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" Mi deber no depende del de otro, y he de cumplir con el mío, pese a su olvido."
Pierre Corneille

Significado de "otro" en el diccionario de español



La palabra otro procede del latín altĕrum, acusativo de alter.
Se denomina etimología al estudio del origen de la palabras y sus cambios estructurales y de significado.


o · tro

Otro es una palabra llana de 2 sílabas.
Las palabras llanas van acentuadas en la penúltima sílaba.


Otro puede actuar como un sustantivo y un adjetivo.
El nombre o sustantivo es aquel tipo de palabras cuyo significado determina la realidad. Los sustantivos nombran todas las cosas: personas, objetos, sensaciones, sentimientos, etc.

El adjetivo es la palabra que acompaña al nombre para determinarlo o calificarlo.



Otro o El Otro es un término técnico utilizado en la filosofía, el psicoanálisis y la antropología. El Otro u Otro constitutivo constituye un concepto clave de la filosofía continental. Es una idea opuesta a la identidad y se refiere, o se intenta referir, a aquello que es «otro» frente a la idea de ser considerado algo. El Otro, considerado siempre como algo diferente, alude a otro individuo más que a uno mismo y normalmente se escribe en mayúsculas.

definición de otro en el diccionario español

La definición de otro en el diccionario castellano es dicho de una persona o de una cosa: Distinta de aquella de que se habla. Otro significado de otro en el diccionario es también dicho de una persona: Distinta de la que habla o piensa.


adentro · castro · centro · cuatro · dentro · electro · encuentro · entro · filtro · maestro · metro · ministro · nitro · nuestro · registro · retro · rostro · suministro · teatro · vuestro


otorragia · otorrea · otorrino · otorrinolaringóloga · otorrinolaringología · otorrinolaringólogo · otosclerosis · otoscopia · otoscopio · otra · otramente · otraño · otre · otredad · otri · otrora · otrosí · otubre · otumbeña · otumbeño


anfiteatro · antro · árbitro · astro · catastro · claustro · diámetro · espectro · fieltro · kilómetro · litro · neutro · parámetro · potro · rastro · reencuentro · secuestro · siniestro · veinticuatro · viceministro

Sinónimos y antónimos de otro en el diccionario español de sinónimos



Las siguientes palabras tienen un significado similar o idéntico a «otro» y pertenecen a la misma categoría gramatical.


Las siguientes palabras significan lo contrario que «otro» y también pertenecen a la misma categoría gramatical.


otro · ajeno · demás · diferente · distinto · tercero · igual · mismo · barrio · cosa · jueves · alguien · mundo · otro · término · técnico · utilizado · filosofía · psicoanálisis · antropología · constitutivo · constituye · concepto · clave · continental · dicho · persona · distinta · aquella · habla · también · piensa · lado · espejo · aún · partir · vanguardias · siglo · deudoras · búsqueda · racional · artificial · infancia · prejuicios · obra · lewis · carroll · paso · obligado · para · formación · nuevo · hombre · moderno · adulto · angustia · deseo · ante · afirma · lacan · única · traducción · subjetiva · objeto · falta · tanto · causa · todo ·

Traductor en línea con la traducción de otro a 25 idiomas



Conoce la traducción de otro a 25 idiomas con nuestro traductor multilingüe.

Las traducciones de otro presentadas en esta sección han sido obtenidas mediante traducción automática estadística a partir del idioma español.

En el siguiente apartado puedes consultar las traducciones de otro en el diccionario español-inglés así como el contexto en el que se emplean habitualmente mediante ejemplos de uso.

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1.325 millones de hablantes


570 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - inglés

510 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - hindi

380 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - árabe

280 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - ruso

278 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - portugués

270 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - bengalí

260 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - francés

220 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - malayo

190 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - alemán

180 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - japonés

130 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - coreano

85 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - javanés

85 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - vietnamita

80 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - tamil

75 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - maratí

75 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - turco

70 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - italiano

65 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - polaco

50 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - ucraniano

40 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - rumano

30 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - griego

15 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - afrikáans

14 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - sueco

10 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - noruego

5 millones de hablantes


Conoce las traducciones de otro en inglés y el contexto en el que se emplean habitualmente mediante ejemplos de uso.

