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El sol brilla para todos y no hace pagar sus rayos; y el mismo puñado de tierra nos cubrirá a nosotros como a los conquistadores de la fortuna y de la vida.
Alfredo Panzini

Significado de "tierra" en el diccionario de español



La palabra tierra procede del latín terra.
Se denomina etimología al estudio del origen de la palabras y sus cambios estructurales y de significado.


tie · rra play
Tierra es una palabra llana de 2 sílabas.
Las palabras llanas van acentuadas en la penúltima sílaba.


Tierra es un sustantivo.
El nombre o sustantivo es aquel tipo de palabras cuyo significado determina la realidad. Los sustantivos nombran todas las cosas: personas, objetos, sensaciones, sentimientos, etc.




La Tierra es un planeta del Sistema Solar que gira alrededor de su estrella en la tercera órbita más interna. Es el más denso y el quinto mayor de los ocho planetas del Sistema Solar. También es el mayor de los cuatro terrestres. La Tierra se formó hace aproximadamente 4.500 millones de años y la vida surgió unos mil millones de años después. Es el hogar de millones de especies, incluyendo los seres humanos y actualmente el único cuerpo astronómico donde se conoce la existencia de vida. La atmósfera y otras condiciones abióticas han sido alteradas significativamente por la biosfera del planeta, favoreciendo la proliferación de organismos aerobios, así como la formación de una capa de ozono que junto con el campo magnético terrestre bloquean la radiación solar dañina, permitiendo así la vida en la Tierra. Las propiedades físicas de la Tierra, la historia geológica y su órbita han permitido que la vida siga existiendo.

definición de tierra en el diccionario español

La primera definición de tierra en el diccionario de la real academia de la lengua española es planeta que habitamos. Otro significado de tierra en el diccionario es parte superficial del planeta Tierra no ocupada por el mar. Tierra es también material desmenuzable de que principalmente se compone el suelo natural.







Sinónimos y antónimos de tierra en el diccionario español de sinónimos



Las siguientes palabras tienen un significado similar o idéntico a «tierra» y pertenecen a la misma categoría gramatical.
sinónimos de tierra


tierra arcilla barro campo comarca cultivo finca firme globo granja greda hacienda marga mundo nación orbe país patria pavimento piso planeta polvo pueblo región suelo terreno territorio universo como quemada hiel primera lengua española habitamos otro parte superficial ocupada material desmenuzable principalmente compone natural sobre cielo opiniones papa francisco rabino abraham skorka rector seminario rabínico latinoamericano tenaces promotores diálogo interreligioso través cual buscan construir horizontes comunes diluir particularidades dormir dios nueva finalidad principal este libro darle mente información

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En el siguiente apartado puedes consultar las traducciones de tierra en el diccionario español-inglés así como el contexto en el que se emplean habitualmente mediante ejemplos de uso.

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85 millones de hablantes

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75 millones de hablantes

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70 millones de hablantes

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65 millones de hablantes

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50 millones de hablantes

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40 millones de hablantes

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30 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - griego

15 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - afrikáans

14 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - sueco

10 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - noruego

5 millones de hablantes


Conoce las traducciones de tierra en inglés y el contexto en el que se emplean habitualmente mediante ejemplos de uso.

