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Meaning of "ley" in the Spanish dictionary



La palabra ley procede del latín lex, legis.
Etymology is the study of the origin of words and their changes in structure and significance.


ley play


Ley is a noun.
A noun is a type of word the meaning of which determines reality. Nouns provide the names for all things: people, objects, sensations, feelings, etc.


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The law is a legal norm dictated by the legislator, that is, a precept established by the competent authority, where something is ordered or prohibited in line with justice. Failure to do so entails a sanction. According to the Panamanian jurist Cesar Quintero, in his book Constitutional Law, the law is a "rule dictated by a public authority that orders, prohibits or permits all, and to which all must obey." On the other hand, the Venezuelan jurist Andrés Bello defined the law in Article 1 of the Civil Code of Chile as "A declaration of sovereign will, which manifested in the form prescribed by the Constitution, orders, prohibits or permits." Laws are delimiting the free will of people within society. It can be said that the law is the external control that exists for human behavior, in short, the norms that govern our social behavior. It is one of the sources of law, currently considered the main one, which, in order to be issued, requires a competent authority, that is, the legislating body. La ley es una norma jurídica dictada por el legislador, es decir, un precepto establecido por la autoridad competente, en que se manda o prohíbe algo en consonancia con la justicia. Su incumplimiento trae aparejada una sanción. Según el jurista panameño César Quintero, en su libro Derecho Constitucional, la ley es una "norma dictada por una autoridad pública que a todos ordena, prohíbe o permite, y a la cual todos deben obediencia." Por otro lado, el jurista venezolano Andrés Bello definió a la ley, en el artículo 1º del Código Civil de Chile como "Una declaración de la voluntad soberana, que manifestada en la forma prescrita por la Constitución, manda, prohíbe o permite". Las leyes son delimitadoras del libre albedrío de las personas dentro de la sociedad. Se puede decir que la ley es el control externo que existe para la conducta humana, en pocas palabras, las normas que rigen nuestra conducta social. Constituye una de las fuentes del Derecho, actualmente considerada como la principal, que para ser expedida, requiere de autoridad competente, es decir, el órgano legislador.

Definition of ley in the Spanish dictionary

The first definition of law in the dictionary of the real academy of the Spanish language is rule and constant and invariable rule of things, born of the first cause or the qualities and conditions of them. Another meaning of law in the dictionary is each of the relationships between the various elements involved in a phenomenon. Law is also a precept dictated by the competent authority, in which something is ordered or prohibited in accordance with justice and for the good of the governed. La primera definición de ley en el diccionario de la real academia de la lengua española es regla y norma constante e invariable de las cosas, nacida de la causa primera o de las cualidades y condiciones de las mismas. Otro significado de ley en el diccionario es cada una de las relaciones existentes entre los diversos elementos que intervienen en un fenómeno. Ley es también precepto dictado por la autoridad competente, en que se manda o prohíbe algo en consonancia con la justicia y para el bien de los gobernados.
Click to see the original definition of «ley» in the Spanish dictionary.
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chop suey
chop suey




disc jockey

Synonyms and antonyms of ley in the Spanish dictionary of synonyms



The following Spanish words have a similar or identical meaning as «ley» and belong to the same grammatical category.
Spanish synonyms of ley


The following Spanish words mean the opposite of «ley» and also belong to the same grammatical category.
Spanish antonyms of ley

Translation of «ley» into 25 languages

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pháp luật
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65 millions of speakers

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40 millions of speakers

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30 millions of speakers

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15 millions of speakers

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14 millions of speakers

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10 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Norwegian