  alternate ; another ; neighbour [neighbor, -USA] ; other.
 Libraries which are not dependent upon the Library of Congress for cataloging copy are free to use the alternate rule.
 Yet another variable factor is the growing presence of full text data bases.
 In most search statements or document profiles it is possible to designate certain concepts as being more significant than their neighbours.
 Use is still low with c100 requests per year for safety-related information but only c20 other requests.
a costa de otro 
at someone else's expense
 The article is entitled 'How to promote the library at someone else's expense'.
a costa de otros 
at other people's expense
 Serial swindler Kenneth Broad was this afternoon jailed for 15 months bringing to an end a playboy lifestyle lived at other people's expense.
actuar de otro modo 
do + otherwise
 The computer operates by indexing under every word with which it is provided unless expressly instructed to do otherwise.
a cuenta de otro 
at someone else's expense
 The article is entitled 'How to promote the library at someone else's expense'.
a cuenta de otros 
at other people's expense
 Serial swindler Kenneth Broad was this afternoon jailed for 15 months bringing to an end a playboy lifestyle lived at other people's expense.
además de otras cosas 
quite apart from anything else
 Quite apart from anything else, it is drearily boring, the tedium exacerbated by the grating monotony of Stein's voice.
además otro(s) 
still (an)other(s)
 Still another librarian includes the Website address as part of her e-mail signature = Además, otra bibliotecaria incluye la dirección de la página web en su firma de correo electrónico.
a expensas de otro 
at someone else's expense
 The article is entitled 'How to promote the library at someone else's expense'.
a expensas de otros 
at other people's expense
 Serial swindler Kenneth Broad was this afternoon jailed for 15 months bringing to an end a playboy lifestyle lived at other people's expense.
ahorrar Algo para otra vez 
put aside for + a rainy day
 A fifth of Britons admit to having no savings whatsoever while only just over a third of adults had less than £500 put aside for a rainy day = Una quinta parte de los británicos dice que no tienen ningún tipo de ahorro mientras que un poco más de un tercio tiene menos de 500 libras ahorradas para cuando lleguen tiempos difíciles.
alguna que otra vez     
from time to time
every once in a while
every now and then
every now and again
 From time to time it may be necessary to consult external references sources in order for the indexer to achieve a sufficient understanding of the document content for effective indexing.
 It does help to every once in a while ask where we came from and where we are going as a library.
 BLAISE conduct the occasional search for those libraries which do not have access to a terminal.
 I can walk on that foot, but as you described, every now and then without warning, the foot and ankle give way.
 Every now and again, someone gets the fame they deserve.
algunos lo aman, otros lo odian 
love it or loathe it
 Love it or loathe it, clay court tennis is the modern surface in Europe.
algunos otros + Nombre 
various other + Nombre
 More recently, organisation of literature has been recognized as important in business and management, the social sciences, economics, and various other areas within the arts and humanities.
al otro lado del atlántico 
across the pond
 To see what a difference government policies can make, all we have to do is look across the pond (either one) to Europe or Japan.
al otro lado del charco 
across the pond
 To see what a difference government policies can make, all we have to do is look across the pond (either one) to Europe or Japan.
al otro lado del océano 
across the pond
 To see what a difference government policies can make, all we have to do is look across the pond (either one) to Europe or Japan.
alternar de un estado a otro 
 To change back and forth, or 'toggle' between the insert and overwrite modes, press the <Ins> key successively.
andar de un lado para otro 
go about
 The police thought he was mental and arrested him when he was going about in his birthday suit.
andar de un sitio para otro 
go about
 The police thought he was mental and arrested him when he was going about in his birthday suit.
aprender el uno del otro 
learn from + one another
 Often the intention has been for the institutions to complement one another and to learn from one another.
a uno y otro lado de 
on either side of
 An alternative form of hose, probably invented in Holland in the earlier seventeenth century, took the form of an iron yoke on either side of the spindle in place of the wooden box = Una forma alternativa de matriz, inventada probablemente en Holanda a comienzos del siglo XVII, consistía en un yugo de hierro a ambos lados del husillo en lugar del cajón de madera.
cambiar de una vez a otra 
change from + time to time
 Duties of the post may be varied, and or changed, from time to time as required.
cercano uno del otro 
in close proximity
 Resource sharing and cooperation among libraries of like interest or in close proximity is a way of counteracting these consequences.
cerca uno del otro 
in close proximity
 Resource sharing and cooperation among libraries of like interest or in close proximity is a way of counteracting these consequences.
como + Nombre + no hay otro  
be one of a kind
be one in a million
 She was one of a kind and we were fortunate to have had the chance to make music with her.
 He changed my life forever and I will never forget him, he truly was one in a million.
continuar la labor de otros  [Expresión que parece haber sido utilizada por el poeta romano Lucano nacido Córdoba por primera vez y luego atribuida a Newton y otros]
stand on + the shoulders of giants
 The article is entitled 'Standing on the shoulders of giants: from Boole to Shannon to Taube: the origins and development of computerized information from the mid-19th century to the present'.
con una mano delante y otra detrás    
 Now he lives penniless near a beautiful lake surrounded by rainforest and teeming with waterfowl.
 The article is entitled 'Tough luck: To be a professional sport climber in America probably means you're broke, fed up and still no match for the foreign competition'.
 How does it feel to be skint in a world that seems to be obsessed with money and riches?.
 Nature meant him for a slipshod, shambling Bohemian - happy, out-at-the-elbows, always in debt, always irresponsible, and always pursued by duns and bailiffs.
cualquier otra cosa 
whatever else
 Mainstream media tends to focus on the negative, on the sensational, and nearly all of that catastrophic - hurricanes and nuclear war and terrorism and whatever else.
cualquier otro 
you name it
 To introduce a little vulgarity, it would be absolutely hell on browsers were all the works by Agatha Christie or Dorothy Sayers or Dashiell Hammett or you name it, entered individually by their title.
da lo mismo una cosa que otra 
six of one (and) half a dozen of the other
 It may be six of one and half a dozen of the other genetically, but socially these are not interchangeable relationships.
de esto, de lo otro y de lo de más allá 
about this and that and everything else
 They talked for a good half hour about this and that and everything else while their boys played.
de esto y de lo otro 
about this and that
 They all met in the cafes to argue about this and that, to discuss their work, politics and philosophy.
déjame que lo explique de otra manera 
let me put it another way
 Let me put it another way - all dogs have this basic desire to please their owners and receive attention from them.
de la otra forma 
the other way (a)round
 In France and Germany it was usual to lay 4 formes on the press the other way round.
de la otra manera 
the other way (a)round
 In France and Germany it was usual to lay 4 formes on the press the other way round.
del otro modo 
the other way (a)round
 In France and Germany it was usual to lay 4 formes on the press the other way round.
de otro mundo 
 It's well documented that meditation and yoga lead to contact with unworldly forces of evil.
de otros tiempos 
of yore
 Ironically, today's catalogs have gone full circle back to the book catalogs of yore, with each work having only one complete catalog entry = Paradójicamente, los catálogos de hoy día han vuelto a los catálogos en forma de libro de antaño, en los que cada documento tenía un único asiento catalográfico completo.
de otro tiempo 
of yore
 Ironically, today's catalogs have gone full circle back to the book catalogs of yore, with each work having only one complete catalog entry = Paradójicamente, los catálogos de hoy día han vuelto a los catálogos en forma de libro de antaño, en los que cada documento tenía un único asiento catalográfico completo.
de parte de otro 
on behalf of someone else
 Taylor and Johnson's figure of 11.3 per cent of users being there 'on behalf of someone else' raises a point which is all too seldom discussed as a feature of the public library service.