  land ; ground ; soil ; earth ; dry land [dryland].
 Until recently all libraries and some architects have maintained that an academic library should be capable of extension and that land should be reserved for future expansion.
 A profile is a scale representation of the intersection of a vertical surface with the surface of the ground.
 This article diagnoses the information needs of those who work in the area of pollution of air, soil and earth.
 Insulation techniques helpful to energy conservation are: more use of below surface areas; the mounding of earth against outside walls; sod roofs; and the correct use of glass.
 This article describes a knowledge based geographic information system for the broad scale mapping of dryland salinity in the Western Australian wheatbelt.
alcanzar tierra firme 
come + ashore
 Due to the effects of global warming, tens of thousands of walruses have come ashore in Alaska.
apropiarse tierras 
appropriate + land
 This failure was to be expected, for Petrodar had not changed the old habits of appropriating land without paying compensation during the war years.
aprovechamiento de la tierra 
land use
 Environment Abstracts compiles, summarises, and indexes contribution on such topics as air, water, and soil pollution, toxicology, land use and misuse, waste management, weather modification, and endangered species.
arar la tierra 
till + the land
 Is it possible to produce food grains and vegetables by just spreading seeds without tilling the land and sowing the seeds in a cultivated land?.
asentamiento en tierras federales 
 At our library in Minnesota we have clearly identified material that deals with affirmative action, alternative energy sources, homesteading, Chinese-American boys, androgyny, food co-ops.
bajo tierra  
below surface
 An underground stack, to hold 1,250,000 books and the cataloguing services, was constructed under the inner courtyard of the main university building, to which the stack is linked by a tunnel.
 Insulation techniques helpful to energy conservation are: more use of below surface areas; the mounding of earth against outside walls; sod roofs; and the correct use of glass.
buena tierra 
good soil
 A good soil is one that is high in organic matter.
camino de tierra  
dirt track
dirt road
 The article is entitled 'Information highway or dirt track: challenges in delivery of electronic information products to isolated clients' = El artículo se titula "Autopista de la información o camino de tierra: retos en la distribución de productos de información electrónica a usuarios en zonas aisladas".
 Her experiences in Namibia involved cycling along dirt roads through the bush to village schools in order to read stories and help children make their own books = Sus experiencias en Namibia supusieron ir en bicicleta por caminos de tierra por el campo a las escuelas de las aldeas para leer cuentos y ayudar a los niños a hacer sus propios libros.
campo de fútbol de tierra 
dirt football pitch
 Dirt football pitches proliferate in lower-class areas.
campo de juego de tierra 
dirt pitch
 In Africa one can see balls made out of condensed plastic bags tied together with string and a game played on a dirt pitch with goal posts made from sticks.
campo de tierra  
dirt pitch
dirt field
 In Africa one can see balls made out of condensed plastic bags tied together with string and a game played on a dirt pitch with goal posts made from sticks.
 Matches between pugilists were settled in front of a roaring crowd in dirt fields and John L. Sullivan was often the one causing the roar.
como si se + Pronombre + hubiera tragado la tierra 
into thin air
 Their debates have operated with a more fluid notion of power, which at times has become so fluid as to evaporate into thin air.
con el suelo de tierra 
 The writer portrays it as colorful town of peasants, mangoes, papayas, yams, donkeys, dirt-floored cottages, and the market place.
confinado a la tierra 
land-bound [landbound]
 Ultimately, this film is just a land-bound rerun of Jaws, down to the sacrifice of the grizzled, expert hunter so the younger, more clean-cut, family man can face his own fears and prove his prowess.
con los pies sobre la tierra 
 The report gives a down-to-earth account of the way in which membership of the European Community has materially affected major British industries.
contaminación de la tierra 
soil pollution
 Environment Abstracts compiles, summarises, and indexes contribution on such topics as air, water, and soil pollution, toxicology, land use and misuse, waste management, weather modification, and endangered species.
corrimiento de tierra  
 Flooding, fire, earthquake, collapsed buildings and landslides are the most frequent kinds of disasters to hit libraries: nearly all will lead to wet books.
 The victims included men, women and children and they were either washed away in floods or buried in landslips.
cultivar la tierra   
farm + the land
grow + crops
cultivate + the land
 They have been farming this land since time out of mind.
 Even in mathematics the examples are all practical, rooted in the garden behind the school where the children grow crops.
 Some time later Mr. Richards expressed an interest in cultivating the land but stated he did not have the requisite finance.
dejar la tierra en barbecho 
let + farmland lie fallow
