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El precio más alto que puede pagarse por cualquier cosa es pedirla por favor.
John Ray

Significado de "precio" en el diccionario de español



La palabra precio procede del latín pretĭum.
Se denomina etimología al estudio del origen de la palabras y sus cambios estructurales y de significado.


pre · cio play
Precio es una palabra llana de 2 sílabas.
Las palabras llanas van acentuadas en la penúltima sílaba.


Precio es un sustantivo.
El nombre o sustantivo es aquel tipo de palabras cuyo significado determina la realidad. Los sustantivos nombran todas las cosas: personas, objetos, sensaciones, sentimientos, etc.




Generalmente se denomina precio al pago o recompensa asignado a la obtención de un bien o servicio o, más en general, una mercancía cualquiera. A pesar que tal pago no necesariamente se efectúa en dinero los precios son generalmente referidos o medidos en unidades monetarias. Desde un punto de vista general, y entendiendo el dinero como una mercadería, se puede considerar que bienes y servicios son obtenidos por el trueque, que, en economías modernas, generalmente consiste en intercambio por, o mediado a través del, dinero. En el desarrollo de la economía ha habido debate prolongado acerca de la relación entre el precio y el valor. Originalmente, la escuela clásica consideraba que el precio dependía directamente del valor, entendido como la cantidad de trabajo encapsulada en la producción de una mercancía dada. Posteriormente, a partir del trabajo de los marginalistas, se llegó a concebir que el precio depende de la utilidad que cada individuo asigna al bien o servicio en cuestión.

definición de precio en el diccionario español

La primera definición de precio en el diccionario de la real academia de la lengua española es valor pecuniario en que se estima algo. Otro significado de precio en el diccionario es esfuerzo, pérdida o sufrimiento que sirve de medio para conseguir algo, o que se presta y padece con ocasión de ello. Al precio de su salud va fulano saliendo de apuros. Precio es también premio o prez que se ganaba en las justas.







Sinónimos y antónimos de precio en el diccionario español de sinónimos



Las siguientes palabras tienen un significado similar o idéntico a «precio» y pertenecen a la misma categoría gramatical.
sinónimos de precio


precio cantidad coste costo cuenta deuda esfuerzo estimación evaluación importe menoscabo monto ofrenda riesgo sacrificio saldo señal sufrimiento suma tasación total primera lengua española pecuniario estima otro pérdida sirve medio para conseguir presta padece ocasión ello salud fulano saliendo apuros precio también premio prez ganaba justas determinación obra pública gobierno contenido prologo salarios sueldos base materiales equipos costos basicos horarios finales presupuesto

Traductor en línea con la traducción de precio a 25 idiomas

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Conoce la traducción de precio a 25 idiomas con nuestro traductor multilingüe.
Las traducciones de precio presentadas en esta sección han sido obtenidas mediante traducción automática estadística a partir del idioma español.

En el siguiente apartado puedes consultar las traducciones de precio en el diccionario español-inglés así como el contexto en el que se emplean habitualmente mediante ejemplos de uso.

Traductor español - chino

1.325 millones de hablantes


570 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - inglés

510 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - hindi

380 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - árabe

280 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - ruso

278 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - portugués

270 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - bengalí

260 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - francés

220 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - malayo

190 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - alemán

180 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - japonés

130 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - coreano

85 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - javanés

85 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - vietnamita

80 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - tamil

75 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - maratí

75 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - turco

70 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - italiano

65 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - polaco

50 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - ucraniano

40 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - rumano

30 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - griego

15 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - afrikáans

14 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - sueco

10 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - noruego

5 millones de hablantes


Conoce las traducciones de precio en inglés y el contexto en el que se emplean habitualmente mediante ejemplos de uso.