desde un extremo al otro 
from one end ... to the other
 In vain I walked from one end of London to the other, and trod the 'stony-hearted streets' from morning to night, day after day.
desproporcionado uno con otro 
 He glanced casually at the ill-balanced frontages of the buildings ahead that stretched on and on until they melded in an indistinguishable mass of gray at Laurence Street.
de una forma u otra   
in some form or other
in one form or another
in some form or another
 Consumer advice has been a rather late arrival on the scene in Britain considering that everyone is a consumer of goods and services in some form or other.
 In one form or another, cashiers have been around for thousands of years.
 Here's five famous literary works which were, in some form or another, bowdlerised by publishers on their initial release.
de una lado para otro  
on the move
to and fro
 This article considers use of Internet electronic mail forwarding services to solve the problem faced by Internet users who are constantly on the move or changing Internet providers.
 Around and around she went, becoming disoriented and losing her bearings, buffeted to and fro by the awesome power of Mother Nature.
de una manera u otra  
in some form or another
in some form or other
 Here's five famous literary works which were, in some form or another, bowdlerised by publishers on their initial release.
 Consumer advice has been a rather late arrival on the scene in Britain considering that everyone is a consumer of goods and services in some form or other.
de una parte a otra 
back and forth
 He informed me last spring that he was dedicating 30% of his budget to bussing all his staff back and forth each day.
de una punta a la otra   
from head to toe
from head to foot
from nose to tail
 This exhibition features objects worn from head to toe and is divided into sections representing different accessories, cultures, and periods.
 The child was covered with scabies from head to foot, had fungal infection, was severely dehydrated and was suffering from septicaemia.
 Mice are fastidious, regularly cleansing their bodies from nose to tail.
de una punta a otra 
end to end
 Next morning the heap, now damp right through, was set up on one end of the horse (later called the bank), a bench long enough to take two piles of paper end to end, and about as high as the coffin of the press.
de un + Expresión Temporal + a otro 
from one + Expresión Temporal + to the next
 There were abrupt fluctuations in his output from one week to the next.
de un extremo al otro  
from the ridiculous to the sublime
from the sublime to the ridiculous
 Within, you will find a pleathora of gadgets and gizmos, ranging from the ridiculous to the sublime.
 As the familiar saying goes, 'From the sublime to the ridiculous is but a step'.
de un modo u otro    
some way
in some form or another
in some form or other
 If there is one, the borrower must be notified, and the copy somehow put aside for that borrower for a limited amount of time.
 Somehow, some way, officials were getting early evacuees out of harm's way as Hurricane Gustav bore down on the central Louisiana coast.
 Here's five famous literary works which were, in some form or another, bowdlerised by publishers on their initial release.
 Consumer advice has been a rather late arrival on the scene in Britain considering that everyone is a consumer of goods and services in some form or other.
de un momento a otro  
at any moment
 Regular service will be resumed momentarily.
 In conversing with her you hadn't got to tread lightly and warily, lest at any moment you might rupture the relationship, and tumble into eternal disgrace.
de uno a otro 
 Citations can be used across documents irrespective of the language of the source or cited document.
de un sitio a otro 
back and forth
 He informed me last spring that he was dedicating 30% of his budget to bussing all his staff back and forth each day.
de un sitio para otro 
on the move
 This article considers use of Internet electronic mail forwarding services to solve the problem faced by Internet users who are constantly on the move or changing Internet providers.
de un tipo u otro 
of one kind or another
 Reprographic equipment of one kind or another is to be found in practically every library.
dicho de otro modo 
said differently
 Said differently, the public access technology adoption curve seems to be in the process of leveling = Dicho de otro modo, la curva de adopción de tecnología para el acceso público comienza a nivelarse.
el consejo de otra person 
a second opinion
 Find out why you need a second opinion, when to get a second opinion, and why it may be a matter of life and death.
el siguiente no, el otro 
next but one
 All countries hate their immediate neighbors and like the next but one.
el uno con el otro 
each other
 Because this style of catalogue attempts to group documents which are related to each other by having the same author this type of catalogue is sometimes referred to as a bibliographic catalogue.
en cualquier otra circunstancia 
in any other circumstances
 Deposits, registration and tuition fees and examination fees are non refundable in any other circumstances.
en cualquier otra parte  
anywhere else
everywhere else
 The answer was that it could be imported but that it was often no more plentiful anywhere else in the institution than in SLIS.
 What bothers me is we are very quick as a people to recognize racism everywhere else except the one place that truly affects all of us.
en cualquier otra situación 
in any other circumstances
 Deposits, registration and tuition fees and examination fees are non refundable in any other circumstances.
en cualquier otro lugar  
anywhere else
everywhere else
 The answer was that it could be imported but that it was often no more plentiful anywhere else in the institution than in SLIS.
 What bothers me is we are very quick as a people to recognize racism everywhere else except the one place that truly affects all of us.
en cualquier otro momento 
some other time
 We'll go into that some other time.
en cualquier otro sitio 
anywhere else
 The answer was that it could be imported but that it was often no more plentiful anywhere else in the institution than in SLIS.
en el otro extremo 
at the other extreme
 At the other extreme is Mises, who describes economic theory as an essential element in the structure of human civilization.
en el otro extremo de la escala 
at the other extreme
 At the other extreme is Mises, who describes economic theory as an essential element in the structure of human civilization.
en lugar de otro 
 Biographies enable the reader to look into, and even share vicariously in, the life of an interesting person.
en otra categoría 
on a different plane
 For others, like Ernest Hemingway, alcohol was a way to place the mind on a different plane after writing all day at a desk.
en otra escala 
on a different plane
 For others, like Ernest Hemingway, alcohol was a way to place the mind on a different plane after writing all day at a desk.
en otra parte 
further afield
 The number of users of mobile libraries is falling because of improved transport facilities which allow users to visit library services further afield.
en otras circunstancias 
in other circumstances
 As a result of its use in math, X is often used to represent unknowns in other circumstances.
en otras palabras 
which is to say
 When you are unemployed, which is to say when you are underfed, harassed, bored, and miserable, you don't want to eat dull wholesome food.
en otras situaciones 
in other circumstances
 As a result of its use in math, X is often used to represent unknowns in other circumstances.
en otro nivel 
on a different plane
 For others, like Ernest Hemingway, alcohol was a way to place the mind on a different plane after writing all day at a desk.
en otro orden de cosas       
on another topic
as for
as regards
on another matter
on another note
on other matters
 On another topic, how much trust and confidence do you have at this time in your mayor and city council, when it comes to handling city problems?.
 As for the future, the technology already exists for interfacing head-end computers on cable television systems with online catalog computers so that television sets can be employed to access catalogs.
 Practice as regards integration varies considerably.
 Meanwhile in 1951, the Library Association reconstituted its Catalogue Code Revision Committee and started discussion.
 On another matter, in many cases it is cheaper to pay workers for overtime than it is to hire more people.
 On another note, if a child is bilingual, it is very difficult to make him fluent in both languages.
 On other matters, it appears that our server was down again this morning.
en otro sitio 
down the road
 You can very frequently go into a large library and have extreme difficulty finding somebody to help you because there are 40 people sitting out in back doing something which somebody else is doing down the road.