5 millions of speakers


  bill ; law ; legislative enactment ; act.
 The conference debated a library bill which aims to set up public libraries in all municipalities with over 30,000 inhabitants.
 A catalogue code is a systematic arrangement of laws and statutes so as to avoid inconsistency and duplication in catalogues.
 Apply this rule to legislative enactments and decrees of a political jurisdiction and decrees of a chief executive having the force of law.
 This act allowed for the establishment of town libraries, which were free and open to all ratepayers and provided by funds from local rates.
acatar la ley 
follow + the law
 But following the law is not enough to keep you safe, not by a long shot.
acatar las leyes 
keep on + the right side of the law
 These are people who work hard, pay taxes, buy houses and keep on the right side of the law for fear of being deported.
al borde de la ley 
on the edge of the law
 Choosing to live dangerous lives in exchange for freedom, these murderous salty dogs live always on the edge of the law.
al margen de la ley 
 These extra-judicial costs shall be considered at least 15% of the amount due, with a minimum of 150 euros = Estos gastos extrajudiciales serán de al menos el 15% de la cantidad debida, con un mínimo de 150 euros.
ante la ley 
at law
 Library rules and regulations are not enforceable at law, but wilful offenders may be blacklisted and banned from library use.
anteproyecto de ley  
draft of legislation
draft bill
 Enter drafts of legislation as instructed in rules 21.1-21.7.
 It has, as yet, only been produced as a draft bill, which it is not permissible to see.
aprobar una ley   
pass + law
pass + legislation
pass + bill
 In recent years many US states have passed laws protecting the confidentiality of library records.
 States began passing anti stalking legislation in 1990 after a rash of stalking related murders and publicity surrounding the stalking of celebrities.
 Before the bill was passed the government already had taken measures to block various Internet sites and restrict general access to the Web.
ausencia de ley 
 The implication was that as modern society continued to develop, anomie would increase.
autoridad sancionadora de ley 
enactor of law
 Make added entries under the headings for compilers or enactors of such laws if they are named prominently or their names are associated with the work in reference sources.
castigar con todo el peso de la ley 
punish + to the full extent of the law
 Anyone who wilfully or wantonly and without cause writes upon, injures, defaces, tears or destroys any book, plate, picture, engraving, or statue belonging to the Library shall be punished to the full extent of the law of the State.
confección de leyes 
law-making [lawmaking/law making]
 Community law-making is characterized by almost continuous consultation with member states and interested third parties.
conforme a la ley 
according to (the) law
 Everyone charged with a criminal offence shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law.
con todas las de la ley    
fair and square
 By adulthood the child's literary consciousness has grown into a full-bodied appreciation of the work of the great imaginative writers.
 Once the functional and informal network seeks to widen its influence, it becomes a full-fledged institution.
 Obviously, staff will have to be instructed in the use of the new system, be it word processing or a full-scale circulation system.
 Kevin wants to play and win or lose fair and square.
con todo el peso de la ley 
to the full extent of the law
 In that case, such lies, whether under oath or not, should be treated as the crimes that they are and prosecuted to the full extent of the law.
contravenir la ley  
contravene + the law
break + the law
 This article examines, through a discussion of Provincial legislation and relevant case law, how the Canadian judiciary has defined unauthorised practice and whether reference librarians who dispense legal information contravene the law.
 Unmarried people who break the law are subject to punishment by lashing.
contravenir una ley 
be in breach of + law
 The EU has started to clamp down on websites offering mobile phone services after more than half were found to be in breach of EU consumer laws.
creación de leyes 
rulemaking [rule-making]
 Rulemaking of this kind goes to the heart of the notion of the nation state as a sovereign entity.
creador de leyes 
rule-maker [rulemaker]
 We need rule-makers to be independent of the insurance industry, and the NAIC clearly does not meet this vital standard.
cumplidor de las leyes 
law abiding
 Rehabilitation, i.e. preparing the offender to function productively as a law abiding citizen in society, is very costly.
cumplir la ley 
observe + the law
 The Court of Justice of the European Communities is a court of appeal composed of eleven independent judges assisted by five advocates-general to ensure that in the interpretation and application of the treaties the law is observed.
de acuerdo con la ley 
according to (the) law
 Everyone charged with a criminal offence shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law.
de ley  [Permitido como alimento de consumo humano por la ley judía]
 Some mammals, such as pigs, have a cloven hoof but are not considered kosher because they do not meet other criteria.
dentro de la ley 
within the law
 The existence of the alternative rule, therefore, merely permits nonresearch libraries to operate within the law if they wish to do their own cataloging or alter LC's cataloging.
elaboración de leyes 
rulemaking [rule-making]
 Rulemaking of this kind goes to the heart of the notion of the nation state as a sovereign entity.
el brazo de la ley  [Generalmente referido a la policía]  [Generalmente referido a la policía]
the long arm of the law
the strong arm of the law
 You can run, but, really, you can't hide from the long arm of the law.
 The strong arm of the law is not enough to still the busy hands of texters while they're driving.
en buena ley 
fair and square
 Kevin wants to play and win or lose fair and square.
espíritu de la ley, el 
spirit of the law, the
 Sometimes when we keep strictly To the letter of the law, we forget the spirit of the law, what the lawgiver intended.
formulación de leyes 
rulemaking [rule-making]
