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Meaning of "menor" in the Spanish dictionary



La palabra menor procede del latín minor, -ōris.
Etymology is the study of the origin of words and their changes in structure and significance.


me · nor play


Menor can act as a noun and an adjective.
A noun is a type of word the meaning of which determines reality. Nouns provide the names for all things: people, objects, sensations, feelings, etc.

The adjective is the word that accompanies the noun to determine or qualify it.


Click to see the original definition of «menor» in the Spanish dictionary.
Click to see the automatic translation of the definition in English.

Minority of age

Minoría de edad

A minor is legally an individual who has not yet reached adulthood. The minority comprises all childhood and often adolescence or part of it. In many Western countries, the age of majority is reached at 18 or 21 years. A minor is therefore a person who, because of his or her biological age, does not yet have full capacity to act. The specific law of each place will be in charge of establishing the age from which a person ceases to be a minor. The minority and, by extension, the absence of full capacity to act, suppose a series of limits to the rights and responsibilities of the person. Limits are established on actions that are considered that the child does not have sufficient capacity to do on his own, and disclaims responsibility for acts that are understood that can not be imputed for their lack of ability. In some legal systems "adult" and "adult" are not, in the proper sense, synonymous terms. Un menor de edad es, legalmente, un individuo que aún no ha alcanzado la edad adulta. La minoría de edad comprende toda la infancia y, a menudo, la adolescencia o parte de ella. En muchos países occidentales, la mayoría de edad se alcanza a los 18 o 21 años. Un menor de edad sería por tanto aquella persona que, por razón de su edad biológica, no tiene todavía plena capacidad de obrar. La ley específica de cada lugar será la encargada de establecer la edad a partir de la cual una persona deja de ser menor de edad. La minoría de edad y, por extensión, la ausencia de plena capacidad de obrar, suponen una serie de límites a los derechos y responsabilidades de la persona. Se establecen límites sobre actuaciones que se considera que el menor no tiene capacidad suficiente para hacer por su cuenta, y se exime de responsabilidad de actos que se entiende que no se le pueden imputar por su falta de capacidad. En algunos ordenamientos jurídicos "mayor de edad" y "adulto" no son, en sentido propio, términos sinónimos.

Definition of menor in the Spanish dictionary

The first definition of minor in the dictionary of the real academy of the Spanish language is small. Which is inferior to something else in quantity, intensity or quality. Another meaning of minor in the dictionary is less important in relation to something of the same gender. The minor works of Quevedo. Minor is also said of a person: That is less old than another. La primera definición de menor en el diccionario de la real academia de la lengua española es de pequeño. Que es inferior a otra cosa en cantidad, intensidad o calidad. Otro significado de menor en el diccionario es menos importante con relación a algo del mismo género. Las obras menores de Quevedo. Menor es también dicho de una persona: Que tiene menos edad que otra.
Click to see the original definition of «menor» in the Spanish dictionary.
Click to see the automatic translation of the definition in English.







Synonyms and antonyms of menor in the Spanish dictionary of synonyms



The following Spanish words have a similar or identical meaning as «menor» and belong to the same grammatical category.
Spanish synonyms of menor


The following Spanish words mean the opposite of «menor» and also belong to the same grammatical category.
Spanish antonyms of menor

Translation of «menor» into 25 languages

online translator


Find out the translation of menor to 25 languages with our Spanish multilingual translator.
The translations of menor from Spanish to other languages presented in this section have been obtained through automatic statistical translation; where the essential translation unit is the word «menor» in Spanish.

In the following section you can check the translations of menor in the Spanish-English dictionary.