en otros tiempos    
in days of yore
in times of yore
in days of old
in days gone by
 The bogeymen that lived under our beds in days of yore don't seem as frightening as those who reside, whether recognized by the children or not, under the beds of today's generation.
 In times of yore, the umbrella was part of the royal regalia, or symbol of rank.
 In days of old, most toilet facilities weren't exactly commodious.
 The lit-up computer screen is now our symbol of knowledge and power, omnipresent and omniscient as the eye of almighty God in days gone by.
en otro tiempo   
in days of yore
in times of yore
in days of old
 The bogeymen that lived under our beds in days of yore don't seem as frightening as those who reside, whether recognized by the children or not, under the beds of today's generation.
 In times of yore, the umbrella was part of the royal regalia, or symbol of rank.
 In days of old, most toilet facilities weren't exactly commodious.
entrar por un oído y salir por el otro 
go in + one ear and out the other
 I've even had friends and relatives talk with her and give her advice but it all goes in one ear and out the other.
entre otras cosas  
for one thing
inter alia
 Actually, it's more than that; for one thing, it gives Lily chest congestion.
 A national bibliographic agency is the agency designated as having responsibility, inter alia, for establishing the authoritative form of names for its country's authors.
entre otras (muchas) cosas 
among (many) other things
 The microcomputer also has, among other things, a clock device which synchronizes all the various high speed operations, so that they do not get out of step.
entre otros  
amongst others
among others
 The conference is known for its friendly atmosphere and welcomes developers and users of digital resources from, amongst others, universities, libraries, archives, and museums.
 Information retrieval is well represented, and there are headings for Religions and Religious buildings, Literature, Musical instruments and Drama, among others.
estar hecho el uno para el otro   
be well suited to each other
be two of a kind
be a right pair
 This booklet covers methods to make a marriage work, why many marriages fail, how to determine if partners are well suited to each other, and how to save a failing marriage.
 On the surface, they're like oil and water, but deep down, they're two of a kind.
 They're a right pair, always getting into trouble with the family with whom they live.
estudiante proveniente de otra universidad 
transfer student
 Those alternatives call for the tapping of new pools of potential students: high school graduates who are nonattenders; college dropouts; transfer students from two-year colleges; adults.
guardar Algo para otra vez 
save for + a rainy day
 Americans have stopped saving for a rainy day, living paycheck to paycheck and depending on credit cards to get them through emergencies = Los americanos han dejado de ahorrar para cuando lleguen tiempos difíciles, viviendo al día y dependiendo de las tarjetas de crédito para ayudarles a superar las emergencias.
hecho el uno para el otro 
made for each other
 The article is entitled 'The perfect match - parasite & host: made for each other'.
inspirado en otros 
 The author concludes that the scientific journal market may not mirror the copycat behaviour found among newspapers or companies in other markets.
ir de un lado para otro 
run around
 This saves clients' time in running around and lessens the possibility of them 'dropping out'.
ir de un sitio a otro  
shunt between
go about
 Till then, he will continue living out of a suitcase and shunt between the two continents.
 The police thought he was mental and arrested him when he was going about in his birthday suit.
ir de un sitio para otro 
run around
 This saves clients' time in running around and lessens the possibility of them 'dropping out'.
ir uno tras otro juntos  
be nose to tail
be bumper to bumper
 Cars are nose to tail, buyers elbow their way through the crowd, having no idea, that shopping in the unique city of Venice is as chicly as in Milan.
 Cars were bumper to bumper, and people were so thick on the sidewalks that one could hardly walk.
ir uno tras otro pegados  
be nose to tail
be bumper to bumper
 Cars are nose to tail, buyers elbow their way through the crowd, having no idea, that shopping in the unique city of Venice is as chicly as in Milan.
 Cars were bumper to bumper, and people were so thick on the sidewalks that one could hardly walk.
la opinión de otra persona 
a second opinion
 Find out why you need a second opinion, when to get a second opinion, and why it may be a matter of life and death.
la otra cara de la moneda  
the other side of the coin
the flip side of the coin
 Leadership is the other side of the coin of loneliness, and he who is a leader must always act alone.
 The flip side of the coin is that the rich believe that they also deserve their fabulous wealth.
lejos el uno del otro 
far apart
 But there is no advantage to having men's and ladies' rooms far apart, since they are used by different people, so they are almost always next to each other.
lo otro  [Aquello que no es lo que uno es o conoce]
 We find it hard to make lively connections with books that are about the less familiar or the otherness of life.
lo que se gana por un lado se pierde por otro 
swings and roundabouts
 It is all swings and roundabouts: It has been claimed that new products designed to tackle Internet security issues will bring their own problems.
lo que se pierda en una cosa se gana en la otra 
what you lose on the swings you gain on the roundabouts
 The expression expression 'What you lose on the swings, you gain on the roundabouts' is an apt summary of the tradeoffs between paper and online publication.
los otros con los que aparece(n) 
neighbours [neighbors, -USA]
 In most search statements or document profiles it is possible to designate certain concepts as being more significant than their neighbours.
los unos a costa de los otros 
at each other's expense
 This article looks at 'fairness' in the book trade today, and some of the tawdry tricks indulged in by publishers, agents and authors at each other's expense.
lo uno es tan malo como lo otro 
one is as bad as the other
 It's either successful or the world will have to choose between Microsoft or piracy and one is as bad as the other.
lo voy a explicar de otra manera 
let me put it another way
 Let me put it another way - all dogs have this basic desire to please their owners and receive attention from them.
mapa que se inserta en otro documento 
inclusion map
 The findings, in the form of inclusion maps (resulting from multidimensional scaling and cluster analysis), provide new insights into geophysics national activity.
meterse el uno con el otro 
tease + each other
 Left to their own devices, the kids have been spending most of their time video gaming, teasing each other, and pestering the dogs.
mirar al otro lado 
look + the other way
 'Catching 10' while the supervisor is looking the other way is both a salve to the tired body & a little act of opposition.
mirar en otra dirección 
look + the other way
 'Catching 10' while the supervisor is looking the other way is both a salve to the tired body & a little act of opposition.
mirar hacia otro lado  
turn away + Posesivo + face
look + the other way
 The spectacle of two young women giving breast to their babies made her blush and turn away her face.
 'Catching 10' while the supervisor is looking the other way is both a salve to the tired body & a little act of opposition.
ni lo uno ni lo otro 
 If the spot stays yellow the paper is decidedly acid; an in-between colour (green, grey, grey-green, yellow-green) indicates mild acidity; while if the spot goes purple, the paper is near-neutral or alkaline.
ninguna otra persona 
no one else
 DOBIS/LIBIS does not get a new document number, but reserves this document for you, so that no one else can change it while you are working on it.
ningún otro 
no other
 No other bibliographic records or copies anywhere in the network may have the same numbers.
ni una cosa ni la otra  
betwixt and between
 If the spot stays yellow the paper is decidedly acid; an in-between colour (green, grey, grey-green, yellow-green) indicates mild acidity; while if the spot goes purple, the paper is near-neutral or alkaline.
 The villages live betwixt and between the nomadic pastoral culture of the interior and seafaring culture of the coast.
no ser nada del otro mundo    
be no great shakes
be nothing to shout about
be nothing to write home (to mom) about
be not much cop
 My friends read my books not because they think I am any great shakes as a writer but simply because they know me.
 The rooms are nothing to shout about, but it's a friendly place and has one of the neighborhood's best restaurants.
 He really does not have that great of a voice and his looks are nothing to write home to mom about.
 They are held in contempt by motor racing types because they are not much cop on circuits.