price ; price tag ; price range ; quote.
Prices tend to be lower than those on SDC and DIALOG and this has obvious attractions.
Many library services, which generally have been provided free to users, are likely to acquire price tags in the near future.
The author reviews some of the features of text retrieval software packages currently on the market with notes on price ranges.
This is the most cost-effective method of acquisition because of the opportunity to choose the least expensive quote from multiple quotes through increasing purchasing power.
a bajo precio
at a low price
on the cheap
Following our examples, the neighbors decide that they can provide the lower-cost food service to the wider community by buying in even larger quantities, and in the process make a profit for themselves.
Following our examples, the neighbors decide that they can provide the lower-cost food service to the wider community by buying in even larger quantities, and in the process make a profit for themselves.
They are unique because large volumes of data can be stored at a low price.
The author provides a selected list of Internet sites covering various aspects of travel and tourism such as accommodation, restaurants, entertainment, travelling abroad, and touring on the cheap.
a cualquier precio
at any cost
at all costs
at any price
by whatever means (possible)
Illegal work practices aimed at achieving economic success at any cost were widespread.
This article presents a decalogue of a librarian's faults: a library for the benefit of librarians; a library for the benefit of the management; a drive to obtain new technology at all costs; egotism of departments; egotism of libraries; dictatorship instead of management; working 'in silence'; putting on blinkers; laissez-faire; and wasteful use of time, people and resources.
The new law would scrap the existing anti-scalping law and allow tickets to be resold at any price.
Naturally, Claire is just dying to be part of the Committee, but they're equally determined to keep her out of it by whatever means.
alcanzar un precio
fetch + Dinero
One wonders what the students did with all those articles about investing in literary works and about the prices that authors' autographs fetched in auctions!.
al mejor precio
at the best price
The prices on CD-ROM drives can vary greatly from one dealer to another and the Web provides the most up-to-date features at the best prices.
al mejor precio posible
at the best possible price
Video collections are an essential part of the library service and librarians must be aware of demand, buy at the best possible prices and make the public aware that the service exists.
alto precio
This article indicates the costliness and lack of necessity of freeze drying.
a mitad de precio
at half price
Buy one at full price and get one at half price.
a precio de coste
at cost price
at cost
The library of the Universiy of the Pacific, California, offers on-line searching facilities to faculty and students at cost price.
That the only approved treatment for a fatal infection is apparently not being offered at cost seems to me morally wrong.
a precio de costo
at cost price
at cost
The library of the Universiy of the Pacific, California, offers on-line searching facilities to faculty and students at cost price.
That the only approved treatment for a fatal infection is apparently not being offered at cost seems to me morally wrong.
a precio de ganga
at a steal
for a steal
for a bargain
Any rooms booked at a steal to the guests is still better than having the rooms stay empty.
This bistro not only serves a fabulous breakfast for a steal, but provides a quiet, elegant space for muck-a-mucks to powwow.
Thrift shops are an excellent way to find cheap shoes, clothes, and antiques for a bargain!.
a precio especial
at reduced cost
at a discounted rate
Public libraries can arrange expeditions at reduced cost to museum exhibits, concerts, etc.
Most of these cut-rate laptops include a one-year parts and labor warranty.
Turkey is heavily promoted by tour operators as an idyllic holiday destination, the cut-price alternative to Greece or Cyprus.
NISO and NASIG members may register at a discounted rate.
a precio razonable
at reasonable cost(s)
Finding ways of communicating all available knowledge to potential users at reasonable cost is a major challenge today.
a precio reducido
at a discount
The next stage was for publishers and booksellers to agree to maintain prices, that is not to retail books at a discount on the listed price.
a precios competitivos
competitively priced
This service pinpoints accurate, quality, easily accessible and competitively priced sources accessible to end users.
a precios especiales
at reduced rates
at preferential rates
It was agreed to enable student members to join ALA divisions at reduced rates.
Conference delegates can be assisted with their accommodation requirements at nearby hotels at preferential rates.
a precios razonables
at affordable prices
Undoubtedly the foremost issue in the debate surrounding the information superhighway is that of universal service - that is, the availability of information resources to all at affordable prices.
a su precio normal
at full price
Buy one at full price and get one at half price.
aumentar el precio
mark up + price
jack up + the price
Export levels are still low since the official exporting agencies mark up prices considerably.
To that end, Marriott has announced its room rates will include everything up front; no hidden taxes or fees to jack up the price at the end of your stay.
aumento de precios
price increase
increased price
This article discusses the worsening acquisitions budget at the library placing blame on the continuing large price increases of periodicals and books.
The serials crisis is related to increased prices and the inability of academic libraries to keep pace with the demand for research materials.
a un precio asequible
at an affordable price
at an affordable cost
The private sector is under no obligation to make government information available to the public at an affordable price.
We always provide quality service at an affordable cost.
a un precio especial
at a discount
The next stage was for publishers and booksellers to agree to maintain prices, that is not to retail books at a discount on the listed price.
a un precio módico
at an affordable price
at an affordable cost
The private sector is under no obligation to make government information available to the public at an affordable price.
We always provide quality service at an affordable cost.
a un precio muy razonable
at a very reasonable cost
at very reasonable cost
The article 'Bargains or bummers? Remainders' suggests that despite problems attaching to buying remainders, judicious purchasing of this stock can add valuable books to a library's collection at a very reasonable cost.
It is a widely used method which produces good quality copies at very reasonable cost.
a un precio razonable
at a reasonable cost
reasonably priced
The author attempts to ascertain whether cooperatives provide programmes and services that make them good value at a reasonable cost.
If you are looking for the best reasonably priced sushi your best bet is almost certainly Sushi-Hiro in Chinatown.
averiguar el precio
When costing, the quotation given seriously underestimated the time needed for the job = Cuando se calculó el costo, el presupuesto que se dio subestimó en gran medida el tiempo necesario para hacer el trabajo.
bajada de los precios
falling prices
Real earnings remain on the rise due to falling prices while the housing market continues to show signs of stabilizing.
bajar de precio
come down in + price
Personal computers continue to grow in power and come down in price, but the field has become much more confusing since Apr 87.
bajar el precio
lower + price
The general use of casting machinery from around 1860 lowered the price of type, but had little effect on its design.
bajar los precios
roll back + prices
The Minister is firm about not rolling back oil prices insisting that the price hike was 'very marginal'.
bajo precio
low cost
The ubiquitousness and relatively low cost of comic books, combined with their proven socio-historical, recreational, and educational value, render them a highly desirable commodity in libraries.
buena relación calidad-precio
value for money
Libraries are being expected to justify their services in terms of value for money.
caída de los precios
falling prices
Real earnings remain on the rise due to falling prices while the housing market continues to show signs of stabilizing.
cambiar el precio