 Letting farmland lie fallow is the right thing to do, but some farmers can not afford to do it regardless of the beneficial impact on the land.
de la tierra 
locally produced
 Buying locally produced food eliminates the need for all that fuel-guzzling transportation.
desaprovechamiento de la tierra 
land misuse
 Environment Abstracts compiles, summarises, and indexes contribution on such topics as air, water, and soil pollution, toxicology, land use and misuse, waste management, weather modification, and endangered species.
desprendimiento de tierra  
 Flooding, fire, earthquake, collapsed buildings and landslides are the most frequent kinds of disasters to hit libraries: nearly all will lead to wet books.
 The victims included men, women and children and they were either washed away in floods or buried in landslips.
de tierra  [Adjetivo Utilizado como opuesto al mar] 
 Terminological consistency is a must for achieving satisfactory information flow onboard an oil platform, and between offshore field centres and onshore administration.
 Large volumes of water can be stored up for irrigation by erecting an earthen or masonry dam across the lower part of the vally of a river or stream.
de tierras lejanas 
from distant shores
 It was sung by immigrants as they struck out from distant shores and pioneers who pushed westward against an unforgiving wilderness.
echarlo todo por tierra 
upset + the applecart
 It looks like the Board didn't want to upset the applecart and took the easy way out.
echar por tierra        
cast + a blight on
blow + Nombre + out of the water
blow + Nombre + sky high
knock + the bottom out of
 This arrangement could definitely help solve the librarian's problems, unless unexpected events scupper it.
 The global outbreak of swine flu has spread fear through the travel sector, blighting any green shoots of recovery from the financial crisis.
 Rampant commercialisation of publishing is casting a blight on literature.
 Tall television towers and large skyscrapers blow the 'lightning never strikes twice' myth out of the water.
 This is all that can be done at this point to prevent the current violence from blowing sky-high, destabilising the region, and sending oil prices into the stratosphere.
 Three bills intended to scuttle affirmative action in California were left in dry dock when the committee refused to pass them.
 What advantage lay in torpedoing what were bilateral talks in all but name, just as they had got underway?.
 The aggravated situation provides new arguments for supporters of military intervention, and knocks the bottom out of the adherents of the diplomatic process.
echar por tierra las ilusiones 
shatter + Posesivo + hopes
 The author gives an insider's perspective on what it feels like to be an Arab since the groundshaking events of 1967 when Arab hopes were unexpectedly shattered by the outcome of the Arab Israeli war.
echar por tierra los planes de Alguien 
spike + Posesivo + guns
 As Richman goes to tedious lengths to build a damning portrait of the obnoxious reporter, Chas delves into Laurenge's past, trying to find some way of spiking his guns.
echar por tierra una idea 
crush + idea
 This is typical of the old corporate forms of hierarchy-based processes and of the 'risk-averse systems that crush new ideas'.
ejército de tierra, el 
army, the [armies, pl.]
 Of considerable value is documentation produced by the all-Russian Bureau of Military Organisations which reflects the transformation of the army into an active revolutionary force.
en la tierra 
on the ground
 But bats also appeared to capture insects near and possibly on the ground and near or in vegetation, flew low over water to drink, and pursued each other in aerial dogfights.
en la tierra de 
in the land of
 Voris University is located on three campuses at Hackley, a modern industrial city in the land of the buttes and the sagebrush plains.
en tierra  [Adverbio Utilizado como opuesto al mar] 
 Historical time series of wells drilled in a given country or region onshore and offshore within 10 depth categories will be invaluable.
 This system will enable the medical personnel at a remote site to contact a physician at a diagnostic centre (ashore or shipboard) and transmit a visual and auditory presentation of the medical data needed for diagnosis.
en tierra firme 
on dry land
 In other words, Elian's real shipwreck was not on the open sea, but when he stepped on dry land in the United States.
en tierras lejanas 
 He has an example, in the fact that the outranged Europeans still failed to adopt the Turkish bow = El tiene un ejemplo en el hecho de que los europeos en tierras lejanas seguían sin adoptar el saludo turco.
fertilidad de la tierra 
soil fertility
 Soil fertility refers to the amount of nutrients in the soil, which is sufficient to support plant life.
gestión de tierras 
land management
 This learning resources center collects print and non-print materials emphasizing aspects of land and water management.
gran extensión de tierra dedicada a la cría de animales de pas 
 This article discusses research conducted with wool producers in semi-arid rangelands in Australia.
labrar la tierra 
till + the land
 Is it possible to produce food grains and vegetables by just spreading seeds without tilling the land and sowing the seeds in a cultivated land?.
la tierra de la abundancia 
the land of plenty