no ser ni una cosa ni otra 
fall between + two stools
 The article is entitled 'ADONIS: a happy medium or falling between two stools'.
no tener otra alternativa 
have + no choice
 While there were certainly people who stayed behind by choice, most stayed behind because they had no choice.
no tener otra opción 
have + no choice
 While there were certainly people who stayed behind by choice, most stayed behind because they had no choice.
no tener otro objetivo que el de 
have + no other purpose than
 As a reader of books, I am frequently irritated by 'introductions', which appear to me to have no other purpose that to hinder me from getting into the meat of the text.
ofrecer la otra mejilla 
turn + the other cheek
 A mining company today, regardless of size, must be alert and knowledgeable and willing to give and occasionally 'turn the other cheek'.
organismo que actúa en representación de otros 
 The whole of this service is designed as an umbrella to support the regional networks of library provision.
¡otra!  [Grito normalmente usado en una actuación musical para pedir otra interpretación]
 The article 'Encore! Integrating children's literature as a prelude or finale to music experiences with young children' shows how teachers and library specialists can integrate children's literature about song, dance, or musical instruments in music classes.
otra cara de + Nombre, la  [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo]
flip side of + Nombre, the
 Her paper was titled 'The flip side of faculty status'.
otra cara, la 
flip side, the
 Flat television screens come with pre-drilled holes on the flip side.
otra cosa 
something else
 In particular, when one command means one thing in one system and something else in another system this is likely to lead to confusion.
otra cosa que no sea 
anything other than
 With the exception of trailer libraries, mobile library stops are usually of too short a duration to allow for anything other than book lending transaction.
otra persona   
somebody else
someone else
somebody else, not me
 You can very frequently go into a large library and have extreme difficulty finding somebody to help you because there are 40 people sitting out in back doing something which somebody else is doing down the road.
 The searcher is an information worker trying to extract documents or information on behalf of someone else.
 If you want somebody to do that, you get somebody else, not me.
otra posibilidad 
as an alternative
 The classification for Law compiled by E Moys has been suggested as an alternative.
otra posibilidad es  [Abreviado a FWIW in correos electrónicos]
for what it's worth [FWIW]
 For what it's worth, you can greatly extend the range by using an antenna.
otra posibilidad es que 
 Alternatively new subjects can be inserted by decimal subdivision.
otra posibilidad + ser 
another possibility + be
 Another possibility is for university libraries and campus bookshops to collaborate in offering a buy or borrow option to library users.
otra taza de té o café 
refill [re-fill]
 Bogardus poured a cup of coffee, plugged the pot back in so that refills would be ready and joined the other staff members around the table.
otra vez    
once again
once more
 Smaller libraries may increasingly use the Concise AACR2, and here again the recommendations are not always precisely consistent with AACR2.
 If this is the first time you are using DOBIS/LIBIS the field for your password is empty and you should skip over it by pressing the tabulator key once again.
 Read section 10 once more and reconsider the question.
 'Sleepless nights redux' is a follow-up article to a presentation on book and serial acquisitions entitled 'Things that keep me awake at night'.
otra vida, la 
afterlife [after-life]
 Acceptance of the belief in an afterlife shows a slight decrease when the findings are compared with those of earlier studies = La aceptación de la creencia de que existe la vida después de la muerte muestra un ligero descenso si se compara con los resultados de estudios anteriores.
otro agujero, el 
wrong hole, the
 It's a common accident during doggy style sex to stick your wood in the wrong hole.
otro bueno + Nombre 
the next best + Nombre
 The next best feature would be to show the summary of domains that link to the page and then the details.
otro ejemplar  [Segunda o tercera copia de un documento que la biblioteca adquiere]
additional copy
 50 titles of popular books were purchased from a prebinder and 2 additional copies of each title were purchased in paperback.
otro mundo, el     
afterworld, the
land of the dead, the
hereafter, the
afterlife [after-life]
 Egyptians preserved dead bodies through mummification so that the soul could again inhabit the body in the afterworld.
 I surmise that Slake will start in the hard-edged reality of modern urban life before sliding ineluctably into the darkling land of hereafter.
 Having journeyed to the ends of the earth and the land of the dead, Heracles could therefore suggest closing down the Eleusian mysteries.
 Belief in the hereafter is one of the six pillars of Islamic belief required of a Muslim in order to complete his faith.
 Acceptance of the belief in an afterlife shows a slight decrease when the findings are compared with those of earlier studies = La aceptación de la creencia de que existe la vida después de la muerte muestra un ligero descenso si se compara con los resultados de estudios anteriores.
otro + Nombre + más  
further + Nombre
yet another + Nombre
 A further problem which is particularly apparent in music cataloguing is the definitions of a 'work'.
 Yet another variable factor is the growing presence of full text data bases.
otro paso más hacia + Posesivo + destrucción 
another nail in + Posesivo + coffin
 In the long run this is another nail in his coffin and a severe dent for Britain within the EU.
otros cuantos 
several other
 This was a spur to several other London boroughs who set up shop-front consumer advice centres from 1972.
otros tantos 
as many
 For example, the Director of the United Kingdom electronic libraries programme, notes over eighteen such new services in one library system, and my own library could quote probably as many.
para otra ocasión 
for future reference
 Call it what you want but for future reference it may be best to name it according to its function.
pasar de uno a otro 
change back and forth
 To change back and forth, or 'toggle' between the insert and overwrite modes, press the <Ins> key successively.
pasar de un sitio a otro  [Tiempo pasado travelled-UK/traveled-USA, participio presente travelling-UK/traveling-US]
 This, incidentally, is one area where North American software does not travel well: UK post-codes will not fit into fields designed for US zip codes.
pero por otra parte 
but then again
 But then again, there are thousands of such ditses out there that need mental help.
pero por otro lado 
but then again
 But then again, there are thousands of such ditses out there that need mental help.
poner la otra mejilla 
turn + the other cheek
 A mining company today, regardless of size, must be alert and knowledgeable and willing to give and occasionally 'turn the other cheek'.
ponerlo de otra manera 
put it + in a different way
 Other reports put it in a different way, saying that one out of every ten male children born today in China will never find a woman to marry.
por decirlo de otra manera 
to put it another way
 To put it another way, the humanities, although a growing part of the database world, are still a very small part of that world.
por medio de otro(s) 
by proxy
 It is in this way that students gain experience by proxy and get a feel for handling problems in the flesh-and-blood world.
por otra parte   
on the flip side
on the flip side of the coin
on the other side of the coin
 On the flip side, jaywalking laws really are absolutely ridiculous anyway.
 On the flip side of the coin, Muslims burn bibles in Muslim countries without fear of retaliation.
 On the other side of the coin, the granting of a right also means the possibility of obligation.
por otro lado        
on the other hand
on the flip side
on another topic
on another matter
on another note
on other matters
on the other side of the coin
on the flip side of the coin
 The nature of the information, on the other hand, may determine its inclusion in a special collection of statistics or quick reference materials.
 On the flip side, jaywalking laws really are absolutely ridiculous anyway.
 On another topic, how much trust and confidence do you have at this time in your mayor and city council, when it comes to handling city problems?.
 On another matter, in many cases it is cheaper to pay workers for overtime than it is to hire more people.
 On another note, if a child is bilingual, it is very difficult to make him fluent in both languages.
 On other matters, it appears that our server was down again this morning.
 On the other side of the coin, the granting of a right also means the possibility of obligation.