Local authorities are studying methods of repricing utility services.
Local authorities are studying methods of repricing utility services.
cobrar un precio
charge + price
The Online Computer Library Center (OCLC) charges the same prices to all networks, but the networks add varying surcharges, dues, and markups to the OCLC prices.
comparación de precios
comparison shopping is a comparison shopping site which lets shoppers haggle in real-time directly with suppliers.
comparar precios
comparison shop
In addition, patrons use libraries to research consumer information to comparison-shop for major purchases, such as cars, boats, and appliances.
competencia de precios
price competition
In an industry with razor-thin margins and intense price competition, customer loyalty and repeat purchasing is critical to financial success.
condiciones de adquisición y/o precio [Elemento del área del número normalizado y de las condiciones de adquisición que detalla la forma de adquisición y/o el precio del material que se describe]
terms of availability and/or price
The second element of this area is the price of the publication or the terms on which it is available.
de bajo precio
Permission has been granted to introduce a system of surveillance licensing for the purpose of monitoring imports of low-priced goods, such as clothing and footwear originating in non-EC countries.
de precio fijo
This study found that online access to scientific serials is most appropriate in the third world, principally due to the presence of a small number of scientists with a broad range of interests which makes the fixed-price regimes of print, microform or CD-ROM disadvantageous.
de precio medio
Paper boards spread to the generality of medium-priced editions in the period 1780-1820.
de precio razonable
Information will become more affordable, accessible, and plentiful.
de precio rebajado
Turkey is heavily promoted by tour operators as an idyllic holiday destination, the cut-price alternative to Greece or Cyprus.
Most of these cut-rate laptops include a one-year parts and labor warranty.
descender de precio
come down in + price
Personal computers continue to grow in power and come down in price, but the field has become much more confusing since Apr 87.
diferencia de precio
price differential
The arrangements should also negotiate resistance to perceived 'American dominance', erode price differentials between Europe and the US, and permit each country to support its own online services.
diferencia de precios
price differentiation
The analysis found substantial differences in price structure among regions, but less price differentiation based on quality than in prior years.
diferencias de precio
differential pricing
The effects of inflation, shipping costs, differential pricing by discipline and by publisher were considered = Se analizaron los efectos de la inflación, los gastos de envío y las diferencias de precio según la disciplina y la editorial.
fijación de precio de venta
The aim was to identify and document current trends and practices in costing and pricing, and cost recovery and performance measurement in order to provide assistance to colleagues attempting to resolve financial management issues.
fijación de precios
Broadly speaking, the former are framework regulations, such as the basic regulations for the common organization of markets and the annual CAP fixing, within which the Commission exercises delegated powers.
fijar precios
fix + price
CD-ROM publishers are pricing either low or high and seemingly do not know what rationale to use for pricing.
Production costs are only one of the determining factors when it comes to fixing a book's price.
fijar precios altos
price + high
CD-ROM publishers are pricing either low or high and seemingly do not know what rationale to use for pricing.
fijar precios bajos
price + low
CD-ROM publishers are pricing either low or high and seemingly do not know what rationale to use for pricing.
fulminar los precios
slash + prices
In the meantime, they are slashing prices to woo would-be buyers.
guerra de precios
pricing competition
price war
Taiwan used to play a decisive role in the lighting industry, but has lost its shine in the midst of pricing competition against developing countries.
Taking a long-term view, price wars don't really benefit consumers.
índice de precios
price index
Taking 197 as the base year, the price index of journals for an academic veterinary library has risen 143.00 points, an annual average of 15.89 points through 1986.
índice de precios al consumo (IPC) [Informe mensual sobre el precio medio de diversos productos y servicios que sirve de medida de la fluctuación del coste de vida] [Informe mensual sobre el precio medio de diversos productos y servicios que sirve de medida de la fluctuación del coste de vida]
consumer price index (CPI)
Retail Price Index (RPI)
While most Americans have heard of the consumer price index (CPI), many people are not knowledgeable about its meaning or history.
One problem encountered was the difficulty in obtaining information about the means used to calculate the book component of the Retail Price Index (RPI).
ndice de precios al consumo
cost of living index
A cost of living index compares the average cost of living in a particular area with the average cost of living elsewhere.
información de precios
price information
For price and order information, write or phone the address given above.
información de precios de productos para el consumo [Información diaria sobre los precios de mercado de ciertos productos claves para el ama de casa]
retail prices
Several hundred pages of information are available on each channel, concerned mainly with retail prices, share prices and amusement.
límite de precio
price cap
The governor has the power to suspend the price caps if she determines they would cause a major adverse impact on the economy.
manipulación de precios
It has been to the continuing shame of the library field that his efforts toward eliminating the price-fixing of children's books have received such little note and appreciation.
mantener los precios
hold + prices down
Publishers have been holding prices down in the face of deepening recession.
mejor precio posible, el
best possible price, the
Used car prices are at or near all-time highs making this a great time to get rid of your unneeded vehicles for the best possible price.
mejor relación calidad-precio, la
best value for money, the
This article discusses ways of getting the best value for money in acquisitions = Este artículo trata de cómo obtener la mejor relación calidad-precio en las adquisiciones de libros.
mitad de precio
half price
Below is the list of tickets offered today for half-price, special offers, and full-price.
negociar el precio de Algo
negotiate + price
The only books, therefore, which are normally sold 'non-net' are educational books sold in bulk to schools, for which suppliers are allowed to negotiate special prices.
obligar a subir el precio
force up + prices
The major influence forcing up prices of books is the change in the number of titles produced, with consequent effects on average print runs and industry's cost structure.
pagar el precio
meet + price
The University had already looked after the collection for 19 years at some expense and was fortunately able to meet the purchase price.
pagar precio
pay + cost
This cost was paid in the standard currency of higher education -student hours.
pagar un alto precio
pay + hefty price
Because of the cost of producing print on paper in the Gutenberg era, research publication had to adopt the same economic model as trade publication, and research libraries the world over paid the hefty price = Debido al coste de la impresión en papel en la era de Gutenberg, las publicaciones científicas tuvieron que adoptar el mismo modelo económico que las publicaciones comerciales y las bibliotecas universitarias de todo el mundo pagaron un precio elevado.
pagar un precio
pay + fee
pay + penalty
Information providers pay a fee to British Telecom, and may then charge users for each frame that they consult.
The penalty to be paid for this is that the whole file is slightly more than twice the size of the data base.
pagar un precio alto por Algo
pay + a premium price for
Fee-for-service programmes can target non-traditional market segments such as pharmaceutical companies, lawyers, and manufacturing firms who regularly need and willingly pay a premium price for perishable medical information.
pagar un precio elevado
pay + hefty price