 The US is the land of plenty and one of the world's richest countries, but it has a serious and growing problem of homelessness.
la tierra de las oportunidades 
the land of opportunity
 It seems that America is the land of opportunity to milk the system.
llegar a tierra firme 
come + ashore
 Due to the effects of global warming, tens of thousands of walruses have come ashore in Alaska.
mala tierra 
poor soil
 Some purists feel that a rock garden should contain only those plants which grow naturally on rocky slopes in poor soil.
morir desintegrándose en la tierra  [Generalmente referido a las plantas]
die back to + the ground
 Perennial plants are often called herbaceous, meaning they have soft or succulent green stems that will die back to the ground in the winter.
movimiento de tierra 
 Some 360000 cubic meters of vertical earthwork was done at the mine without any evaluation of how it was likely to affect the ecosystem.
nadie es profeta en su tierra 
no man is a prophet in his own land
 And his life confirms the famous old saw: No man is a prophet in his own land.
pequeño propietario de tierras 
yeoman farmer
 She argues that the way yeoman farmers lorded over their wives and dependents was similar to the way wealthy planters lorded over their slaves.
pies sobre la tierra 
feet on the ground
 The title of the conference was 'Head in the clouds, feet on the ground: serials vision and common sense'.
pista de tierra batida 
clay tennis court
 Red clay tennis courts are made of natural clay or crushed red brick.
poner los pies sobre la tierra 
come down + to earth
 The second paragraph came down to earth stylistically.
poner tierra de por medio entre y 
put + some distance between... and...
 Sometimes putting some distance between partners refreshes mutual attraction.
por encima de la tierra 
 In this study, thirty-four-year-old chestnut trees were felled, measured and weighed to evaluate their aboveground biomass.
producto de la tierra 
locally grown
 Those on the other side of the debate are equally vehement that locally grown organic food is preferable to imported organic food.
reclamación de tierras  [Actividades realizadas para ganar terreno al mar, ríos, desiertos, etc]
land reclamation
 There is no agricultural project without prospection for groundwater necessary for land reclamation, particularly in the desert areas far from river courses.
recuperación de tierras  [Actividades realizadas para ganar terreno al mar, ríos, desiertos, etc]
land reclamation
 There is no agricultural project without prospection for groundwater necessary for land reclamation, particularly in the desert areas far from river courses.
rodeado de tierra  
land-bound [landbound]
land-locked [landlocked]
 Ultimately, this film is just a land-bound rerun of Jaws, down to the sacrifice of the grizzled, expert hunter so the younger, more clean-cut, family man can face his own fears and prove his prowess.
 Because Zambia is land-locked, book acquisition is difficult.
sal de la tierra 
salt of the earth
 In the novel, residents of the drought-plagued hamlet of Champaner, egged on by a salt-of-the-earth hothead leader, recklessly accept a sporting challenge thrown down by the commander of the local British troops.
sin tierras 
 While the new technology increased food production, it also caused wealthy farmers to benefit more than the landless.
sobre la tierra   
on earth
on the face of the earth
on the ground
 There is no such thing on earth as an uninteresting subject; the only thing that can exist is an uninterested person.
 E-mail is without question the most powerful method of distributing information on the face of the earth.
 But bats also appeared to capture insects near and possibly on the ground and near or in vegetation, flew low over water to drink, and pursued each other in aerial dogfights.
temblor de tierra    
earth tremor
earthquake tremor
shake of earthquake
 The campus was hard hit by the quake and declared unsafe, one week before the spring semester was due to begin.
 The earth tremor that rocked the centre of Melbourne was one of three quakes that hit Australia in the one day.
 In addition, the witnesses testified that the detonations 'really rocked' the house and 'felt like an earthquake tremor, or an earthquake'.
 Last evening a distinct shake of earthquake was felt in Nelson, it was just sufficient to set pendent objects swinging, but was not a very vigorous shake.
tenis sobre tierra batida  
clay tennis
clay court tennis
 They know how to play clay tennis, but their best days probably are behind.
 Love it or loathe it, clay court tennis is the modern surface in Europe.
terrón de tierra   
clod of dirt
clod of earth
dirt clod
 Adult crickets spend their days in shallow burrows beneath a stone, clod of dirt or a tuft of plant.
 He picked up a clod of earth and held it out to them by way of welcome.
 When you break up dirt clods in your garden, it improves the structure of the soil, allowing it to hold more water and support more vigorous plants.
¡Tierra a la vista!  
Land ahoy!
Land ho!
 While they were talking a voice from the crow's nest called, 'Land ahoy!' and in a moment the ship was all life.
 It was our morning watch; when, soon after the day began to break, a man on the forecastle called out, 'Land ho!'.
tierra arcillosa  
clay soil
clayey soil
 Heavy clay soils are much more likely to be overwatered than light soils.