 On the flip side of the coin, Muslims burn bibles in Muslim countries without fear of retaliation.
por una razón u otra 
for one reason or another
 There are loads of really talented but unqualified people who never get a chance to shine for one reason or another and there are loads of crapsters and bullshitters who land a cushy deal.
préstamo para otra persona 
proxy borrowing
 The importance of proxy borrowing is surely something which should be considered by librarians.
qué otra cosa 
what else
 'You know I'm an easy-going person, but this has made me furious! I don't know what else to do'.
sacar a relucir los trapos sucios delante de otros 
wash + dirty linen in front of others
 'I've always felt that professionals should stick together and not wash their dirty linen in front of others - particularly strangers'.
sensación de no ser ni una cosa ni la otra 
 Asian Americans' experience of marginality is an experience of in-betweenness.
ser complementario el uno del otro 
be integral one to another
 Indexing and searching, then, are integral one to another, and so a few comments on searching are in order here = Por lo tanto, la indización y la búsqueda son complementarios y así pues es pertinente hacer algunos comentarios aquí sobre la búsqueda.
ser harina de otro costal   
be a whole new (ball) game
be a whole new story
be a different story
 General talk about football is cool, but when it becomes bigoted that's a whole new ball game.
 Travelling on a motorbike is one thing, but when the bike is powered by oil you would normally cook fish and chips in, that's a whole new story.
 Chile survived its huge earthquake relatively well - Iran would be a different story.
ser muy superior a los otros 
be way above all the others
 We had a pretty tight budget but Spector 360 was in the ballpark for us and we felt it was way above all the others when it came to features and benefits.
ser otra historia     
be a whole new (ball) game
be a whole new kettle of fish
be a whole new story
be a different kettle of fish
be a different story
 General talk about football is cool, but when it becomes bigoted that's a whole new ball game.
 Negotiation of a general educational licence for Internet transmissions is obviously a whole new kettle of fish and would take several years.
 Travelling on a motorbike is one thing, but when the bike is powered by oil you would normally cook fish and chips in, that's a whole new story.
 Rumors are one thing - confirmation from a highly placed advisor to the government should be a different kettle of fish, altogether.
 Chile survived its huge earthquake relatively well - Iran would be a different story.
ser otro cantar     
be a different kettle of fish
be a whole new (ball) game
be a whole new kettle of fish
be a whole new story
be a different story
 Rumors are one thing - confirmation from a highly placed advisor to the government should be a different kettle of fish, altogether.
 General talk about football is cool, but when it becomes bigoted that's a whole new ball game.
 Negotiation of a general educational licence for Internet transmissions is obviously a whole new kettle of fish and would take several years.
 Travelling on a motorbike is one thing, but when the bike is powered by oil you would normally cook fish and chips in, that's a whole new story.
 Chile survived its huge earthquake relatively well - Iran would be a different story.
ser tan buen momento como cualquier otro 
be as good a time as any
 Now is as good a time as any to get the ball rolling.
ser un momento tan bueno como cualqu 
be as good a time as any
 Now is as good a time as any to get the ball rolling.
sin ningún otro motivo  
(just) for the hell of (doing) it
(just) for the sake of it
 The article is entitled 'A Marshland index - or ìndexing for the hell of it'.
 When they started to eff and blind just for the sake of it, I felt they lost the plot a bit.
tan bueno como ningún otro 
as good as any
 'Ports of Call' is an enchanting, lovely, scary and sad book, as good as any.
todos los otros 
all of the other
 I certainly think there are a lot of reasons why all of the other schools, academic libraries and, I presume, public libraries, too, would want to keep their hands in the cataloging business.
tomar otra decisión 
decision to the contrary
 Unless a conscious decision has been made to the contrary, the abstractor should not introduce any new biases or emphases.
tropezar los unos con los otros 
trip over + each other
 Republicans have been tripping over each other for days trying to get their stories straight on who knew what and when.
una cosa no + tener + nada que ver con la otra 
one thing + have + nothing to do with the other
 But one thing has nothing to do with the other - just because he wears eye make up it has nothing to do with him not being masculine.
una cosa por otra 
one thing for the other
 We could have had the best of both worlds, instead of giving up one thing for the other.
una noche tras otra 
night after night
 His gift was not that he could sing that way, but that he could continue to sing that way night after night without damaging his vocal cords.
una y otra vez      
over and over
time after time
time and time again
again and again
over and over again
 After you have chosen a story you long to tell, read it over and over and then analyse it.
 Figure 5 demonstrates how this technique could be applied repetitively to create the heading, AEROPLANES - STANDARDS - HISTORY - SOURCES.
 These plates can be stored and used again time after time provided they are wiped over with a gum solution after each use to prevent oxydization.
 The reference people time and time again say that the subject catalog, which is based wholeheartedly on the LC subject heading list, is one of the most important things that they use in serving their clientele.
 Not the least remarkable feature of reference work is the way that identical enquiries turn up again and again.
 The practical experience of any librarian at a catalog information desk will confirm this over and over again.
un día sí y otro no 
every other day
 The bottom line of this research is that skipping one meal every day or every other day should slow or prevent the onset of Alzheimer's disease.
un día sí y otro también 
day in and day out
 People with diabetes have to do it every day, day in and day out.
un día tras otro 
day after day
 In vain I walked from one end of London to the other, and trod the 'stony-hearted streets' from morning to night, day after day.
unos con otros 
one another
 In so doing the classifier should group documents in a useful order with respect to one another.
unos de otros 
one another
 In so doing the classifier should group documents in a useful order with respect to one another.
unos encima de los otros 
one on another
 The first thing I did was pile them one on another and then sit on them while I looked at my other presents.
uno tras otro    
one after the other
one after another
in a row
 When the holdings of a periodical are displayed, the various levels of the holdings pyramid are shown one after the other.
 The three main stages of the indexing process need not necessarily be completed sequentially.
 I've seen you try all sorts of things, one after another, and heard all sorts of grumbling about the skirts not being starched enough.
 The integrated library systems installed in Canandian libraries are surveyed for the 3rd year in a row.
uno u otro 
one or another
 For a year or two, any wholesome grass-roots group, aiming at anything from wholemeal bread to revolution, would tap one public agency or another.
vivir en otro mundo  
live in + cloud cuckoo land
be in cloud cuckoo land
 He argued that those who believe the status quo is the best way forward for sustainable development were living in cloud cuckoo land.
 There are always those, who, if they cannot see any immediate relationship between what is being taught and the present state of practice, declare that the schools of librarianship are 'in cloud cuckoo land' or some other improbable location.
y además otro(s) 
still (an)other(s)
 Still another librarian includes the Website address as part of her e-mail signature = Además, otra bibliotecaria incluye la dirección de la página web en su firma de correo electrónico.
y otros  [Abreviatura que sigue a un nombre y que se utiliza en la mención de responsabilidad cuando hay más de tres personas o entidades corporativas responsables de una obra para indicar que se han omitido los demás nombres]
et al. (et alii)
 If a single statement of responsibility names more than three persons or corporate bodies performing the same function, omit all but the first of each group of such persons or bodies and indicate the omission by the mark of omission (...) and add 'et al.' in square brackets.
y otro(s) 
still (an)other(s)
 Still another librarian includes the Website address as part of her e-mail signature = Además, otra bibliotecaria incluye la dirección de la página web en su firma de correo electrónico.