Because of the cost of producing print on paper in the Gutenberg era, research publication had to adopt the same economic model as trade publication, and research libraries the world over paid the hefty price = Debido al coste de la impresión en papel en la era de Gutenberg, las publicaciones científicas tuvieron que adoptar el mismo modelo económico que las publicaciones comerciales y las bibliotecas universitarias de todo el mundo pagaron un precio elevado.
pagar un precio exorbitante
pay through + the nose
But what is the point of paying through the nose for booze that you can get just as easily at the Supermarket at half the price?.
política de fijación de precios
pricing policy
Update is incremental and may be slow, and pricing policies show evidence of the presence of a supporting printed product.
política de precios
pricing model
pricing policy
The growing use of the Internet by publishers will lead to a variety of pricing models for document delivery.
Update is incremental and may be slow, and pricing policies show evidence of the presence of a supporting printed product.
poner el precio
CD-ROM publishers are pricing either low or high and seemingly do not know what rationale to use for pricing.
poner precio a la cabeza de
declare + open season on
President Bush is rattling his saber and has declared open season on Saddam personally.
poner precio a la cabeza de Alguien
put + a price on + Posesivo + head
Moroccan families desiring to avenge their daughters have put a price on the journalist's head.
poner un precio a Algo muy alto
Keep the price simple, flexible, understandable and budgetable, and when in doubt, overprice.
precio abusivo
abusive price tag
abusive price
While textbooks are clearly an important and critical component to students' education, their abusive price tags are not.
This new law is primarily aimed at reducing abusive prices for goods and services resulting from a lack of competition.
precio al por mayor
block rate
wholesale price
bulk rate
Weekly tapes of current records, or cumulated back files available as separate year cumulations or at block rates can be supplied.
Agricultural prices include the purchase prices of the means of production and selling prices, i.e., producer and wholesale prices but not retail prices, of animal and crop products.
The bulk rate is 30 percent off of any order over 10 copies.
precio asequible
reasonable price
A balanced supply and demand will benefit both producers and consumers, because it will lead to reasonable prices.
precio + bajar
price + fall
Milk powder prices fell for a second month as production in Europe and the US increased and concerns eased that drought would reduce global supplies.
precio + caer
price + fall
Milk powder prices fell for a second month as production in Europe and the US increased and concerns eased that drought would reduce global supplies.
precio calculado según el tiempo empleado
time-based charge
On-line gives the user frequent updates, but at the cost of time based charges and, in the case of direct access to CELEX, a complex command language = La conexión en línea permite las actualizaciones frecuentes, aunque a costa de precios calculados según el tiempo empleado y, en el caso del acceso directo a CELEX, un lenguaje de comandos complejo.
precio calculado según el tiempo de conexión
connect time based pricing
A shift away from connect time based pricing to fixed rate pricing is inevitable = Es inevitable el abandono de las tarifas calculadas según el tiempo de conexión y se adopten las tarfijas planas.
precio competitivo
competitive price
To try and combat the enormous problem of online software piracy, vendors are beginning to market programs over the Internet at competitive prices.
precio con descuento
discounted price
discount price
discount price
In fact, the discounted prices for large consortia are meaningless; probably not a single buyer has actually paid the undiscounted price.
After February 24, the discount price is $495 and $595 until the day before the event, a savings of up to $900 off onsite registration.
After February 24, the discount price is $495 and $595 until the day before the event, a savings of up to $900 off onsite registration.
precio de compra
purchase price
The price of the demonstration disk is relatively modest and is normally deducted from the full purchase price.
precio de coste más margen de beneficios
cost-plus pricing
Cost-plus pricing is the technique whereby a bookseller or vendor prices each book sold on the formula of delivered cost from the publisher plus a percentage of that cost.
precio de entrada
price of admission
And coupled with it, the simple answer, yes, I think made for a rather historic exchange, and it surely was worth the price of admission.
precio de la gasolina
fuel pump price
If fuel pump prices are reduced drastically many petrol station operators will go bust.
precio de la habitación
room rate
To that end, Marriott has announced its room rates will include everything up front; no hidden taxes or fees to jack up the price at the end of your stay.
precio del aparcamiento
parking fee
The Conference Centre car park has 650 parking places, with another 5000 places nearby and parking fees can be paid with notes or coins.
precio de las acciones
share price
After rising to giddy heights, share prices of Internet companies have dropped.
precio de la suscripción
subscription price
Subscription price for the monthly updated data base is 2,350 dollars per year with the price negotiable if subscribing to other UMI products.
precio de la vivienda
house price
Banks have put the cat among the pigeons by warning that without heavy increases in interest rates house prices would spiral out of control.
precio del billete
But he was wiry and wily, too, and he would often hide in some nook of the station to save the fare.
precio del billete de autobús
bus fare
As .032 is used here in the Operations facet only, the compound, bus fares, can be expressed as 656.132.032.
precio del billete de avión
airfare [air fare]
airline fare
airflight fare
I couldn't tell you how much it cost me in postage, resumes, airfare for interviews, etc.
Increased hotel reservations helps to bolster travel agents' bottom lines as airline fare wars have meant lower commissions.
The fierce competition between these low cost carriers in Australia has made airflight fares cheaper than ever.
precio del carburante
fuel price
fuel pump price
Fishermen from across the UK have staged a protest in London over the impact of spiralling fuel prices on their industry.
If fuel pump prices are reduced drastically many petrol station operators will go bust.
precio del combustible
fuel price
fuel pump price
Fishermen from across the UK have staged a protest in London over the impact of spiralling fuel prices on their industry.
If fuel pump prices are reduced drastically many petrol station operators will go bust.
precio del productor
producer price
Agricultural prices include the purchase prices of the means of production and selling prices, i.e., producer and wholesale prices but not retail prices, of animal and crop products.
precio de regalo
giveaway price
Contrary to the mainstream car market, repossessed cars can be bought at almost giveaway price.
precio de salida
starting price
Selecting your starting price requires balancing between how much money you want for the item, and what buyers will pay for it.
precio + descender
price + fall
Milk powder prices fell for a second month as production in Europe and the US increased and concerns eased that drought would reduce global supplies.
precio desorbidato
abusive price tag
abusive price
While textbooks are clearly an important and critical component to students' education, their abusive price tags are not.
This new law is primarily aimed at reducing abusive prices for goods and services resulting from a lack of competition.
precio desorbitado
prohibitive price tag
prohibitive price
Unfortunately, a digital oscilloscope with this array of features often comes with a prohibitive price tag.
Concerns have been raised that prohibitive prices are preventing first-time buyers entering the housing market.
precio de tarifa
list price
listed price
At the same time publishers and booksellers combined once more to fix retail prices, concluding in 1900 a 'net book agreement' by which booksellers were forbidden to retail new books at less than list prices.
The next stage was for publishers and booksellers to agree to maintain prices, that is not to retail books at a discount on the listed price.
precio de venta al público
retail price
cover price
list price
listed price
retail selling price
At the same time publishers and booksellers combined once more to fix retail prices, concluding in 1900 a 'net book agreement' by which booksellers were forbidden to retail new books at less than list prices.