 Some plants tolerate clayey soils better than others.
tierra arenosa 
sandy soil
 Hawthorn trees prefer a loamy, sandy soil combination.
tierra baldía   
barren land
 Eliot somehow suggests that a mix of blood and electricity might yet redeem the petty materialism of the modern world that he had previously seen only as a wasteland.
 The emperor moth is a European moth that lives in moors.
 By 1948, a short 26 years after the first tree planting, most of the barren lands had been reforested with healthy pine and spruce plantations.
tierra buena 
good soil
 A good soil is one that is high in organic matter.
tierra caliza 
limy soil
 Consequently, areas covered by very limy soils are not favorable for the accumulation of large deposits of sphagnum peat.
tierra cenagosa 
loamy soil
 Hawthorn trees prefer a loamy, sandy soil combination.
tierra comunal 
communal land
 The land reform was supposed to redistribute land from predominantly white-owned commercial farms to much poorer black farmers who toiled on communal lands.
tierra cultivable 
arable land
 Human population in the world continues to grow, but arable land is limited especially in less developed countries.
tierra de cultivo  
farmland [farm land]
 Wide, voracious, indiscriminate reading is the base soil from which discrimination and taste eventually grow.
 Alternative uses for farmland include conversion to golf courses, dry ski slopes, hotels, film locations, animal sanctuaries, and campsites.
Tierra de Israel, la 
Land of Israel, the
 Judea and Samaria, located west of the Jordan River, with Jerusalem approximately in the center, are historical parts of the Land of Israel.
tierra de labranza 
farmland [farm land]
 Alternative uses for farmland include conversion to golf courses, dry ski slopes, hotels, film locations, animal sanctuaries, and campsites.
tierra de nadie  [Expresión utilizada para referirse a fenómenos que están a caballo entre la realidad y la ficción]  
twilight zone
no-man's land
 U denotes the umbra, ie those documents which are clearly relevant (within the shadow of the subject); P denotes the penumbra (the 'twilight zone'); and A denotes alien, ie those documents which are clearly not relevant.
 The town of Wexler was hacked out of the wilderness, and for many years it stood alone in the forest, a halting place in the long stagecoach journey from eastern localities to the unknown West.
 We stand squarely in a no-man's land between a rough technology and a vague science.
tierra de pastoreo  
pasture land
 The informality of the modern library provides one of the richest pasture lands of all for breeding reading people = La informalidad de la biblioteca moderna ofrece una de las tierras de pasto más ricas de todas para producir gente lectora.
 Breeders with limited amounts of pasturage may find it necessary to wether the male kids in order prevent them from breeding the female goats.
tierra de pastos 
pasture land
 The informality of the modern library provides one of the richest pasture lands of all for breeding reading people = La informalidad de la biblioteca moderna ofrece una de las tierras de pasto más ricas de todas para producir gente lectora.
tierra desconocida 
terra incognita
 Literacy work is to some degree something of a 'terra incognita' for librarians.
tierra en barbecho 
fallow land
 Tests were conducted on stubble and fallow land on three soil types.
tierra exótica 
exotic land
 The cultural stories of this exotic land made him feel more at home than the newspaper headlines he was printing.
tierra feraz  
fertile land
fertile ground
 Among the seemingly barren mountains there is fertile land.
 South Asia has proved the most fertile ground for political dynasties.
tierra fértil    
fertile land
fertile ground
 Insulation techniques helpful to energy conservation are: more use of below surface areas; the mounding of earth against outside walls; sod roofs; and the correct use of glass.
 The trees are hardy, and suitable for cultivation on a sandy loam soil.
 Among the seemingly barren mountains there is fertile land.
 South Asia has proved the most fertile ground for political dynasties.
tierra firme   [Generalmente usado como opuesto a las islas]  
dry land [dryland]
land mass [landmass]
firm ground
solid ground
 This article describes a knowledge based geographic information system for the broad scale mapping of dryland salinity in the Western Australian wheatbelt.
 A distinctive new civilization developed in the European peninsula of the Eurasian land mass in the course of the millennium that followed.
 Destabilisation of the economic forces governing publishers' prices has meant that subscription agents no longer work on firm ground.
 Before him was a morass over which a bridge had been thrown to the solid ground beyond.
tierra lejana 
far off land
 The mementoes from far off lands in drawing rooms and museums constitute another imaginary land in which the idea of foreign cultures is shaped.
tierra mala 
poor soil
 Some purists feel that a rock garden should contain only those plants which grow naturally on rocky slopes in poor soil.
tierra margosa 
loamy soil
 Hawthorn trees prefer a loamy, sandy soil combination.
tierra natal      
native country
native soil
native land
 A great number of these publications were significantly influenced by the political scene in their respective homelands.