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Translator Spanish - Hindi

380 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Arabic

280 millions of speakers

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278 millions of speakers

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270 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Bengali

260 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - French

220 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Malay

190 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - German

180 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Japanese

130 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Korean

85 millions of speakers

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85 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Vietnamese

80 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Tamil

75 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Marathi

75 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Turkish

70 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Italian

65 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Polish

50 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Ukrainian

40 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Romanian

30 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Greek

15 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Afrikaans

14 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Swedish

10 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Norwegian

5 millions of speakers


  infant ; juvenile ; minor.
 The article 'Sitting pretty: infants, toddlers, & lapsits' outlines the procedures followed at San Francisco public library to help parents introduce their babies to appropriate literature.
 The library provides services to 2,903 adults and juveniles who have been sentenced or remanded to the care of the Department.
 This new Act requires US libraries to block obscenity, child pornography and all material deemed harmful to minors on all computers used by minors.
abandono de menores 
child neglect
 Locate books about child abuse or neglect.
abuso de menores 
child abuse
 Locate information on child abuse, retrieving records in which the terms appear in the title.
apto para mayores de -1-3 años o menores acompañados  [Código utilizado en las películas americanas para indicar la adecuación del contenido según la edad de la población]
 Today, nudity, sex, and excessive violence are not an issue and even the raciest films would garner a PG-13 rating from the Motion Picture Association of America, and most are even tamer than that.
centro de detención de menores    [Forma coloquial de juvenile hall]
juvenile hall
young offender institution
 This 17-year-old male was fighting with some other kids in juvenile hall when he felt some pain in his left elbow.
 This paper reports the results of a survey of 538 male inmates of young offender institutions.
 The classmate committed suicide and Kenny was sent to juvie, where boys who were there for bigger offenses tortured him.
centro de menores    [Forma coloquial de juvenile hall]
young offender institution
juvenile hall
 This paper reports the results of a survey of 538 male inmates of young offender institutions.
 This 17-year-old male was fighting with some other kids in juvenile hall when he felt some pain in his left elbow.
 The classmate committed suicide and Kenny was sent to juvie, where boys who were there for bigger offenses tortured him.
centro tutelar de menores  
juvenile detention centre
juvenile home
 This article outlines the public library's outreach activities with children of all ages, the jail, and the local juvenile detention centre.
 Another boy wonder is Kip Kreiling, who spent most of his childhood in foster homes, juvenile homes and eventually behind bars.
consumo de bebidas alcohólicas por menores de edad 
underage drinking
 The concern about alcohol marketing and underage drinking has been heightened by recent findings in the scientific research community.
departamento de corrección de menores 
department of corrections
 This article gives a sampling of the types of data these agencies provide, covering the areas of agriculture, department of corrections, transportation and highway patrols, natural resources and revenues.
embarazo de menores 
teenage pregnancy
 Statistics show black family life to be an appalling concoction of poverty, shooting and rampant teenage pregnancy.
escuela de niños menores 
infant school
 Many infant and junior schools have books in the entrance hall and in the corridors as well as in the classrooms.
explotación de menores  [Utilizado generalmente en sentido negativo y contrapuesto a child work en sentido neutral]
child labour
 Child labour is now considered an inexcusable form of exploitation.
grupo de protección a menores 
Shelter group
 The most significant response has been the growth in every town of a widening range of citizen action groups - consumer groups, parent-teacher associations and branches of CASE, Shelter groups, Civic Trust groups, tenants' and residents' associations and many other kinds of 'grass roots' organisation.