Because of the shortage, many newspapers were sold by vendors above the cover price, including those copies due to be sent to libraries.
At the same time publishers and booksellers combined once more to fix retail prices, concluding in 1900 a 'net book agreement' by which booksellers were forbidden to retail new books at less than list prices.
The next stage was for publishers and booksellers to agree to maintain prices, that is not to retail books at a discount on the listed price.
Since we buy back only the number of books we need, you may not always be able to sell your books for 50% of the current retail selling price.
precio + dispararse
price + spiral out of control
price + go through the roof
price + soar through the roof
Banks have put the cat among the pigeons by warning that without heavy increases in interest rates house prices would spiral out of control.
And, just as many people had predicted, prices went through the roof.
With the price of milk soaring through the roof lots of folks are reconsidering powdered milk for it's economy.
precio especial
reduced rate
special rate
reduced fee
discounted price
discount price
preferential rate
Subscription price is 55 pounds (103 dollars) with reduced rates for members of the Institute of Information Scientists.
Availability is by means of a monthly subscription of 34.95 dollars with special rates for doctors' groups.
We have exetended the registration deadline for reduced fee of 300 EUR instead of 350 EUR until April, 17th.
In fact, the discounted prices for large consortia are meaningless; probably not a single buyer has actually paid the undiscounted price.
After February 24, the discount price is $495 and $595 until the day before the event, a savings of up to $900 off onsite registration.
At time of booking state you were referred by IFLA and request preferential rates.
precio especial por cantidad
discount quantity price
These calf-length baseball pants and knee-length baseball pants are available at discount quantity prices.
precio especial por compra al por mayor
bulk deal
Pharmaceutical companies have made bulk deals with governments where they still make substantial profits while charging much less for the prescriptions.
precio especial por volumen
discount quantity price
These calf-length baseball pants and knee-length baseball pants are available at discount quantity prices.
precio excesivo
steep price
overpricing [over-pricing]
inflated price
Since the Reagan administration began its war on waste in 1981, farmers and other citizens have had not alternative to buying their information from the private sector at far steeper prices.
Failure to distinguish legitimate electro-copying as royalty-free or over-pricing of royalty-paid electro-copying will weaken their role in scholarly communication.
Publishers know that libraries will consider any discount from artificially inflated prices to be a bargain.
precio fijo
fixed charge
The author criticizes the pricing level of the service with its fixed charge of 600 dollars per year.
precio inflado
inflated price
Publishers know that libraries will consider any discount from artificially inflated prices to be a bargain.
precio inicial
starting price
Selecting your starting price requires balancing between how much money you want for the item, and what buyers will pay for it.
precio íntegro
full price
Below is the list of tickets offered today for half-price, special offers, and full-price.
precio máximo
price cap
The governor has the power to suspend the price caps if she determines they would cause a major adverse impact on the economy.
precio medio
average price
A survey of top 10 commercial and learned society publishers found the 1989 average prices (pounds sterling) to be £207.78 for commercial and £217.85 for learned society publishers.
precio mínimo
threshold price
An 'import levy' is then charged on the importer's price in order to bring it up to the threshold price.
precio normal
full price
Below is the list of tickets offered today for half-price, special offers, and full-price.
precio para estudiantes
student rate
Student rates and day registrations are also available.
precio + ponerse por las nubes
price + go through the roof
price + spiral out of control
price + spiral out of control
price + soar through the roof
And, just as many people had predicted, prices went through the roof.
Banks have put the cat among the pigeons by warning that without heavy increases in interest rates house prices would spiral out of control.
Banks have put the cat among the pigeons by warning that without heavy increases in interest rates house prices would spiral out of control.
With the price of milk soaring through the roof lots of folks are reconsidering powdered milk for it's economy.
precio por unidad
unit price
For supercomputers the number of sales is at a much lower level, but the unit prices are correspondingly higher.
precio prohibitivo
prohibitively expensive
prohibitive price tag
prohibitive price
At the present time online catalogs seem to be prohibitively expensive for public libraries.
Unfortunately, a digital oscilloscope with this array of features often comes with a prohibitive price tag.
Concerns have been raised that prohibitive prices are preventing first-time buyers entering the housing market.
precio razonable
fair price
reasonable price
A knowledge of the microform market will bring familiarity with publishers and their goods, and will help in deciding what is a fair price.
A balanced supply and demand will benefit both producers and consumers, because it will lead to reasonable prices.
precio rebajado
marked-down price
Instead of keeping such items in our warehouse collecting dust, we are placing them here for a clearance sale at significantly marked-down prices.
precio reducido
marked-down price
Instead of keeping such items in our warehouse collecting dust, we are placing them here for a clearance sale at significantly marked-down prices.
precio regalado
giveaway price
Contrary to the mainstream car market, repossessed cars can be bought at almost giveaway price.
price range
price rate
price structure
The aim was to identify and document current trends and practices in costing and pricing, and cost recovery and performance measurement in order to provide assistance to colleagues attempting to resolve financial management issues.
The author reviews some of the features of text retrieval software packages currently on the market with notes on price ranges.
The second reason is that companies have to take care of costs to meet the descending price rate of the market.
The analysis found substantial differences in price structure among regions, but less price differentiation based on quality than in prior years.
precios competitivos
competitive rates
The conference organisers have negotiated some very competitive rates for air travel to Glasgow.
precios de las materias primas
commodity prices
The idea of teletext is to supply, over the airwaves, such items of information as news flashes, the latest sport results, and commodity prices.
precios descontrolados
runaway prices
Tighter budgets and runaway journal prices have made it necessary for growing numbers of academic libraries to trim their collections.
precios disparados
spiralling prices
runaway prices
The problem of spiraling prices for periodicals in academic libraries cannot be solved simply by reducing staff.
Tighter budgets and runaway journal prices have made it necessary for growing numbers of academic libraries to trim their collections.
precios + dispararse
prices + spiral
Academic librarians have seen their budgets levelled and shrinking and have witnessed serials prices spiralling out of control.
precios en alza
rising costs
runaway prices
runaway costs
The base of higher education is shrinking because of the drop in the birthrate and rising costs.
Tighter budgets and runaway journal prices have made it necessary for growing numbers of academic libraries to trim their collections.
Runaway periodicals costs have forced many academic libraries to initiate periodicals review and cancellation projects.
precio simbólico
nominal fee
This enormous amount of information is available to the public free or for nominal fees.
precios + ponerse por las nubes
prices + spiral
Academic librarians have seen their budgets levelled and shrinking and have witnessed serials prices spiralling out of control.
precios por las nubes
spiralling prices
The problem of spiraling prices for periodicals in academic libraries cannot be solved simply by reducing staff.
precio tirado
giveaway price