 Hitler referred to Germany as the fatherland because that's where his father came from - his mother was Austrian.
 When the Second World War broke out, my motherland was arduously fighting against Japanese imperialism.
 After the civil war ended, the refugees were able to return to their native country.
 I think he has captured the echoes of his native soil, but not necessarily its essence.
 En route to England after the funeral for her husband, she had plans to scatter his ashes in his native land.
tierra prometida, la   
land of cream and honey, the
promised land, the
land of milk and honey, the
 The article 'Affiliated membership - land of cream and honey' describes what has been done towards recognition of technical staff in libraries by the LA.
 The article is entitled 'Into the promised land: some notes on the new Birmingham Central Library'.
 Ireland has been described by many poets and story-tellers as the land of milk and honey.
landed estate
 An estate archive may be defined as an accumulation of records relating to the acquisition and management of a landed estate.
tierras altas 
 This bibliographic survey is now being expanded to include all the highland provinces.
tierras altas escocesas 
 The tour will include visits to several important libraries and day trips to explore the beautiful Highland lochs and glens.
tierra salvaje 
 The town of Wexler was hacked out of the wilderness, and for many years it stood alone in the forest, a halting place in the long stagecoach journey from eastern localities to the unknown West.
Tierra Santa 
Holy Land, the
 This is a massive project involving an 80 volume set containing 16 complete Bibles and including full colour electronic maps of the Holy Land.
tierras bajas  [Las zonas de menor altura de un país montañoso]
 They took part in many small-scale but often bitterly fought operations across the coastal lowlands.
tierras celtas, las 
Celtic fringe, the
 The article is entitled 'Reconstructing public library authorities in the Celtic fringe'.
tierras del sur 
 During his relatively brief career as a corporate tactician, Jeff Gordon, a lanky 32-year-old who retains a touch of the 'aw shucks' manner of his native southland, has chalked up some substantial achievement.
tierra sin cultivar 
uncultivated land
 Decades of intensive irrigation have produced shallow water tables under not only cultivated fields but also the nearby uncultivated land.
tierras mejores  [Usado comúnmente en sentido figurado] 
greener pastures
pastures new
 This threatens to reverse the recent brain drain that has seen scientists flee the US for greener pastures north of the border.
 Therefore this would be a good time to explore pastures new, so make an extra effort and put yourself in the shop window and show the world what you can do.
tierras movedizas 
shifting sands
 The conference focused on the following themes, seminars and break-out discussions: books in a post paper society; the shifting sands of retail trends; no more bunting on the publishing boat; and consumer attitudes to price.
tierras perdidas 
lost lands
 Heroic fantasy set in lost lands, often featuring dinosaurs, continues to thrive = La fantasía heróica ambientada en tierras perdidas, en los que a menudo aparecen dinosaurios, continúan prosperando.
tierra virgen     [Es recomendable usar "uncharted territory"]  [Es recomendable usar "uncharted waters"]
uncharted territory
uncharted waters
virgin territory
unchartered territory
unchartered waters
 If the quality of information is a controversial subject, a discussion of the value of information can lead into even more uncharted territory.
 The article 'Doing your homework: market research in uncharted waters' provides a detailed review of the motivations for using market research within the data base publishing industry.
 Today there is no virgin territory to be had - only by invasion of another country can one nation extend its borders.
 The article 'Entering unchartered territory: putting CD-ROM in place' is a contribution to a special issue devoted in part to CD-ROM.
 We are looking for a candidate who will be able to lead our institution through the unchartered waters of rapid change in higher education.
toma de tierra 
 Special earthing and a voltage smoother may also be wanted.
transporte por tierra 
land transport
 Similarly, if we substitute 'mass media' for 'television' or 'transport' instead of 'land transport' specificity is lost.
tropa de tierra 
ground troop
 The use of anti-aircraft artillery against ground troops was frowned upon at the start of that conflict.
uso de la tierra 
land use
 Environment Abstracts compiles, summarises, and indexes contribution on such topics as air, water, and soil pollution, toxicology, land use and misuse, waste management, weather modification, and endangered species.
vasallo propietario de sus tierras 
yeoman [yeomen, -pl.]
 Most of the testators were yeomen, husbandmen, tradesmen, craftsmen and laborers, and the widows of such men.
vehículo de tierra a motor 
motor land vehicle
 Other branches of engineering include: 629.1 Aerospace engineering, .2 motor land vehicles and cycles, .3 Air-cushion vehicles (Hovercraft), and .4 Astronautics.
vivir de la tierra 
live off + the land
 His family lived off of the land - every summer his mother canned vegetables, fruits, jams, sauces, and meats for the winter.