juzgado de asuntos menores 
magistrates' court
 Another rota system operates in some magistrates courts, whereby a duty solicitor is on hand to assist people facing criminal charges who otherwise would be unrepresented = En algunos juzgados de asuntos menores el sistema de turnos es diferente pues siempre hay un abogado procurador de guardia a mano para ayudar a la gente acusada de delito criminal que de lo contrario no tendrían representación.
manutención del menor 
child maintenance
 Assuming both parents are legally responsible for their children and parentage is not in dispute, calculating child maintenance is relatively straight-forward.
manutención de menores 
child support
 This has the dual purpose of encouraging compliance and protecting the interests of the payee entitled to child support.
menor de edad 
 The appeal of alcohol to underage youth can be limited by reducing youth exposure to alcohol advertising and marketing.
menores de cinco años, los  [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo]
under-fives, the
 Some libraries have barriers to access for prams and pushchairs, and lack the facilities which would help to encourage library use by parents and the under-fives.
no apto para menores 
 The title of the workshop is 'X-rated free access to information and freedom of expression'.
pensión de menores 
child support
 This has the dual purpose of encouraging compliance and protecting the interests of the payee entitled to child support.
protección de menores  
child protection
child welfare
 The author describes the development of a computer-based child abuse/child protection information system at the University of Bath.
 A wide range of pamphlet and leaflet material was collected and arranged in cabinet files under topic heads such as health, employment, child welfare.
sexo de menores 
underage sex
 Teenagers whose parents are still married to each other are far less likely to have underage sex.
trabajo de menores  [Utilizado generalmente en sentido negativo y contrapuesto a child work en sentido neutral]
child labour
 Child labour is now considered an inexcusable form of exploitation.
tribunal de menores  
juvenile court
minors' court
 However, while methods and procedures for designing and implementing such a system are well known, there is still a lack of utilization among many juvenile courts.
 In order to speed up the administration of justice seven new minors' courts have been set up in different regions of the country.
  juvenile ; minor ; reduced ; slight ; low-key [low key] ; lesser ; lower-key ; diminished ; low-keyed.
 The construction of the hypothesis, however, should be limited to such considerations as whether the subject heading list is designed to serve the adult or the juvenile user.
 A study of bibliographic classification could concentrate solely upon the major, and some of the more minor bibliographic classification schemes used today.
 The model shows that market concentration rises with inelastic demand, reduced marginal costs and efficient technology.
 The ISBD(CP)'s recommendations are very similar in principle to those for AACR2's 'in' analytics, except for slight changes in punctuation and order.
 Activity is still low key, but will increase when the British Library puts up data bases on its own computer in 1977.
 The catalog's deterioration is leading us down the road to lesser quality library service.
 After all, print technology can be represented by pencial, pen, type, laser output, and so forth, but the effect is lower-key.
 This volume comes at a time when increasingly frequent criticisms have been leveled at superpower nations for their diminished interest in problems in Africa.
 Overall, he provides a low-keyed, lucid account that, with its many-leveled approach, does more than justice to the complex themes it studies.
a menor escala 
at a reduced rate
 Results showed that losses still occurred, at a reduced rate, but that vandalism appeared to be on the increase.
cada vez menor            
 It is impossible to read the library press today without reading about the increasing costs of maintaining, and the decreasing budgets of libraries, and particularly about the increasing costs of technical services.
 Squeezed between the upper and nether millstones of increasing demand and dwindling resources, individual librarians develop ways in which to make their jobs easier.
 It is remarkable how, in an economy with diminishing job opportunities, librarians compensate for their inability to demonstrate the value of their skills by seeking the protection of educational and certification requirements.
 The public library is a complex institution, evolving through many decades of human history and colliding today with the perplexing realities of change, declining funding, and shifting purpose.
 As well as cuts imposed by the Government, libraries were faced with inflation in the price of books and periodicals, and a falling rate of exchange between the pound and the dollar.