Contrary to the mainstream car market, repossessed cars can be bought at almost giveaway price.
que no tiene precio
The libraries have spent centuries with the collections and storage of priceless information.
que tiene precio
Much of this is free games software, with some educational programs, but there are also some priced applications programs available.
rebajar el precio
cut + price
Officials say the company's poor second quarter performance is due to cutting prices too low.
rebajar los precios
knock down + prices
slash + prices
But many shoppers said stores were not knocking down prices as much as in years past.
In the meantime, they are slashing prices to woo would-be buyers.
reducción de los precios
price cut
This is the first CD price cut since the media format came on the scene in the 1980's.
reducción de precios
The system was working well enough by the 1780s for the trade to be alarmed by the pricecutting of James Lackington.
reducir el precio
reduce + price
cut + price
The author urges publishers to reduce prices and review the rationale behind their structuring of book prices.
Officials say the company's poor second quarter performance is due to cutting prices too low.
relación calidad-precio
price-performance ratio
This service has an unparalled price-performance ratio = La relación calidad-precio de este servicio es incomparable.
sensible a los precios
price sensitive
This segment of the population is relatively quality-sensitive and not very price sensitive.
sin precio
Eastern European serials are unpriced as they come via exchange agreements.
subida del precio de la gasolina
gas price hike
In fact, compact vehicles are flying off dealer lots at a clip not seen since the gas price hike during the summer of 2008.
subida de precios
price rise
rising costs
price increase
increased price
price hike
The socialists states are developing library networks as a way of coping with price rises.
The base of higher education is shrinking because of the drop in the birthrate and rising costs.
This article discusses the worsening acquisitions budget at the library placing blame on the continuing large price increases of periodicals and books.
The serials crisis is related to increased prices and the inability of academic libraries to keep pace with the demand for research materials.
The Minister is firm about not rolling back oil prices insisting that the price hike was 'very marginal'.
subir de precio
rise in + price
This article examines the problems facing libraries as acquisitions budgets are severely reduced and library materials continue to rise in price.
subir el precio
push + cost + up
raise + price
jack up + the price
rack up + the price
For example, a micro computer with a facility for access via multiple terminals would obviously push the cost up considerably.
Publishers are likely to react to economic difficulties by raising their prices and reducing the number of published titles.
To that end, Marriott has announced its room rates will include everything up front; no hidden taxes or fees to jack up the price at the end of your stay.
Retailers are just adding salt to injury by rack up the price even more.
susceptible a los precios
price sensitive
This segment of the population is relatively quality-sensitive and not very price sensitive.
tabla de comparación de precios
price-comparison table
Some consumer advice centres would not only handle complaints but also provided pre-shopping advice, combined with attractive exhibitions, leaflets, price-comparison tables, and other consumer education activities.
tarifa de precios
pricing structure
pricing algorithm
pricing scheme
pricing model
price structure
This paper gives examples of the computer program's main menu structure, the customer addresses file, the types of job completed, pricing structures and cumulative statistics.
This article reviews some of the models used for pricing on-line information services and discusses some of the implications of these pricing algorithms.
The new pricing scheme will be phased in gradually, the plan being to reduce connect fees as other fees are increased.
The growing use of the Internet by publishers will lead to a variety of pricing models for document delivery.
The analysis found substantial differences in price structure among regions, but less price differentiation based on quality than in prior years.
tener un precio razonable
be reasonably priced
Provided there is a node within a local call distance, this arrangement is reasonably priced.
tirado de precio
at a steal
for a steal
A steal now but iron ore is set to soar.
Any rooms booked at a steal to the guests is still better than having the rooms stay empty.
This bistro not only serves a fabulous breakfast for a steal, but provides a quiet, elegant space for muck-a-mucks to powwow.
todo tiene precio
everything has a price
We live in a time when everything has a price but nothing has value!.
todo tiene su precio
everything has its price
Sociological studies, psychological studies, and literature have shown again and again everything has its price.
vender a precio de costo
sell at + cost
Part of its work had included the preparation of a directory of city organizations and services which the library agreed to publish and sell at cost.
vender a precio de ganga
sell at + bargain price
In the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries these 'copy books' were claimed and promptly sold at bargain prices by the London workmen.
vender a un precio más barato que
Despite what amounts to undercutting by direct sale publishers calling themselves 'book clubs', the British net book agreement has remained in force until the present day.
vender en el extranjero a precios inferiores que en el país de origen
If a company has reasonable evidence that an imported product is being dumped or unfairly subsidized, a formal application for anti-dumping or countervailing action may be made to the European Commission.
venta a un precio más barato
The author instances the distribution bomb delivered via the World Wide Web and its devastation of Encyclopedia Britannica sales and the undercutting of CD-ROM prices = El autor pone como ejemplo cómo la World Wide Web ha sido una bomba para la distribución y ha devastado las ventas de la Encyclopedia Britannica y la venta del CD-ROM a un precio más barato.
price ; price tag ; price range ; quote.
Prices tend to be lower than those on SDC and DIALOG and this has obvious attractions.
Many library services, which generally have been provided free to users, are likely to acquire price tags in the near future.
The author reviews some of the features of text retrieval software packages currently on the market with notes on price ranges.
This is the most cost-effective method of acquisition because of the opportunity to choose the least expensive quote from multiple quotes through increasing purchasing power.
a bajo precio
at a low price
on the cheap
Following our examples, the neighbors decide that they can provide the lower-cost food service to the wider community by buying in even larger quantities, and in the process make a profit for themselves.
Following our examples, the neighbors decide that they can provide the lower-cost food service to the wider community by buying in even larger quantities, and in the process make a profit for themselves.
They are unique because large volumes of data can be stored at a low price.
The author provides a selected list of Internet sites covering various aspects of travel and tourism such as accommodation, restaurants, entertainment, travelling abroad, and touring on the cheap.
a cualquier precio
at any cost
at all costs
at any price
by whatever means (possible)
Illegal work practices aimed at achieving economic success at any cost were widespread.
This article presents a decalogue of a librarian's faults: a library for the benefit of librarians; a library for the benefit of the management; a drive to obtain new technology at all costs; egotism of departments; egotism of libraries; dictatorship instead of management; working 'in silence'; putting on blinkers; laissez-faire; and wasteful use of time, people and resources.
The new law would scrap the existing anti-scalping law and allow tickets to be resold at any price.
Naturally, Claire is just dying to be part of the Committee, but they're equally determined to keep her out of it by whatever means.
alcanzar un precio
fetch + Dinero
One wonders what the students did with all those articles about investing in literary works and about the prices that authors' autographs fetched in auctions!.
al mejor precio
at the best price