Tendencias de uso de la palabra tierra



El término «tierra» es muy utilizado habitualmente y ocupa la posición 572 de nuestra lista de términos más usados del diccionario de español.
Muy usado
En el mapa anterior se refleja la frecuencia de uso del término «tierra» en los diferentes paises.
Principales tendencias de búsqueda y usos comunes de tierra
Listado de las príncipales búsquedas realizadas por los usuarios para acceder a nuestro diccionario de español en línea y expresiones más usadas con la palabra «tierra».


El gráfico expresa la evolución anual de la frecuencia de uso de la palabra «tierra» en los últimos 500 años. Su implementación se basa en el análisis de la frecuencia de aparición del término «tierra» en las fuentes impresas digitalizadas del español publicadas desde el año 1500 hasta la actualidad.

Citas, bibliografía en español y actualidad sobre tierra



Citas y frases célebres con la palabra tierra.
Alfredo Panzini
El sol brilla para todos y no hace pagar sus rayos; y el mismo puñado de tierra nos cubrirá a nosotros como a los conquistadores de la fortuna y de la vida.
Toda la tierra está al alcance del sabio, ya que la patria de un alma elevada es el universo.
François De La Rochefoucauld
Si la vanidad no echa por tierra todas las virtudes, por lo menos las hace vacilar.
Gilbert K. Chesterton
La afirmación de que los mansos poseerán la tierra está muy lejos de ser una afirmación mansa.
Ludwig Börne
Agotad antes todas las locuras: así se llega a la tierra de la sabiduría.
Mateo Alemán
Libertad. Loada de sabios, deseada de muchos y cantada de poetas, para cuya estimación todo el oro y las riquezas de la tierra es poco precio.
Miguel De Cervantes
No hay en la tierra contento que se iguale a alcanzar la libertad perdida.
La esperanza hace que agite el náufrago sus brazos en medio de las aguas, aun cuando no vea tierra por ningún lado.
Los hombres famosos tienen por sepulcro la tierra eterna.
Pietro Metastasio
Si la justicia empleara todo su rigor, la tierra pronto sería un desierto.


Recopilación de refranes del refranero popular español con el término tierra.
En el cabo de Trafalgar, o muy en la tierra o muy en el mar.
En tierra ajena, la vaca al buey cornea.
En toda tierra de garbanzos, seis gansos y seis gansas son doce gansos.
Nunca el juglar de la tierra tañe bien la fiesta.
Tierra negra buen pan lleva.
Al galgo, cadena, buena cama, pan duro y tierra llana.
Al sapo, tierra.
Badajoz, tierra de Dios, se acuesta uno y amanecen dos.
Callar y obrar por la tierra y por el mar.
Casa de tierra, caballo de hierba y amigo de palabra, no valen nada.
Los refranes recogen el saber popular. Señalan qué actitud conviene adoptar en cada situación, definen la razón de una determinada conducta, extraen las consecuencias de una circunstancia… entrañando en cualquier caso un fin didáctico y aleccionador y convirtiendo la anécdota humana en tema de reflexión.

Los primeros refranes escritos se remontan a la Edad Media y versan sobre todo lo cotidiano (trabajos del campo, la iglesia, los hombres, mujeres, etc…).

Miguel de Cervantes, en Don Quijote de la Mancha escribe: "los refranes son sentencias breves, sacadas de la experiencia y especulación de nuestros antiguos ancianos". Seguirá diciendo Don Quijote sobre la utilidad de los refranes: "cualquiera de los que has dicho [, Sancho,] basta para dar a entender tu pensamiento" (Segunda parte, capítulo XVII).