 Rulemaking of this kind goes to the heart of the notion of the nation state as a sovereign entity.
hacer cumplir la ley  [En inglés, el concepto realmente denota "cómo hacer cumplir las leyes"]  
law enforcement
enforce + law
legal enforcement
 The bibliography presents studies on the use of various communications media to inform the public on issues, such as mass transportation, driving safety, water resources, health, pollution, and law enforcement.
 But instead of trying to enforce the copyright law, they are claiming royalties which the private video libraries are willingly paying.
 Where harm over the Internet is caused by viruses, hidden in 'crannies' in the network, traditional legal enforcement is more difficult.
hacer las leyes más estrictas 
tighten + laws
 This article describes Pakistan's initiatives for stopping piracy including tightening the copyright laws and halting the purchase of pirated editions by libraries.
igualdad ante la ley  
equality before the law
equality under the law
 The story of America's struggle to ensure equality before the law for all citizens is a story as old as America itself.
 Men are not equal, and the demand for equality under the law can by no means be grounded in the contention that equal treatment is due to equals.
igualdad bajo la ley 
equality under the law
 Men are not equal, and the demand for equality under the law can by no means be grounded in the contention that equal treatment is due to equals.
incumplimiento de la ley  
breaking of the law
breach of legislation
 Clemency is the 'gracious attitude of one who sits in the seat of authority toward one who has given offence by breaking of the law, or by some violation of those canons of conduct which constitute offence'.
 For many centuries local authorities have been responsible for policing Weights and Measures Acts and regulations and, where a breach of legislation was uncovered, would prosecute in the criminal court.
infractor de la ley 
 Since cops were given the go-ahead to pull over people for not wearing seat belts, state troopers have become creative about spotting scofflaws.
infringir la ley  
break + the law
step beyond + the law
 Unmarried people who break the law are subject to punishment by lashing.
 How do you really treat your customers, do you milk them dry or do you really want to offer your products and services without stepping beyond the law?.
infringir una ley    
infringe + law
violate + a law
breach + a law
be in breach of + law
 For a library to provide a copy of a periodical article without infringing copyright laws, a form of declaration should be completed and signed by the person requesting the copy.
 ASCAP has suggested that the libraries in question may have violated the copyright laws because they neglected to obtain permission from copyright owners to perform the music included in their events.
 This law is probably breached daily by millions of computer users.
 The EU has started to clamp down on websites offering mobile phone services after more than half were found to be in breach of EU consumer laws.
interpretar la ley 
interpret + the law
 As to what the law will say; we leave this to the lawyers, since they are well paid to interpret the law and we are not.
interpretar la ley según le convenga mejor a Uno   
bend + the rules to suit + Posesivo + own purposes
bend + the rules
circumvent + rules
 Worse still, some EC countries, particularly in a period of world economic recession, become adept at bending the Community's rules to suit their own purposes.
 In addition there are the ethical problems of how to get information without bending the rules.
 The new entrepreneur is largely left up to his own resources & connections & must possess the initiative to circumvent rules & take advantage of loopholes.
ir en contra de la ley 
be against the law
 Examples would be: 'Is it against the law to ride a bicycle on the pavement?' 'What are the symptoms of a duodenal ulcer?'.
legislación por decreto ley  [Legislación que el gobierno de una nación puede establecer anteriormente a su aprobación por el poder legislativo del país]
delegated legislation
 Secondly, it empowered the Government to carry out existing and future Community directives through delegated legislation.
ley antigua 
ancient law
 Enter ancient laws, customary laws, tribal laws, etc, under a uniform title or under the title proper of the item being catalogued.
ley antiterrorista 
terrorism act
 It is illegal to operate websites inciting terrorism under the Terrorism Act.
ley consuetudinaria 
customary law
 Enter ancient laws, customary laws, tribal laws, etc, under a uniform title or under the title proper of the item being catalogued.
ley cósmica 
cosmic law
 Cai's works, many of which prominently feature gunpowder, emphasize the cosmic laws of opposition between creation and destruction, yin and yang.
ley de ámbito local 
by-law [bye-law, -USA]
 By-laws are prohibitive - ie they tell people what they are not allowed to do - and they are enforceable at law.
ley de bibliotecas 
library law
 A library law would force local authorities to provide citizens with the reading material to which they are entitled.
ley de bibliotecas, la 
library act, the
 The author voices reservations about the latest amendments to the Library Act.
ley de copyright 
copyright law
 It is possible to mix and match from copyright law, patent law and trade secret and contract law, and the choice of avenue offering the best protection will depend upon many variables.
ley de derechos de autor 
copyright law
 It is possible to mix and match from copyright law, patent law and trade secret and contract law, and the choice of avenue offering the best protection will depend upon many variables.
ley de dispersión 
law of scattering
 Billboard Top 40 singles chart data were examined to determine if the frequency distribution of artist productivity fits either of 2 laws of scattering.
ley de dispersión de Bradford   
Bradford's distribution law
Bradford's Law of Scatter
Bradford's Law of Scattering
 This article presents the 3 empirical 'classical' laws of information science and emphasises their significance: Bradford's distribution law; Lotka's scientific productivity law; and Zipf's word frequency law.
 The multiplier that appears in the mathematical expression of Bradford's Law of Scatter is neither the average production of articles per authors nor the average number of articles per periodical.