The prices on CD-ROM drives can vary greatly from one dealer to another and the Web provides the most up-to-date features at the best prices.
al mejor precio posible
at the best possible price
Video collections are an essential part of the library service and librarians must be aware of demand, buy at the best possible prices and make the public aware that the service exists.
alto precio
This article indicates the costliness and lack of necessity of freeze drying.
a mitad de precio
at half price
Buy one at full price and get one at half price.
a precio de coste
at cost price
at cost
The library of the Universiy of the Pacific, California, offers on-line searching facilities to faculty and students at cost price.
That the only approved treatment for a fatal infection is apparently not being offered at cost seems to me morally wrong.
a precio de costo
at cost price
at cost
The library of the Universiy of the Pacific, California, offers on-line searching facilities to faculty and students at cost price.
That the only approved treatment for a fatal infection is apparently not being offered at cost seems to me morally wrong.
a precio de ganga
at a steal
for a steal
for a bargain
Any rooms booked at a steal to the guests is still better than having the rooms stay empty.
This bistro not only serves a fabulous breakfast for a steal, but provides a quiet, elegant space for muck-a-mucks to powwow.
Thrift shops are an excellent way to find cheap shoes, clothes, and antiques for a bargain!.
a precio especial
at reduced cost
at a discounted rate
Public libraries can arrange expeditions at reduced cost to museum exhibits, concerts, etc.
Most of these cut-rate laptops include a one-year parts and labor warranty.
Turkey is heavily promoted by tour operators as an idyllic holiday destination, the cut-price alternative to Greece or Cyprus.
NISO and NASIG members may register at a discounted rate.
a precio razonable
at reasonable cost(s)
Finding ways of communicating all available knowledge to potential users at reasonable cost is a major challenge today.
a precio reducido
at a discount
The next stage was for publishers and booksellers to agree to maintain prices, that is not to retail books at a discount on the listed price.
a precios competitivos
competitively priced
This service pinpoints accurate, quality, easily accessible and competitively priced sources accessible to end users.
a precios especiales
at reduced rates
at preferential rates
It was agreed to enable student members to join ALA divisions at reduced rates.
Conference delegates can be assisted with their accommodation requirements at nearby hotels at preferential rates.
a precios razonables
at affordable prices
Undoubtedly the foremost issue in the debate surrounding the information superhighway is that of universal service - that is, the availability of information resources to all at affordable prices.
a su precio normal
at full price
Buy one at full price and get one at half price.
aumentar el precio
mark up + price
jack up + the price
Export levels are still low since the official exporting agencies mark up prices considerably.
To that end, Marriott has announced its room rates will include everything up front; no hidden taxes or fees to jack up the price at the end of your stay.
aumento de precios
price increase
increased price
This article discusses the worsening acquisitions budget at the library placing blame on the continuing large price increases of periodicals and books.
The serials crisis is related to increased prices and the inability of academic libraries to keep pace with the demand for research materials.
a un precio asequible
at an affordable price
at an affordable cost
The private sector is under no obligation to make government information available to the public at an affordable price.
We always provide quality service at an affordable cost.
a un precio especial
at a discount
The next stage was for publishers and booksellers to agree to maintain prices, that is not to retail books at a discount on the listed price.
a un precio módico
at an affordable price
at an affordable cost
The private sector is under no obligation to make government information available to the public at an affordable price.
We always provide quality service at an affordable cost.
a un precio muy razonable
at a very reasonable cost
at very reasonable cost
The article 'Bargains or bummers? Remainders' suggests that despite problems attaching to buying remainders, judicious purchasing of this stock can add valuable books to a library's collection at a very reasonable cost.
It is a widely used method which produces good quality copies at very reasonable cost.
a un precio razonable
at a reasonable cost
reasonably priced
The author attempts to ascertain whether cooperatives provide programmes and services that make them good value at a reasonable cost.
If you are looking for the best reasonably priced sushi your best bet is almost certainly Sushi-Hiro in Chinatown.
averiguar el precio
When costing, the quotation given seriously underestimated the time needed for the job = Cuando se calculó el costo, el presupuesto que se dio subestimó en gran medida el tiempo necesario para hacer el trabajo.
bajada de los precios
falling prices
Real earnings remain on the rise due to falling prices while the housing market continues to show signs of stabilizing.
bajar de precio
come down in + price
Personal computers continue to grow in power and come down in price, but the field has become much more confusing since Apr 87.
bajar el precio
lower + price
The general use of casting machinery from around 1860 lowered the price of type, but had little effect on its design.
bajar los precios
roll back + prices
The Minister is firm about not rolling back oil prices insisting that the price hike was 'very marginal'.
bajo precio
low cost
The ubiquitousness and relatively low cost of comic books, combined with their proven socio-historical, recreational, and educational value, render them a highly desirable commodity in libraries.
buena relación calidad-precio
value for money
Libraries are being expected to justify their services in terms of value for money.
caída de los precios
falling prices
Real earnings remain on the rise due to falling prices while the housing market continues to show signs of stabilizing.
cambiar el precio
Local authorities are studying methods of repricing utility services.
Local authorities are studying methods of repricing utility services.
cobrar un precio
charge + price
The Online Computer Library Center (OCLC) charges the same prices to all networks, but the networks add varying surcharges, dues, and markups to the OCLC prices.
comparación de precios
comparison shopping is a comparison shopping site which lets shoppers haggle in real-time directly with suppliers.
comparar precios
comparison shop
In addition, patrons use libraries to research consumer information to comparison-shop for major purchases, such as cars, boats, and appliances.
competencia de precios
price competition
In an industry with razor-thin margins and intense price competition, customer loyalty and repeat purchasing is critical to financial success.
condiciones de adquisición y/o precio [Elemento del área del número normalizado y de las condiciones de adquisición que detalla la forma de adquisición y/o el precio del material que se describe]
terms of availability and/or price
The second element of this area is the price of the publication or the terms on which it is available.
de bajo precio
Permission has been granted to introduce a system of surveillance licensing for the purpose of monitoring imports of low-priced goods, such as clothing and footwear originating in non-EC countries.
de precio fijo
This study found that online access to scientific serials is most appropriate in the third world, principally due to the presence of a small number of scientists with a broad range of interests which makes the fixed-price regimes of print, microform or CD-ROM disadvantageous.
de precio medio
Paper boards spread to the generality of medium-priced editions in the period 1780-1820.
de precio razonable
Information will become more affordable, accessible, and plentiful.
de precio rebajado
Turkey is heavily promoted by tour operators as an idyllic holiday destination, the cut-price alternative to Greece or Cyprus.
Most of these cut-rate laptops include a one-year parts and labor warranty.
descender de precio
come down in + price
Personal computers continue to grow in power and come down in price, but the field has become much more confusing since Apr 87.
diferencia de precio
price differential
