changing working practice in many spheres.
impresión en plancha de madera 
woodblock printing
 The greatest boost to the spreading of knowledge through vastly increased book production was the invention of woodblock printing which was well developed by the late 9th century.
impresión en seco  [Grabación en la cubierta o el lomo de un libro de letras o adornos de tal modo que se deja un hueco que posteriormente suele ser decorado de algún modo]  [Zurcos correspondientes a las letras o adornos que se han impreso sobre la cubierta o el lomo de un libro]
blind tooling
blind impression
 The tools were heated for use at a small furnace, and no further preparation was necessary for blind tooling.
 For gold tooling, impressions of the tools were first made in blind and then an adhesive glair of egg white was next brushed into the blind impression, allowed to dry, and greased.
impresión fuera de línea 
offline print
 Print charges are usually charged per reference retrieved with online and offline prints often attracting different tariffs.
impresión manual 
 Hand-printing was already an efficient means of mass-producing books.
impresión mecánica 
machine printing
 The increasing efficiency of machine printing did reduce the average price of reprints and of popular works but new literature remained disgracefully expensive.
impresión offset litográfica 
offset litho
 By setting tabulators on the typewriter three columns can be produced for a two-fold A4 stencil for offset litho.
impresión por láser 
laser printing
 This article covers all the options from electronic markup or 'tagging' of the manuscript to desktop publishing and laser printing or image setting.
impresión serigráfica  
silkscreen printing
 Silkscreen printing has its origins in China almost 3000 years ago.
 Each coaster has a white cedar base with a silkscreen on recycled paper and coated for waterproofing.
impresión tipográfica  [Texto impreso de un publicación como contrapuesto a las ilustraciones que aparecen en ella]
 An atlas is a volume of maps, plates, engravings, tables, etc., with or without letterpress, which may be an independent publication or it may have been issued to accompany one or more volumes of text.
letra cuya impresión en papel no está completa 
broken letter
 And if you examine a certain page where you will find a broken letter in one, then you will also find it in the other one.
lugar de impresión  [Lugar donde se encuentra la imprenta que publicó el documento o el organismo que la representa]
place of printing
 The place of printing is the location where the printing press is situated, of failing this, the organization acting for it.
margarita de impresión 
print wheel
 The design of the print wheels is such that it is possible to have large character sets on one wheel.
permiso de impresión  [Permiso oficial para imprimir]
 A final attempt to control the output of the English press was embodied in the Licensing Act of 1662, whereby every publication was to be censored and awarded an official imprimatur = Un intento final de controlar la producción de la imprenta inglesa se reflejó en la Ley de Licencias de 1662, por la que cada publicación tenía que pasar la censura tras lo cual se le concedía un permiso oficial de impresión.
petición de impresión 
print request
 The command function 'DELETE' is used to delete search terms or print requests.
plancha de cobre para la impresión en huecograbado 
intaglio copperplate
 Pictures were printed both from relief woodcuts and from intaglio copperplates before moveable type was invented.
plancha de impresión   [Hoja de metal, plástico, caucho, etc sobre la que se "graba" una imagen del texto o ilustración que se desea a imprimir que posteriormente se transfiere al papel]
printing plate
 He was referring, of course, to his famous technological plan to reproduce the catalog from individual entries embossed on plates, a considerably more flexible and less costly method than that of printing the catalog.
 There are many versions of a work - paperbacks, hardbound, and each different binding that a publisher may put on a given work - and even if they used identical printing plates, each version would have a different ISBN.
plancha de impresión de cobre 
 During the early days, and for most of the sixteenth century, woodcuts, which could conveniently be printed in the forme along with the type, were much commoner in books than copperplates.
plancha de impresión de latón 
pewter plate
 Engraved copper plates were used at first; then from the early eighteenth century pewter plates, both punched and engraved, replaced copper.
plancha de impresión en relieve de cobre 
engraved copper plate
 Engraved copper plates were used at first; then from the early eighteenth century pewter plates, both punched and engraved, replaced copper.
plancha de impresión litográfica  [En imprenta, forma plana de zinc o aluminio sobre las que se ha copiado directamente la imagen que se va a imprimir]
lithographic plate
 From the second quarter of the nineteenth century there was a great outpouring of music printed from lithographic plates and stones.
proceso de impresión 
printing process
 Lithography as a printing process dates from the 19th century.
puntura de impresión 
press point
 The near-side press point was placed further in towards the middle of the tympan (and of the sheet) than the off-side point.
sala de impresión 
press room [pressroom]
 Having imposed a forme, the compositor carried it to the press room, where a press crew was required to pause in its work and pull a proof for him, often on an old press kept for the purpose.
servicio de impresión 
offline print facility
 An important part of the service is the provision of an off-line print facility.
superficie de impresión 
printing surface
 The first experiments in galvanism for printing, the electro-deposition of metal on to a mould in order to make a printing surface, were made in England and in Russia in 1839.
taller de impresión   
print shop
printing firm
printing house
 The only feminist print shop in North America has closed down after 23 years.
 These archives are so complete that they present a rare insight into the early history of a printing firm which under 4 generations of owners produced work for 127 years.
 Companionship systems were operated in the Boston printing house of Hobart and Robins in the early 1850s.
tarifa de impresión 
print charge
 Normally, charges will comprise data base connect charges, and print charges per reference.
terminal de impresión 
typewriter terminal
 The system checks that the number is valid and then prints the label at the typewriter terminal associated with the display terminal.
trabajo de impresión 
 Although most London book houses owned galley presses for making slip proofs by the 1870, it appears that companionship bookwork was generally made up into pages and imposed before proofing until the mid 1880s.
trabajo de impresión de material efímero 
ephemeral jobbing
 A printer's orders varied enormously in size, from ephemeral jobbing - labels, bills and the like - to books both short and long.
trabajos de impresión de material efímero 
jobbing work
 Many cheap books and most of the jobbing work of the earlier hand-press period have disappeared completely.