 Pedology literature and distribution of literature in journals confirm closely to Bradford's Law of Scattering, signifying the developed nature of the subject.
ley de frecuencias de palabras de Zipf 
Zipf's word frequency law
 This article presents the 3 empirical 'classical' laws of information science and emphasises their significance: Bradford's distribution law; Lotka's scientific productivity law; and Zipf's word frequency law.
ley de inmigración 
immigration law
 He said he remains committed to his unfulfilled promise to rewrite the nation's immigration laws.
ley de la gravedad, la 
law of gravity, the
 She uses a variety of means, including magnets, to suspend objects in the air in defiance of the law of gravity.
ley de la oferta y la demanda 
law of supply and demand
 Adult education is a free market subject to the laws of supply and demand = La educación de adultos es un mercado libre sujeto a las leyes de la oferta y la demanda.
ley de la selva, la 
law of the jungle, the
 The only law despots, megalomaniacs, and retrograde fanatics understand is the law of the jungle.
ley del derecho a la privacidad   
privacy law
privacy protection law
Privacy Act
 As a result, laws which attempt to treat information as an economic good - patent, trade secret, copyright or privacy laws, for instance - run into continuing problems of interpretation and enforcement.
 The recent proliferation of privacy protection laws has had a significant impact on transborder data flows, frequently inhibiting the free flow of information across national borders.
 The Privacy Act of 1974 increases employee record privacy for federal government employees by limiting access to those records.
ley del más fuerte, la   
law of the jungle, the
survival of the fittest
survival of the strongest
 The only law despots, megalomaniacs, and retrograde fanatics understand is the law of the jungle.
 The effects of natural selection as a process in natural populations differs from 'survival of the fittest' as it was formulated by Darwin in his Origin of Species.
 This is nature's way of ensuring the survival of the strongest and it also applies when the birds are airborne.
ley del mínimo esfuerzo, la  
path of least resistance, the
line of least resistance, the
 The path of least resistance is always downhill.
 Too often the shortcut, the line of least resistance, is responsible for evanescent and unsatisfactory success.
Ley de los Medicamentos Raros, la 
Orphan Drug Act, the
 There was a new pharmaceutical policy enacted in 1983 known as the Orphan Drug Act designed to increase the availability of so-called 'orphan drugs' used to treat rare diseases.
ley de los rendimientos decrecientes 
law of diminishing returns
 Furthermore, the larger the catalogue is, the more difficult it is to use; this is a significant example of the law of diminishing returns applied to librarianship.
Ley de Lotka, la 
Lotka's Law
 Lotka's Law was found to apply to both files with a computed value of the alpha-component equal to 2.8.
ley del secreto industrial 
trade secret law
 It is possible to mix and match from copyright law, patent law and trade secret and contract law, and the choice of avenue offering the best protection will depend upon many variables.
ley de Pareto 
Pareto's law
 To facilitate comparisons, the author uses 'Pareto's law' and Lorenz diagrams for the representation of empirical Bradford distributions.
ley de patentes, la 
patent act, the
 Under the Patent Act, an applicant for a Canadian patent has two statutory obligations to act in good faith.
ley de pesos y medidas 
weights and measures act
 For many centuries local authorities have been responsible for policing weights and measures acts and regulations and, where a breach of legislation was uncovered, would prosecute in the criminal court.
ley de productividad científica de Lotka 
Lotka's scientific productivity law
 This article presents the 3 empirical 'classical' laws of information science and emphasises their significance: Bradford's distribution law; Lotka's scientific productivity law; and Zipf's word frequency law.
ley de propiedad intelectual 
intellectual property law
 This article discusses one case that illustrates how even well trained federal prosecutors can grow confused about how to apply the intellectual property law.
Ley de Propiedad Intelectual, la  [Reconocimiento judicial de la pertenencia de una obra científica, literaria o artística a su autor]
Copyright Act, the
 Whereas the other creations of the human mind which fall into the ambit of the Copyright Act, such as artistic works, drawings, photographs and the like, are clearly defined and well understood, it is shown that the explanation given for literary works is inadequate for the purpose.
ley de relación exponencial inversa al cuadrado  [En bibliometría, ley expresada por Lotka para describir que la relación entre dos variables es inversa y va aumentando o disminuyendo al cuadrado]
inverse square law
 The data was found to conform to an inverse cube law more closely than an inverse square law (i.e., Lotka's Law) = Se halló que los datos se ajustan mejor a una ley de relación exponencial inversa al cubo que una ley de relación exponencial inversa al cuadrado (es decir, la Ley de Lotka).
ley de relación exponencial inversa al cubo  [En bibliometría, ley utilizada para describir que la relación entre dos variables es inversa y va aumentando o disminuyendo al cubo]
inverse cube law
 The data was found to conform to an inverse cube law more closely than an inverse square law (i.e., Lotka's Law) = Se halló que los datos se ajustan mejor a una ley de relación exponencial inversa al cubo que una ley de relación exponencial inversa al cuadrado (es decir, la Ley de Lotka).
ley de responsabilidad por el producto  [Ley que obliga al fabricante a hacerse responsable del malfuncionamiento de los productos que pone en venta]
product liability law
 Product liability laws allow the customer to sue for damage because of deficient or incorrent documentation.
Ley de Simplificación de los Procesos Administrativos  [Ley promulgada en los Estados Unidos en -1-9-80 para reducir los trámites burocráticos de la administración central y que fue el causante del nacimiento de la gestión de los recursos de información]