 Many challenges lie ahead for those selling children's books with increased competition and shrinking profit margins.
 Poland is currently enjoying a steadily rising national income, declining inflation, receding unemployment and an educational boom.
 It has not yet been decided what strategies libraries will use to face the crisis of rising personnel costs and sinking funds for book acquisitions.
 Every publisher, materials vendor, systems vendor and bibliographic utility that serve libraries face sharp competition for a share of the ebbing library market.
 The second reason is that companies have to take care of costs to meet the descending price rate of the market.
 World share markets sank Thursday after a slide on Wall Street sparked by tumbling demand for oil and fears of slackening growth in the U.S.
 News of boundless timber reserves spread, and before long lumberjacks from the thinning hardwood forests of New England swarmed into the uncharted area with no other possessions than their axes and brawn and the clothing they wore.
con un menor nivel educativo 
 Better-educated people, not surprisingly, tend to use libraries proportionately more than lesser-educated people.
delito de menor grado 
misdemeanour [misdimeanor, -USA]
 Every state has its own statutes and codes that may make the theft or mutilation of library materials a misdemeanor or even a felony.
delito menor   
petty offense
petty crime
minor offence
 These indigents, known to the public as tramps & skid row winos, are very visible & more likely to be arrested for drunkenness & other petty offenses than a person with a permanent home.
 Examples of 'petty crimes' are riding the train without a ticket, reproducing copyright computer programs, traffic violations, tax evasion, & shoplifting.
 A discharge means that the judge finds you guilty, but then discharges you instead of convicting you - usually in the case of minor offences and if you have no criminal history.
demanda cada vez menor 
falling demand
 The Spanish airline swung to a net loss in the second quarter, hurt by falling demand for air travel as the recession grips Spain.
de mayor o menor importancia 
great and small
 'At no time in history', according to Geoffrey Langley, 'did people of all types and classes stand more in need of information on all manner of matters great and small'.
de menor impacto 
low impact [low-impact]
 The majority of high-impact articles had been published by men, but so had most low-impact articles = La mayoría de los artículos de gran impacto han sido publicados por hombres, al igual que la mayoría de los artítulos de menor impacto.
de menor importancia  [En un sistema de clasificación especializado, aquellas materias inciden en la especialidad temática de la clasificación de un modo tangencial] 
fringe subject
of fringe interest
 In a general classification there are, of course, no fringe subjects: all are of equal weight, and must be given their due place in the overall order.
 The indexer recommends to use a general term rather than specific terms for subjects of fringe interest.
de menor importancia para 
on the fringe of
 In order to support a core acquistions programme of essential materials for its users, a library will more readily cut out material on the fringe of its needs if such material can be obtained by a good document supply system.
desajuste cada vez menor entre y  
narrowing gap between ... and
narrowing of the gap between ... and
 Trends noted include the narrowing gap in interactive searching between Europe and the USA, and the inter-regional imbalance within Europe in volume of searches.
 The result might be greater efficiency and the narrowing of the gap between different modes of thought regarding library classification.
de venta al por menor 
 Dunkin' Donuts of America, Inc., the world's largest retail coffee and doughnut shop chain, uses the Informark system supplied by NDS a software package containing a demographic file of data from the 1980 USA Census and other commercial data bases.
diferencia cada vez menor entre y  
narrowing gap between ... and
narrowing of the gap between ... and
 Trends noted include the narrowing gap in interactive searching between Europe and the USA, and the inter-regional imbalance within Europe in volume of searches.
 The result might be greater efficiency and the narrowing of the gap between different modes of thought regarding library classification.
en mayor o menor grado 
to a greater or lesser degree
 Nevertheless any nation is inevitably made up of a number of smaller regions, each with its own culture to a greater or lesser degree.
en mayor o menor medida 
to a greater or lesser extent
 The staff of SLIS have, to a greater or lesser extent, been drawn into such teaching.
en menor cantidad 
less copiously
 Wood letter was also produced in Europe but less copiously than in the United States, where later technical advances included die-stamping in place of pantographic copying, and wood letter with veneered and enamelled faces.
en menor grado  
to a lesser extent
to a lesser degree
 The Prussian Instructions were also widely adopted in Hungary, Sweden, Switzerland, and to a lesser extent Denmark, Holland and Norway.