Tendencias de uso de la palabra otro



Principales tendencias de búsqueda y usos comunes de otro
Listado de las príncipales búsquedas realizadas por los usuarios para acceder a nuestro diccionario de español en línea y expresiones más usadas con la palabra «otro».

Citas, bibliografía en español y actualidad sobre otro



Citas y frases célebres con la palabra otro.
Blaise Pascal
Los hombres son tan necesariamente locos que sería estar loco, con otro género de locura, no estar loco.
Fiódor Dostoievski
En nuestro planeta sólo podemos amar sufriendo y a través del dolor. No sabemos amar de otro modo ni conocemos otra clase de amor.
Henri Bordeaux
Durante la juventud creemos amar; pero sólo cuando hemos envejecido en compañía de otro, conocemos la fuerza del amor.
Johann W. Goethe
«Divide y manda»: ¡sabio consejo!; «une y guía»: ¡otro lema mucho mejor!
Jorge Manrique
Este mundo es el camino para el otro, que es morada sin pesar; mas cumple tener buen tino para andar esta jornada sin errar.
Michel E. De Montaigne
Tantos millones de hombres enterrados antes que nosotros nos animan a no temer al ir a encontrar tan buena compañía en el otro mundo.
Oscar Wilde
Los artistas, como los dioses griegos, se revelan solamente el uno al otro.
Pierre Corneille
Mi deber no depende del de otro, y he de cumplir con el mío, pese a su olvido.
Proverbio Chino
Hay un tiempo para ir de pesca y otro para secar las redes.
Saint-John Perse
La democracia, más que cualquier otro régimen, exige el ejercicio de la autoridad.


Recopilación de refranes del refranero popular español con el término otro.
Alguno está en el escaño, que a sí no aprovecha y a otro hace daño.
Lo que otro suda, a mí poco me dura.
Ojo no se ve a sí, y ve a otro.
Que va a Santa Coloma, en un año va y en otro torna.
Un clavo saca a otro clavo.
A quien Dios quiere para rico hasta la mujer le pare hijos de otro.
Al amigo reconciliado, con un ojo abierto y el otro cerrado.
Burlas que son veras, otro las quiera.
Cántaro roto, no sufre más remiendo que comprar otro.
Chica es del diablo la capa, y cuando tapa por un lado, por el otro destapa.
Los refranes recogen el saber popular. Señalan qué actitud conviene adoptar en cada situación, definen la razón de una determinada conducta, extraen las consecuencias de una circunstancia… entrañando en cualquier caso un fin didáctico y aleccionador y convirtiendo la anécdota humana en tema de reflexión.