Paperwork Reduction Act
 Since the passage of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1980, Information Resources Management (IRM) has been the major strategy used by the Federal government to improve the effective management of information and information technology and to reduce the costs of a wide range of information services and products.
ley de sucesión  
inheritance law
law of succession
 Most countries have an inheritance law regarding the bequests that a deceased person includes in a will or living trust.
 Change in the laws of succession means firstborn child will be next in line after its father regardless of its gender.
ley de vida  
fact of life
laws of nature
 Even with the closest supervision some books will be lost through theft, a fact of life one must recognize and cope with.
 The purportedly 'permanent' CD-ROM medium follows the immutable laws of nature: the aluminum coating on the disc oxidises over time (a condition called disc rot or CD rot), resulting in an unreadable disc.
ley draconiana 
draconian law
 Some draconian laws have been put in place to punish litter louts and heaven help you if you are caught selling chewing gum.
the law of the land
 The article is entitled 'Book selection, racism and the law of the land'.
leyes científicas 
laws of physics
 The following laws of physics are considered fundamental, but many of them refer to idealized systems, which are hard to obtain in the real world.
leyes contra la difamación 
laws of libel
 It simply sells space to Information Providers (IPs) who, in theory at least, can put up what information they like, accurate or inaccurate, being bound only by existing laws of libel, obscenity etc.
leyes de la ciencia 
laws of physics
 The following laws of physics are considered fundamental, but many of them refer to idealized systems, which are hard to obtain in the real world.
leyes de la física 
laws of physics
 The following laws of physics are considered fundamental, but many of them refer to idealized systems, which are hard to obtain in the real world.
leyes de la naturaleza  
nature's laws
laws of nature
 Most librarians were committed to the idea that the capabilities of men varied and were controlled by 'nature's laws'.
 The purportedly 'permanent' CD-ROM medium follows the immutable laws of nature: the aluminum coating on the disc oxidises over time (a condition called disc rot or CD rot), resulting in an unreadable disc.
leyes que regulan la posesión de armas de fuego 
gun laws
 Should gun laws change to make it harder for the mentally ill to buy weapons?.
leyes sobre la igualdad 
equity laws
 However, for others, the ideal status had not yet been achieved and there was doubt about the practical applicability of equity laws.
leyes sobre patentes 
patent law
 It is possible to mix and match from copyright law, patent law and trade secret and contract law, and the choice of avenue offering the best protection will depend upon many variables.
leyes vigentes 
the law of the land
 The article is entitled 'Book selection, racism and the law of the land'.
ley exponencial  [En bibliometría, ley que mantiene que la relación entre dos variables se puede explicar según una potencia matemática (al cuadrado, al cubo, etc)]
power law
 It is shown, using rigorous statistical tests, that the number of periodicals carrying papers in a given subject can be expressed as a simple power law function = Se demuestra, usando tests estadísticos rigurosos, que el número de publicaciones periódicas que contienen artículos sobre un tema determinado se puede expresar mediante una ley exponencial simple.
ley exponencial inversa  [En bibliometría, ley que mantiene que la relación entre dos variables es inversa y se puede explicar según una potencia matemática (al cuadrado, al cubo, etc)]
inverse power law
 Lotka's original formulation was based on a more general inverse power law = La formulación original de Lotka se basaba en una ley exponencial inversa más general.
ley marcial 
martial law
 The political reforms set in motion after the lifting of the 38 year long martial law in 1987 in Taiwan have breathed a new life into the island's press.
Ley Patriótica, La  [En USA, ley aprobada tras el atentado terrorista del -1-1 de septiembre que le concede al gobierno grandes poderes para investigar las actividades de sus ciudadanos y considerada por muchos como un atentado contra la privacidad del individuo]
USA Patriot Act, the
 The author offers a detailed overview of how Congress came to pass the USA Patriot Act and some of the power plays that took place behind the scenes.
ley penal 
penal law
 Penal laws threaten those who break the rules of the community with punishment.
ley sobre contratos 
contract law
 It is possible to mix and match from copyright law, patent law and trade secret and contract law, and the choice of avenue offering the best protection will depend upon many variables.
ley sucesoria 
inheritance law
 Most countries have an inheritance law regarding the bequests that a deceased person includes in a will or living trust.
ley tribal 
tribal law
 Enter ancient laws, customary laws, tribal laws, etc, under a uniform title or under the title proper of the item being catalogued.
ley tributaria 
tax bill
 Every time the monarch came to parliament to pass a new tax bill, the parliament obliged only after exacting more liberty from him.
no infringir las leyes  
stay on + the right side of the law
keep on + the right side of the law
 Our experts will be on hand to provide information and tips to help traders stay on the right side of the law and avoid a hefty fine.
 These are people who work hard, pay taxes, buy houses and keep on the right side of the law for fear of being deported.
obedecer la ley  
observe + the law
follow + the law
 The Court of Justice of the European Communities is a court of appeal composed of eleven independent judges assisted by five advocates-general to ensure that in the interpretation and application of the treaties the law is observed.
 But following the law is not enough to keep you safe, not by a long shot.
organismo encargado de hacer cumplir la ley 
law enforcing agency
 I have no doubt that the concerned law enforcing agencies will act with promptitude against the offenders.
por ley   
by law
according to (the) law