Trends of use of impresión



Principal search tendencies and common uses of impresión
List of principal searches undertaken by users to access our Spanish online dictionary and most widely used expressions with the word «impresión».

Examples of use in the Spanish literature, quotes and news about impresión



Famous quotes and sentences with the word impresión.
Muchas veces lo que se calla hace más impresión que lo que se dice.
Severo Catalina
El amor más fuerte y más puro no es el que sube desde la impresión, sino el que desciende desde la admiración.
Jean de la Bruyere
La mejor manera de hacer carrera es transmitir a los demás la impresión de que ayudarte sería para ellos de gran provecho.
Alejandro Dumas
Si dais la impresión de necesitar cualquier cosa no os darán nada; para hacer fortuna es preciso aparentar ser rico.
Robert Burns
La historia es cuestión de supervivencia. Si no tuviéramos pasado, estaríamos desprovistos de la impresión que define a nuestro ser.


La primera impresión es la que cuenta.


Discover the use of impresión in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to impresión and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in Spanish literature.
La primera impresión: Tu cuerpo habla żsabes leer en el ...
Este manual enseña a interpretar los sutiles signos del rostro y el cuerpo para lograr un mayor conocimiento de los demás y de uno mismo.
Cheri Huber, 2003
Impresión en artes gráficas: desarrollo curricular del ciclo ...
Se forma al alumno para que sea capaz de realizar la impresión en offset, huecogrado, flexografía y serigrafía.
El Caos de la Impresión
VVIIII. Rendido el verano cubierto en sudor extiende los afanes a nuevos aires sin sol. Madrugan los despertadores, cizañan a una desazón frenética disfrazando a los inútiles de señores, diagnosticando lo creativo de crisis anémica. Salimos ...
Luis Miguel García de Amézaga, 2001
Palabras y locuciones de uso frecuente en computación: ...
prime area, área primaria prime data, datos primarios primitive, primitivo (unidad básica y fundamental) print, impresión print ball, esfera impresora print bar, barra impresora print barrel, tambor impresor print buffer, regulador de impresión ...
Marcela E.M. de Bourguignon, 1992
30 minutos-- para causar la impresión adecuada
CABEZA Y CORAZÓN Usar su cerebro y sus emociones Impresión: un efecto producido (esp. en ¡a mente o los sentimientos) a) Impresionar: afectar o influenciar profundamente, evocar una opinión o reacción favorable en una persona. b) ...
Eleri Sampson, 1999
Instrucciones para la restauración, formulación, ...
Ejemplo de hoja de trabajo de impresión Paso 10. Validación de la hoja de trabajo de Impresión Una vez completada la hoja de trabajo, presione <ENTER> hasta que vea el mensaje siguiente, ya que CDS/ISIS solicitará que se valide: ...
Araya Rojas, R.
Microsoft Office XP 8 en 1
En Outlook, antes de imprimir, debe elegir el estilo de impresión que desee aplicar. Cada carpeta (Bandeja de entrada, Calendario, Contactos, etcétera) ofrece diferentes estilos de impresión, y cada estilo despliega los datos, en la página, ...
Joe Habraken, 2001
Il Regno: días felices
1999 H0 x 170 cm 80 x 150 cm 80 x П0 cm Impresión digital sobre tela Impresión digital sobre tela Mixta sobre impresión Cd. de México, México Sicilia. Italia digital sobre tela 2. Conversión, 1999 ti. Hipnosis, 1999 Cd. de México, México iП x ...