 Xworld is a good communications package that is most suitable for users interested in sending and receiving binary files, and to a lesser degree text files.
en paños menores 
in + Posesivo + underclothes
 Finally six men agreed to go forth in their underclothes and nooses around their necks in hopeful expectation that their sacrifice would satisfy the king's bloodlust and he would spare the rest of the citizens.
la menor duda de que 
no doubt whatsoever
 Powell said there was 'no doubt whatsoever' that Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction.
mal menor 
lesser evil
 On the other hand, going sole source is a lesser evil than being 'listed' (as opposed to being stocked) by a distributor.
materiales menores 
minor materials
 Local publications are defined as the minor material, such as newsletters and pamphlets, which originates in a particular locality and could appropriately be acquired by a local studies library.
menor de + Número  [Comparativo de few (poco)]
fewer than + Número
 Those eligible normally include only companies with less than 45 million of net fixed assets and fewer than 500 employees.
menor, el 
least, the
 Of these three connectors, 'and' focusses your search with the least precision since it retrieves all records that contain both words anywhere in the record.
no tener la menor duda de que 
there + be + no doubt in + Posesivo + mind that
 A manqué artist will do when the real thing is unavailable, but there was no doubt in my mind that the musician onstage last night was incapable of delving deeply into any material.
no tener la menor importancia 
be of no particular concern
 Whether or not the distribution fits a Bradford distribution is of no particular concern.
Osa Menor, la  
Little Dipper, the
Ursa Minor
 Ursa Minor is colloquially known as the Little Dipper because its seven brightest stars seem to form the shape of a dipper.
 Ursa Minor is colloquially known as the Little Dipper because its seven brightest stars seem to form the shape of a dipper.
paños menores 
 Lingerie is ladies' underwear; lacy frilly knickers, bras, panties, undies, stockings, various fancy items.
presupuesto cada vez menor 
shrinking budget
 In the face of rising costs and stagnant or shrinking budgets, libraries are looking for efficient and less expensive methods of processing materials.
que no quepa la menor duda 
make no mistake
 Make no mistake, I take no joy in seeing peaceful protesters attacked.
ser el que con menor frecuencia 
be (the) least likely to
 Low income households and households in inner city locations are least likely to own a telephone.
ser menor 
be less
 Space requirements are less and capital outlay is considerably less, though this is offset by the higher maintenance costs.
símbolo de menor-que (<)  
left angled bracket (<)
less-than sign (<)
 The left angled bracket (<) is used to indicate that a 'see' reference has been made from the variant heading that follows.
 Each see reference tracing, including the first, is precede by a less-than sign or left angled bracket (<).
sin el menor asomo de duda   
without a shadow of a doubt
beyond a shadow of a doubt
beyond a shadow of a doubt
 This is without a shadow of a doubt one of the weirdest and probably disturbing postings I have ever had the pleasure to read.
 The film proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that the official story is hogwash and that all the evidence points towards an inside job.
 The film proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that the official story is hogwash and that all the evidence points towards an inside job.
sin la menor duda  
no mistake
no doubt
 We were in a pickle too and no mistake.
 The compiler of the classification scheme will no doubt be all too familiar with the order of subjects within the scheme = El compilador del sistema de clasificación sin duda estará muy familiariazado con el orden de las materias dentro del sistema.
sin la menor idea 
 Well, if you've come this far, and you started off clueless, I must congratulate you for wading through all these explanations.
sin la menor sombra de duda 
without a shadow of a doubt
 This is without a shadow of a doubt one of the weirdest and probably disturbing postings I have ever had the pleasure to read.
vender al por menor 
 Beadle and Adams of New York's 'dime and nickel novels' included both new books and pirated English novels retailing as paperbacks at 10 cents a volume.
venta al por menor  
retail trade
 In this example, the reader is trying to follow up all the ramifications of a fairly comprehensive subject such as 'commerce', which might include not only 'retailing' but also 'wholesaling', 'accounting', 'consumer protection' and so on.
 This article reports how supermarket chains confront the problems of the retail trade on a daily basis.
ventas al por menor 
retail sales
 Yesterday's report on March retail sales was greeted with banner headlines proclaiming the comeback of the consumer.
vías respiratorias menores, las 
small airways, the
 Rales are caused by fluid in the small airways or atelectasis.