 Sleepiness continues to be a significant issue among medical residents despite recently mandated reductions in resident work hours.
 By law a motor vehicle is allowed only 55 Watts consumption headlamp and stoplamp bulbs.
 Everyone charged with a criminal offence shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law.
promulgar leyes 
enact + legislation
 The autonomous governments are responsible for the public libraries, and in the majority of cases have enacted legislation at the local level for the operation of their systems.
promulgar una ley   
enact + law
promulgate + rule
promulgate + law
 If the laws are enacted by a jurisdiction other than that governed by them, make an added entry under the heading for the enacting jurisdiction.
 If administrative regulations, rules, etc., are from jurisdictions in which such regulations, etc., are promulgated by government agencies or agents, enter them under the heading for the agency or agent.
 Usually, after a law is promulgated, its commentary is written by its draftsman in order to develop proper interpretation of the law.
proteger por ley 
protect by + law
 Almost all native animal species, and many species of native plants, are protected by law in Australia.
proyecto de ley  
green paper
legislative bill
 The green paper on the financing of the public library service forces librarians to look closely at the choices facing them on how libraries of the future are to be funded.
 Enter legislative bills under the heading for the appropriate legislative body.
quebrantar la ley 
break + the law
 Unmarried people who break the law are subject to punishment by lashing.
rechazar una ley 
defeat + legislation
 Such restraint creates a ridiculous and pathetic situation in which librarians refuse to speak out against, or work to defeat legislation destructive to libraries such as California's Propositions.
redactar leyes 
draft + legislation
 They should be in the best position to lobby all the key organizations so that their viewpoint can be taken into account when legislation is being drafted and discussed.
redactar una ley 
draft + law
 Much of the initiative in drafting the proposed law on libraries has come from government and professional bodies rather than from library workers.
respetar la ley 
observe + the law
 The Court of Justice of the European Communities is a court of appeal composed of eleven independent judges assisted by five advocates-general to ensure that in the interpretation and application of the treaties the law is observed.
respetar las leyes  
stay on + the right side of the law
keep on + the right side of the law
 Our experts will be on hand to provide information and tips to help traders stay on the right side of the law and avoid a hefty fine.
 These are people who work hard, pay taxes, buy houses and keep on the right side of the law for fear of being deported.
respetuoso de la ley 
law abiding
 Rehabilitation, i.e. preparing the offender to function productively as a law abiding citizen in society, is very costly.
salirse de la ley 
step beyond + the law
 How do you really treat your customers, do you milk them dry or do you really want to offer your products and services without stepping beyond the law?.
saltarse la ley a la torera 
flout + the law
 Drivers ignoring `No Entry' signs in this fashion have no regard for the safety of other road users and are clearly flouting the law.
seguir la ley del mínimo esfuerzo  
follow + the line of least resistance
follow + the path of least resistance
 The tendency of human nature is to follow the line of least resistance - like water.
 The tendency to follow the path of least resistance guarantees failure in life.
según la ley  
under the law
by law
 The officials know in no uncertain terms that you understand your rights under the law and will not stand for any such shilly-shallying.
 By law a motor vehicle is allowed only 55 Watts consumption headlamp and stoplamp bulbs.
ser responsable ante la ley 
be criminally liable
 Under proposed legislation librarians and distributors who disseminate materials proscribed under these laws would be criminally liable.
tener problemas con la ley   
fall + foul of the law
go + afoul of the law
fall + afoul of the law
 To avoid falling foul of the law, UK data users would do well to appoint a data protection coordinator.
 Individuals who have gone afoul of the law should have and must have a second chance.
 He is not a criminal and he should not be prevented from telling whatever story he cares to tell so long as he does not fall afoul of the law.
transgresor de la ley 
 Blacks are generally overrepresented as lawbreakers and Latinos and Whites are underrepresented as lawbreakers on television news compared to their respective crime rates.
valor de ley 
force of law
 Apply this rule to legislative enactments and decrees of a political jurisdiction and decrees of a chief executive having the force of law.
violación de la ley    
breach of legislation
breaking of the law
breaking of the law
breach of legislation
 For many centuries local authorities have been responsible for policing Weights and Measures Acts and regulations and, where a breach of legislation was uncovered, would prosecute in the criminal court.
 Clemency is the 'gracious attitude of one who sits in the seat of authority toward one who has given offence by breaking of the law, or by some violation of those canons of conduct which constitute offence'.
 Clemency is the 'gracious attitude of one who sits in the seat of authority toward one who has given offence by breaking of the law, or by some violation of those canons of conduct which constitute offence'.
 For many centuries local authorities have been responsible for policing Weights and Measures Acts and regulations and, where a breach of legislation was uncovered, would prosecute in the criminal court.
violar una ley   
violate + a law
break + the law
be in breach of + law
 ASCAP has suggested that the libraries in question may have violated the copyright laws because they neglected to obtain permission from copyright owners to perform the music included in their events.
 Unmarried people who break the law are subject to punishment by lashing.
 The EU has started to clamp down on websites offering mobile phone services after more than half were found to be in breach of EU consumer laws.