Paola Lo Sciuto, 1999
Iniciación al diseño gráfico: QuarkXPRESS 7 y Photoshop CS2
La impresión La etapa de creación del documento Ctexto, imágenes y compaginación] es la primera de las cinco etapas que nos conducirán al documento final. Las otras cuatro son: - la preimpresión o preparación de los elementos ...
Windows XP professional: instalación, configuración y ...
Principios Una agrupación de impresoras (pool de impresión) es un medio de disponer de una impresora lógica que apunta hacia varios dispositivos de impresión que trabajan con el mismo controlador. Esta solución permite, en un entorno ...
José Dordoigne, 2004


Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term impresión is used in the context of the following news items.
Sernac oficiará a Colo Colo por el cobro en la impresión de sus ...
Sernac oficiará a Colo Colo por el cobro en la impresión de sus entradas. Los hinchas que adquieren boletos deben pagar $1.000 pesos extras, además del ... «LaTercera, Aug 16»
Una empresa cordobesa lleva por primera vez la impresión 3D a la ...
Según informan desde la entidad, la impresión 3D se había aplicado hasta ahora a sectores relacionados con la investigación o el desarrollo tecnológico ... «, Aug 16»
Inicia impresión de boletas elecciones de comités ciudadanos
Inició la impresión de las boletas y papeletas que se usarán en las más de dos mil 464 mesas de votación y opinión para el 4 de septiembre. Foto tomada de @ ... «La Jornada en linea, Aug 16»
Así es como la impresión 3D le ha dado una nueva mandíbula a ...
Sin duda la medicina es la disciplina que más beneficios ha encontrado en la impresión 3D, ya que hemos visto desde bases y componentes para prótesis ... «Xataka, Jul 16»
La impresión 3D revoluciona la industria
La impresión 3D no es futuro, sino presente. Este nuevo método de producción de objetos ha dejado de ser un paradigma para convertirse en una realidad que ... «El Periódico, Jun 16»
HP diseña en Sant Cugat la primera impresora 3D preparada para ...
El futuro de la impresión 3D industrial, una tecnología destinada a revolucionar el sector, se diseña en Catalunya. HP, firma líder mundial en diversos campos ... «El Periódico, Jun 16»
La impresión 3D logra un nuevo hito: la primera oficina operativa ...
El proyecto inicial apuntaba a un área de 600 metros cuadrados, pero finalmente fueron 823 metros, todo creado con una increíble impresora 3D de 36,5 ... «Xataka, May 16»
Cómo causar una excelente impresión en una entrevista laboral
Aunque es tentador pensar que tu encanto natural es suficiente para crear una primera impresión que deje sin palabras a tu entrevistador, hay algunos errores ... «El Comercio, May 16»
HP lanza el primer sistema de impresión 3D preparado para la ...
HP ha presentado este martes en Orlando (Florida) el primer sistema de impresión 3D profesional del mundo preparado para la producción: la HP Jet Fusion ... «, May 16»
Samsung añade software de digitalización a su oferta de impresión
Samsung venderá las soluciones Equitrac, AutoStore y SafeCom de Nuance para complementar su portfolio de soluciones documentales y de impresión. «TICbeat, Apr 16»


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