Trends of use of menor



The term «menor» is very widely used and occupies the 627 position in our list of most widely used terms in the Spanish dictionary.
Very widely used
The map shown above gives the frequency of use of the term «menor» in the different countries.
Principal search tendencies and common uses of menor
List of principal searches undertaken by users to access our Spanish online dictionary and most widely used expressions with the word «menor».


The graph expresses the annual evolution of the frequency of use of the word «menor» during the past 500 years. Its implementation is based on analysing how often the term «menor» appears in digitalised printed sources in Spanish between the year 1500 and the present day.

Examples of use in the Spanish literature, quotes and news about menor



Famous quotes and sentences with the word menor.
Albert Llanas
La salud de nuestro cuerpo la gastamos al por mayor; mas una vez perdida, la compramos al por menor.
Baruch Spinoza
La alegría es el paso del hombre de una menor perfección a una mayor.
John Morley
Cuando el menor de los hijos ya ha aprendido a no revolver la casa, llega el mayor de los nietos a dejarla como un asco.
Katharine Hepburn
Recitar es un don menor y no es una forma demasiado elegante de ganarse la vida. Después de todo Shirley Temple lo sabía hacer con cuatro años.
Selma Lagerlöf
Hay que tratar con cuidado las historias viejas; se parecen a rosas marchitas que se deshojan al menor contacto.
Tito Livio
Cuanto menor es el miedo, tanto menor es el peligro.
Ambrose Bierce
Paciencia: forma menor de desesperación disfrazada de virtud.
Pío Baroja
Realmente, no sé si con justicia o no, a mí no me admira el ingenio, porque se ve que hay muchos hombres ingeniosos en el mundo. Tampoco me asombra que haya gente con memoria, por grande y portentosa que sea, ni que haya calculadores; lo que más me asombra es la bondad, y esto lo digo sin el menor asomo de hipocresía.
La bestialidad es un mal menor que la perversidad, pero es más temible.
Douglas Coupland
Me he dado cuenta de que la mayoría de la gente está demasiado preocupada con su propia vida para dedicar a los demás el menor pensamiento.


Al lado siempre es menor de la mujer el dolor.
De dos bienes, el mayor; de dos males, el menor.
Hermano mayor, padre menor.
Juego mayor quita menor.
No hay dolor que la mujer no sepa hacerlo menor.
Por muy grande que sea el mayor, ha menester al menor.
Tarde o temprano, el mayor tiene necesidad del menor.


Discover the use of menor in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to menor and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in Spanish literature.
El interés del menor
En el inter‚s del menor, en su acepci¢n m s trascendente -entendido en su propia entidad, y en cuanto criterio instrumental para resolver otros problemas-, incluso desde una estricta ¢ptica jur¡dica, hay tambi‚n importantes ...
Francisco Rivero Hernández, 2007
El menor ante la violencia: procesos de victimización
El campo de la victimología, considerado como una ampliación del área del estudio de la criminología, es, hoy en día, independiente con grandes y significativas conexiones con la psicología jurídica, forense, etc.
Lidón Villanueva Badenes, 2002
Arte menor
When Claudia Gemelli discovers a sculpture by her father, an artist who abandoned his family long before he died, in the home of one of his mistresses, she begins searching for his works in order to talk to the women who loved him.
Betina González, 2006
El menor y la familia: conflictos e implicaciones
La defensa jurídica del menor centra otro blowue de reflexiones. Asimismo, la protección de los derechos de la infancia y el defensor del pueblo; la corrupción de menores y la ética cristiana son objeto de estudio.
Jesús Rodríguez Torrente, 1998
Manual de cirugía menor en atención primaria
La cirugía menor en España está adquiriendo un avance muy importante con su incorporación a la atención primaría de los sistemas públicos de salud.
Antonio R. Romero Márquez, 2011
El nuevo proceso penal del menor
Con la aprobación de la L.O. 5/2000, de 13 de enero, reguladora de la responsabilidad penal de los menores, se hace efectiva la voluntad del legislador, manifestada en la Exposición de Motivos de la derogada L.O. 4/1992, de 5 de junio, de ...
Ágata María Sanz Hermida, 2002
Tractado llamado menor daño de medici[n]a
Alfonso Chirino. «Xomiença la tabla t>el Шеюг t>año $ me '^25? °$P^'P«*ptöwto varó шсЙ^ЖопГоф1ппо:ппсоо«1гего0%ап0 caftitodfegaDowfa alcaloe g ерапипаоогтзЕог ólos fificoe 'гсишотапозбТизгег noe.ßlquale8partiooenoc^ partes.
Alfonso Chirino, 1515
El menor infractor como sujeto histórico. Teoría y práctica ...
Y de esta forma. se sigue reproduciendo el estereotipo institucional de menor infractor y contribuyendo a estigmatizar al niño y/o adolescente. Por lo que se hace necesario aportar elementos para "descriminalizar" a los niños > adolescentes.
Maribel Lozano Cortés, 2002
Estudios sobre la responsabilidad penal del menor
Diversos juristas valencianos han participado en la elaboración de la presente obra, que aparece en el momento más oportuno, puesto que sus aportaciones servirán, sin duda, para orientar la tarea legislativa de modificación de la ley ...
José Luis González Cussac, María Luisa Cuerda Arnau, 2006
Crónica de un Dios Menor
Este es un libro que aspira a penetrar en la conciencia del lector no a trav s de la grandilocuencia, sino de la sincera humanidad que es capaz de conmoverse ante los sentimientos. la sabidur a y la placidez de lo sencillo, lo profundo lo ...
Luis Rey De Castro, 2002


Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term menor is used in the context of the following news items.
Alertan de que la contaminación del Mar Menor está llegando al ...
La contaminación del Mar Menor está llegando ya a la zona del Mediterráneo que baña la Región de Murcia. Así lo asegura la bióloga Cristina Marín, que ha ... «, Sep 16»
El nivel de nitratos en el Mar Menor, 17 veces inferior al registrado ...
Durante el Consejo de Gobierno, la consejera ha hecho un balance de las actuaciones realizadas en el Mar Menor y ha afirmado que la turbidez del agua ... «, Aug 16»
Detenidos dos jóvenes por maniatar a un menor y difundir sus fotos ...
La Guardia Civil de la Región de Murcia ha desarrollado una investigación para esclarecer el trato degradante sufrido por un menor en Fortuna (Murcia), quien ... «, Aug 16»
«El Mar Menor necesita soluciones»
Los manifestantes con pancartas, en el momento que se acercaron a la playa para escenificar el estado del Mar Menor. / P. SÁNCHEZ / AGM ... «La Verdad, Aug 16»
Ecologistas: ´No hay nada que salvar en el Mar Menor, es un charco ...
EFE Ecologistas en Acción ha advertido hoy que el Mar Menor "ha pasado de ser un paraíso natural a ser una charca de agua podrida y pestilente", por lo que ... «La Opinión de Murcia, Aug 16»
El Mar Menor tendrá un servicio de Vigilancia integral en agosto
El Mar Menor tendrá un servicio de Vigilancia integral en agosto El Mar Menor tendrá un servicio de Vigilancia Marítima Integral en agosto. Foto/Marta Martínez ... «EFEverde, el periodismo del medio ambiente, Aug 16»
Los vecinos del Mar Menor se movilizarán en su defensa
E.P. Los vecinos de las localidades cartageneras del Mar Menor van a manifestarse en defensa de la laguna salada, los sábados 6, 13 y 20 de agosto, y el ... «La Opinión de Murcia, Jul 16»
Los puertos y clubes náuticos del Mar Menor, en la cuerda floja
PILAR BENITO Hay que poner el Mar Menor patas arriba para lograr recuperar la laguna lo antes posible y no volver a caer en los errores de años pasados. «La Opinión de Murcia, Jul 16»
Tres años de cárcel por abusar sexualmente de una menor ...
La Audiencia Provincial de León ha condenado a un hombre a tres años de prisión por un delito de abuso sexual a una menor vecina suya que padece una ... «El Mundo, Jul 16»
La Guardia Civil investiga a un joven por exhibirse ante una menor ...
Los agentes del Emume iniciaron la investigación tras la denuncia presentada por la madre de la menor, según la cual su hija habría recibido fotografías por ... «, Jul 16»



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