Trends of use of ley



The term «ley» is very widely used and occupies the 440 position in our list of most widely used terms in the Spanish dictionary.
Very widely used
The map shown above gives the frequency of use of the term «ley» in the different countries.
Principal search tendencies and common uses of ley
List of principal searches undertaken by users to access our Spanish online dictionary and most widely used expressions with the word «ley».


The graph expresses the annual evolution of the frequency of use of the word «ley» during the past 500 years. Its implementation is based on analysing how often the term «ley» appears in digitalised printed sources in Spanish between the year 1500 and the present day.

Examples of use in the Spanish literature, quotes and news about ley



Famous quotes and sentences with the word ley.
Agustín De Rojas
Inicua es la ley que a todos igual no es.
Anton Von Webern
La música es la ley natural relatada para el sentido del oído.
El árbitro considera la equidad, el juez la ley.
La salud del pueblo está en la supremacía de la ley.
Edmund Burke
La ley es la seguridad del pueblo, la seguridad de cada uno de los gobernados y la seguridad de cada uno de los gobernantes.
Henri-Frédéric Amiel
Dar la felicidad y hacer el bien, he ahí nuestra ley, nuestra ancla de salvación, nuestro faro, nuestra razón de ser.
Jean De La Fontaine
No puede encontrarse bajo el firmamento ni un solo ser, animal o criatura, que no tenga su contrario. Es una ley de la naturaleza.
Jeremy Bentham
Cualquier ley es una infracción de la libertad.
Johann W. Goethe
La ley es poderosa, pero más poderosa es la miseria.
Juan Luis Vives
No hay ley alguna tan recta que no trate el hombre de torcerla para satisfacer sus apetitos.


A tu patria y a tu rey, tenles ley.
Hecha la ley, hecha la trampa.
Rey guarda la ley, y la ley, al rey.
La costumbre hace ley.
A la necesidad no hay ley.
A toda ley, ama a Dios y sirve a tu rey.
A toda ley, boñiga de buey, y si es flaca, boñiga de vaca.
Al amigo que no sea de ley, plántalo en lo del rey.
Costumbre hace la ley.
Cual es el rey, tal es la ley.