Los primeros refranes escritos se remontan a la Edad Media y versan sobre todo lo cotidiano (trabajos del campo, la iglesia, los hombres, mujeres, etc…).

Miguel de Cervantes, en Don Quijote de la Mancha escribe: "los refranes son sentencias breves, sacadas de la experiencia y especulación de nuestros antiguos ancianos". Seguirá diciendo Don Quijote sobre la utilidad de los refranes: "cualquiera de los que has dicho [, Sancho,] basta para dar a entender tu pensamiento" (Segunda parte, capítulo XVII).


Descubre el uso de otro en la siguiente selección bibliográfica. Libros relacionados con otro y pequeños extractos de los mismos para contextualizar su uso en la literatura.
Al otro lado del espejo
Mas aún, a partir de las vanguardias del siglo XX, tan deudoras de la búsqueda racional o artificial de una infancia sin prejuicios, la obra de Lewis Carroll es paso obligado para la formación del nuevo hombre moderno que, de adulto, ...
Lewis Carroll, Mauro Armiño, 2008
La angustia y el deseo del otro
La angustia ante el deseo del Otro es, afirma Lacan, la única traducción subjetiva del objeto a, ese ser de falta que, en tanto que objeto causa del deseo, es todo hablante ser.
Diana S. Rabinovich, 1993
La educación (que es) del otro: argumentos y desierto de ...
Este es un libro que intenta pensar y sentir nuestra relacin con la herencia y el papel que nos cabe como herederos de una serie de tradiciones pedaggicas.
Carlos Skliar, 2007
Del Otro Mundo
A group of children meet at night in an old Brazilian ranch. Suddenly they see the ghost of a beautiful girl that has been trapped at the ranch for many years.
Ana Maria Machado, 2003
El sueño del otro
Xavier Arteaga es un profesor de instituto que cada noche sueña ser André Bodoc, un director de informativos.
Juan Jacinto Muñoz Rengel, 2013
Sí mismo como otro
El autor aborda temas como: la filosofía del lenguaje, inscribiendo en la hermenéutica del sí fragmentos de la filosofía analítica; pone de manifiesto una filosofía de la acción; la confrontación constructiva entre filosofía ...
Paul Ricoeur, 1996
APRENDA A UTILIZAR EL OTRO 90 %: La mayoría de la gente sólo ...
El Dr. Robert K. Cooper es pionero en el campo de la neurología, la iniciativa, el compromiso y la presión.
Ensaladas. Otro concepto
Recetas de cocina creativas con un enfoque diferente y sabores nuevos
María Nieves Ramos Pol, Ma Nieves Ramos, 2011
La experiencia del Otro: Una introducción a la etnoarqueología
La etnoarqueología es una disciplina joven que, pese a contar con apenas 40 años de existencia, ha constituido una influencia fundamental para el desarrollo de la arqueología.
Alfredo González Ruibal, 2003
El otro lado del sexo: Una investigación
El otro lado del sexo es un trabajo –teórico y práctico– salvajemente incorrecto, un escrito incómodamente inteligente, un libro escandalosamente elegante de una autora libertina, con vocación de libertaria y, por qué no, un poco ...
Valérie Tasso, 2010


Conoce de qué se habla en los medios de comunicación nacionales e internacionales y cómo se emplea el término otro en el contexto de las siguientes noticias.
Nacido otro cachorro de panda en suroeste de China
CHENGDU, 15 ago (Xinhua) -- Otro cachorro de oso panda nació en la madrugada de hoy lunes en el Centro de Cría de Pandas Gigantes de Chengdu, en la ... «Xinhua, Ago 16»
Santiago de Navascués gana el XX Premio Alegría con el poemario ...
'Otro cierlo' es, según Martínez Mesanza, un libro "excepcional", en el que el autor compagina continuos "contrastes entre luces y sombras" y del que ha ... «, Ago 16»
Otro rockero fue denunciado por violencia de género por cuatro ex ...
Luego de que se conocieran los casos del cantante de La Ola Que Quería Ser Chau y de El otro Yo, una nueva denuncia de violencia de género aparece en el ... «, Jul 16»
Un concierto A Otro Nivel, Bogotá vibró con el talento de los cuatro ...
Los cuatro finalistas de A Otro Nivel saltaron al escenario para poner a bailar a todos los asistentes al concierto en la capital del país. El público bogotano ... «Caracol, Jul 16»
[VIDEO] Este sábado arranca la gira con los finalistas de 'A Otro ...
Medellín será la primera ciudad que Jhon Onofre, Rafy Champion, Mr. Steve y el Puma del vallenato visiten para presentar su primer gira de conciertos como ... «HSB Noticias, Jul 16»
Además del guardia civil, otro de los presuntos violadores es militar ...
Poco después de producirse la detención en Iruñea de los cinco presuntos violadores en grupo se conoció que uno de ellos es guardia civil. Hoy se ha sabido ... «NAIZ, Jul 16»
[Video] Jhon Onofre, ganador de A Otro Nivel
Tras una vibrante final, Colombia conoció al ganador de A Otro Nivel: Jhon Onofre. Uno a uno los cuatro finalistas del concurso hicieron sus presentaciones y ... «, Jul 16»
Del otro mundo posible… al otro mundo necesario
Respetando nuestras diferencias, rechazando personalismos…es decir tratando de encarnar los valores del Otro Mundo Posible”, explica Carminda Mac Lorin, ... «Rebelión, Jun 16»
Ponernos en los zapatos del otro
Tener empatía consiste en "captar al otro" y comprender sus sentimientos y motivaciones. Como se dice comúnmente: "Ponerse en los zapatos del otro". «LA NACION, Jun 16»
Xenoglosia, ¿es posible hablar otro idioma sin haberlo aprendido ...
Pero, ¿es posible "despertarse" hablando otro idioma distinto al nuestro sin haberlo aprendido antes? La respuesta es... no. No es posible. Pero no vayamos ... «Hipertextual, Jun 16»


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