Descubre el uso de tierra en la siguiente selección bibliográfica. Libros relacionados con tierra y pequeños extractos de los mismos para contextualizar su uso en la literatura.
Sobre el cielo y la tierra: Las opiniones del Papa Francisco ...
El Papa Francisco y el Rabino Abraham Skorka, rector del Seminario Rabínico Latinoamericano, son dos tenaces promotores del diálogo interreligioso, a través del cual buscan construir horizontes comunes sin diluir las particularidades que ...
Jorge Bergoglio- Abraham Skorka,, 2012
#La finalidad principal de este libro no es darle a su mente más información ni creencias, ni tratar de convencerlo de algo, sino generar en usted un cambio de conciencia, es decir, un despertar.
Pedagogía de la tierra
Moacir Gadotti viaja con la mente de un filósofo y el corazón de un poeta. [...] Con sensibilidad y competencia, nos orientea la mirada en la perspectiva de la ecopedagogía, enseñándonos, entre otros saberes, que, desde la ventana de ...
Moacir Gadotti, 2002
La nueva novela de David Vann abandona Alaska, el mítico territorio explorado en Caribou Island, para instalarse en la soleada California.
David Vann, 2013
Lloro por la tierra
Lo que fue llamado como la gran depresión norteamericana de los años 30, representa un periodo histórico durante el cual se dieron a la luz pública, un conjunto de relatos e historias que se referían al valor humano y a la lucha ...
Mildred D. Taylor, Jorge Cárdenas Nannetti, 1998
Viaje al centro de la tierra
Una de las novelas que hicieron de su autor uno de los escritores más populares de su tiempo, en una perfecta combinación de viajes y aventuras y algún que otro elemento de ciencia ficción.
Julio Verne, 2008
Doma natural. Adiestramiento del caballo en libertad, pie a ...
Adiestramiento del caballo en libertad, pie a tierra y montado. Manual de etología aplicada a la equitación
Elisabeth de Corbigny, 2012
La Puesta a tierra de instalaciones eléctricas y el R.A.T.
Constituye un compendio sobre el tema de la puesta a tierra de instalaciones eléctricas, orientado principalmente a los ingenieros y técnicos responsables de proyectos, construcción y mantenimiento de instalaciones eléctricas de alta ...
Rogelio García Márquez, 1991
De la tierra a la luna
De la Tierra a la Luna, que pertenece a la época idílica de su fe en la ciencia, narra con notables dosis de humor e ironía la preparación y envío a la Luna de un gigantesco proyectil.
Julio Verne, 2006
Tierra encantada: tratado de antropología religiosa de ...
Este ambicioso tratado sobre el fenómeno religioso en América Latina es producto de una larga docencia universitaria y de investigaciones realizadas sobre el terreno en varios países.
Manuel María Marzal, 2002


Conoce de qué se habla en los medios de comunicación nacionales e internacionales y cómo se emplea el término tierra en el contexto de las siguientes noticias.
Un asteroide "monstruoso" se acerca a la Tierra
El "monstruoso" asteroide 2004 BO41 pasará por la Tierra a más de 11 millones de kilómetros, lo cual se considera una distancia relativamente corta, dado el ... «RT en Español - Noticias internacionales, Sep 16»
Descubren un planeta similar a la Tierra en la órbita de la estrella ...
Los científicos han encontrado un planeta similar a la Tierra en la órbita de la estrella más cercana al Sol, Próxima Centauri, según un estudio publicado por la ... «, Ago 16»
Asesinan a periodista veracruzano en Tierra Blanca
Tamayo Rosas, reportaba para los diarios Al calor político y Piñero de la Cuenca noticias de la región del municipio de Tierra Blanca, una de las más afectadas ... «La Jornada en linea, Jul 16»
Descubren en la Vía Láctea más de 100 planetas parecidos a la ...
"Aproximadamente el 24% de las estrellas albergan planetas 1,6 veces más pequeños que la Tierra", explicó la doctora Natalie Batalha, científica de la misión ... «BBC Mundo, May 16»
Así se vio el "mordisco" de Mercurio en el Sol desde la Tierra
Este lunes 9 de mayo fue una de esas escasas ocasiones. Como Mercurio tiene una tercera parte del tamaño de la Tierra y es 150 veces más pequeño que el ... «BBC Mundo, May 16»
Cómo son los 3 planetas similares a la Tierra que acaban de ...
Los tres cuerpos tienen un tamaño similar a la Tierra y orbitan alrededor de una estrella enana a 40 años luz de distancia de nuestro planeta, en la constelación ... «BBC Mundo, May 16»
Día de la Tierra 2016: La polución mata cada año a siete millones ...
El Día de la Tierra de celebra cada 22 de abril en todos los países y rincones del planeta desde el año 1970. Su gran impulsor fue el senador demócrata ... «La Voz de Galicia, Abr 16»
El astronauta Scott Kelly vuelve a la Tierra un año después… cinco ...
El astronauta de la NASA que ha pasado 340 días en el espacio ha regresado a la Tierra, con su hermano gemelo, al que ahora saca cinco centímetros. «TICbeat, Mar 16»
Las impresionantes fotos de la Tierra tomadas por el astronauta ...
El astronauta estadounidense que más tiempo ha pasado en el espacio vuelve a la Tierra este martes luego de haber permanecido en la Estación Espacial ... «BBC Mundo, Mar 16»
Un policía desvela cómo murieron los cinco de Tierra Blanca en ...
El hallazgo se produjo hace semanas en un rancho en el pueblo de Tlalixcoyan, a 65 kilómetros de Tierra Blanca. Inconformes con las explicaciones de las ... «EL PAÍS, Mar 16»



« EDUCALINGO. Tierra [en línea] . Disponible en <>. Abr 2024 ».
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