Discover the use of ley in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to ley and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in Spanish literature.
LA NUEVA LEY DE MURPHY: 10 reglas poco convencionales para ...
La Nueva Ley de Murphy, desarrollada por Emmett Murphy, es una nueva y sugerente visión de la vida y del trabajo, pensada para dejar de lado definitivamente la Vieja Ley de Murphy.
Comentarios a la Ley Reguladora de la Jurisdicción Social ...
La nueva Ley reguladora de la jurisdicción social (LRJS) cambia sustancialmente el ámbito del proceso social.
Jordi Agustí Juliá, Manuel Ramón Alarcón Caracuel, M.a Lourdes Arastey Sahun, 2011
La ley de la atracción
Carlos se niega a aceptar la vida que su hermano mayor, Alex, le ha organizado.
Simone Elkeles, 2011
La Ley de la Atracción
Examines the manifestation of energy which has the magnetic power of attraction, a powerful law that draws to us the things we desire or fear, and that create or ruin our lives.
William Walker, William Walker Atkinson, 2009
La Ley de Atracción: Conceptos Basicos de las Enseñanzas de ...
Presents the powerful basics of the original Teachings of Abraham, revealing how to work toward doing, being, or having what is desired.
Esther Hicks, Jerry Hicks, 2007
Valor de ley
Y que su valor es de ley. Valor de ley es un clásico americano ambientado en el Oeste, una novela amada por generaciones de lectores desde su publicación en 1968 y la fuente de inspiración de dos películas formidables.
Charles Portis, 2011
La Ley de la Atraccion/ The Law of Attraction: Mitos Y ...
Los tres principios más importantes revelados por la ley de atracción: ¡Somos, literalmente, lo que pensamos! ... ¡Lo que tú deseas te desea! ... ¡La acción es clavé!
Camilo Cruz, Dr., 2007
Ley de procedimiento laboral: comentada y con jurisprudencia
REAL DECRETO LEGISLATIVO 2/1995, DE 7 DE ABRIL, POR EL QUE SE APRUEBA EL TEXTO REFUNDIDO DE LA LEY DE PROCEDIMIENTO LABORAL (BOE núm. 86, de 11 de abril de 1995, corrección de errores BOE núm. 125, de 26 ...
Luis Enrique de la Villa Gil, María Luz García Paredes, 2006
Comentarios científico-jurídicos a la ley sobre técnicas de ...
El libro adopta una sistem tica y arquitectura formal, sencilla que se ve corroborado con un desarrollo material, riguroso y enriquecedor en sus reflexiones t‚cnicas.
Francisco Lledó Yagüe, Oscar Monje Balmaseda, 2007
Estudios sobre la ley de enjuiciamiento civil y su práctica ...
¿En que medida se han cumplido las previsiones de la Ley de Enjuiciamiento Civil de 2000?
Víctor Fairén Guillén, Juan Luis Gómez Colomer, 2004


Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term ley is used in the context of the following news items.
Modificaciones a la ley garantizan la sindicalización en las ...
A pesar de que el Gobierno boliviano y el oficialismo en el Legislativo se esforzaron en convencer que la ley otorga el derecho de la sindicalización sólo en las ... «, Aug 16»
El grupo de rock La Ley se separa nuevamente
Beto Cuevas confirma que La Ley se separa de nuevo tras casi tres años de ... hoy se cierra el último capítulo de un libro llamado La Ley”, escribió el cantante. «People en Español, Aug 16»
¿Por qué es inconstitucional la ley de Amnistía en El Salvador?
La ley de Amnistía de El Salvador otorgó el perdón a las violaciones de los derechos humanos cometidas durante los 12 años de guerra civil que azotó este ... «teleSUR TV, Jul 16»
Suprimen 'Ley 3 de 3' a empresarios
Los senadores acordaron modificar el Artículo 32 de la Ley General de Responsabilidad Administrativas con el objetivo de eliminar la obligación de cualquier ... «, Jul 16»
Obama firma la ley para reestructurar la deuda de Puerto Rico
Obama firma la ley para reestructurar la deuda de Puerto Rico Obama firma la ley de refinanciación de Puerto Rico en la Oficina Oval de la Casa Blanca. «La Opinión, Jun 16»
Peña Nieto veta uno de los artículos más importantes de la Ley 3 de 3
La ley 3 de 3, esa iniciativa ciudadana que nació con la esperanza de disminuir la corrupción en la política mexicana, sigue sufriendo modificaciones después ... «Hipertextual, Jun 16»
PRI y PVEM mutilan, debilitan y aprueban a su modo la Ley 3 de 3
Y ahora, para comenzar este miércoles les tenemos dos noticias, una buena y una mala, ambas relacionadas con la implementación de una nueva ley ... «, Jun 16»
Mauricio Macri veta la ley antidespidos que aprobó la oposición
El Congreso argentino aprobó este jueves una ley que prohíbe los despidos por seis meses. El presidente ya anunció su veto. Voces a favor y en contra. «RT en Español - Noticias internacionales, May 16»
Cámara de Diputados de Argentina debate Ley Antidespidos
Si el proyecto es aprobado por la mayoría se convertirá en Ley, aunque se prevé que sea vetada por el presidente Mauricio Macri, quien se ha expresado ... «teleSUR TV, May 16»
Media sanción a la ley "antidespidos"
Desde Cambiemos anticiparon que el Poder Ejecutivo vetaría si se aprueba una ley que prohíba los despidos. El proyecto votado en el Senado tiene un ... «La Izquierda Diario, Apr 16»



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