The arrangements should also negotiate resistance to perceived 'American dominance', erode price differentials between Europe and the US, and permit each country to support its own online services.
diferencia de precios
price differentiation
The analysis found substantial differences in price structure among regions, but less price differentiation based on quality than in prior years.
diferencias de precio
differential pricing
The effects of inflation, shipping costs, differential pricing by discipline and by publisher were considered = Se analizaron los efectos de la inflación, los gastos de envío y las diferencias de precio según la disciplina y la editorial.
fijación de precio de venta
The aim was to identify and document current trends and practices in costing and pricing, and cost recovery and performance measurement in order to provide assistance to colleagues attempting to resolve financial management issues.
fijación de precios
Broadly speaking, the former are framework regulations, such as the basic regulations for the common organization of markets and the annual CAP fixing, within which the Commission exercises delegated powers.
fijar precios
fix + price
CD-ROM publishers are pricing either low or high and seemingly do not know what rationale to use for pricing.
Production costs are only one of the determining factors when it comes to fixing a book's price.
fijar precios altos
price + high
CD-ROM publishers are pricing either low or high and seemingly do not know what rationale to use for pricing.
fijar precios bajos
price + low
CD-ROM publishers are pricing either low or high and seemingly do not know what rationale to use for pricing.
fulminar los precios
slash + prices
In the meantime, they are slashing prices to woo would-be buyers.
guerra de precios
pricing competition
price war
Taiwan used to play a decisive role in the lighting industry, but has lost its shine in the midst of pricing competition against developing countries.
Taking a long-term view, price wars don't really benefit consumers.
índice de precios
price index
Taking 197 as the base year, the price index of journals for an academic veterinary library has risen 143.00 points, an annual average of 15.89 points through 1986.
índice de precios al consumo (IPC) [Informe mensual sobre el precio medio de diversos productos y servicios que sirve de medida de la fluctuación del coste de vida] [Informe mensual sobre el precio medio de diversos productos y servicios que sirve de medida de la fluctuación del coste de vida]
consumer price index (CPI)
Retail Price Index (RPI)
While most Americans have heard of the consumer price index (CPI), many people are not knowledgeable about its meaning or history.
One problem encountered was the difficulty in obtaining information about the means used to calculate the book component of the Retail Price Index (RPI).
ndice de precios al consumo
cost of living index
A cost of living index compares the average cost of living in a particular area with the average cost of living elsewhere.
información de precios
price information
For price and order information, write or phone the address given above.
información de precios de productos para el consumo [Información diaria sobre los precios de mercado de ciertos productos claves para el ama de casa]
retail prices
Several hundred pages of information are available on each channel, concerned mainly with retail prices, share prices and amusement.
límite de precio
price cap
The governor has the power to suspend the price caps if she determines they would cause a major adverse impact on the economy.
manipulación de precios
It has been to the continuing shame of the library field that his efforts toward eliminating the price-fixing of children's books have received such little note and appreciation.
mantener los precios
hold + prices down
Publishers have been holding prices down in the face of deepening recession.
mejor precio posible, el
best possible price, the
Used car prices are at or near all-time highs making this a great time to get rid of your unneeded vehicles for the best possible price.
mejor relación calidad-precio, la
best value for money, the
This article discusses ways of getting the best value for money in acquisitions = Este artículo trata de cómo obtener la mejor relación calidad-precio en las adquisiciones de libros.
mitad de precio
half price
Below is the list of tickets offered today for half-price, special offers, and full-price.
negociar el precio de Algo
negotiate + price
The only books, therefore, which are normally sold 'non-net' are educational books sold in bulk to schools, for which suppliers are allowed to negotiate special prices.
obligar a subir el precio
force up + prices
The major influence forcing up prices of books is the change in the number of titles produced, with consequent effects on average print runs and industry's cost structure.
pagar el precio
meet + price
The University had already looked after the collection for 19 years at some expense and was fortunately able to meet the purchase price.
pagar precio
pay + cost
This cost was paid in the standard currency of higher education -student hours.
pagar un alto precio
pay + hefty price
Because of the cost of producing print on paper in the Gutenberg era, research publication had to adopt the same economic model as trade publication, and research libraries the world over paid the hefty price = Debido al coste de la impresión en papel en la era de Gutenberg, las publicaciones científicas tuvieron que adoptar el mismo modelo económico que las publicaciones comerciales y las bibliotecas universitarias de todo el mundo pagaron un precio elevado.
pagar un precio
pay + fee
pay + penalty
Information providers pay a fee to British Telecom, and may then charge users for each frame that they consult.
The penalty to be paid for this is that the whole file is slightly more than twice the size of the data base.
pagar un precio alto por Algo
pay + a premium price for
Fee-for-service programmes can target non-traditional market segments such as pharmaceutical companies, lawyers, and manufacturing firms who regularly need and willingly pay a premium price for perishable medical information.
pagar un precio elevado
pay + hefty price
Because of the cost of producing print on paper in the Gutenberg era, research publication had to adopt the same economic model as trade publication, and research libraries the world over paid the hefty price = Debido al coste de la impresión en papel en la era de Gutenberg, las publicaciones científicas tuvieron que adoptar el mismo modelo económico que las publicaciones comerciales y las bibliotecas universitarias de todo el mundo pagaron un precio elevado.
pagar un precio exorbitante
pay through + the nose
But what is the point of paying through the nose for booze that you can get just as easily at the Supermarket at half the price?.
política de fijación de precios
pricing policy
Update is incremental and may be slow, and pricing policies show evidence of the presence of a supporting printed product.
política de precios
pricing model
pricing policy
The growing use of the Internet by publishers will lead to a variety of pricing models for document delivery.
Update is incremental and may be slow, and pricing policies show evidence of the presence of a supporting printed product.
poner el precio
CD-ROM publishers are pricing either low or high and seemingly do not know what rationale to use for pricing.
poner precio a la cabeza de
declare + open season on
President Bush is rattling his saber and has declared open season on Saddam personally.
poner precio a la cabeza de Alguien
put + a price on + Posesivo + head
Moroccan families desiring to avenge their daughters have put a price on the journalist's head.
poner un precio a Algo muy alto
Keep the price simple, flexible, understandable and budgetable, and when in doubt, overprice.
precio abusivo
abusive price tag
abusive price
While textbooks are clearly an important and critical component to students' education, their abusive price tags are not.
This new law is primarily aimed at reducing abusive prices for goods and services resulting from a lack of competition.
precio al por mayor
block rate
wholesale price
bulk rate
Weekly tapes of current records, or cumulated back files available as separate year cumulations or at block rates can be supplied.
Agricultural prices include the purchase prices of the means of production and selling prices, i.e., producer and wholesale prices but not retail prices, of animal and crop products.
The bulk rate is 30 percent off of any order over 10 copies.
precio asequible
reasonable price
A balanced supply and demand will benefit both producers and consumers, because it will lead to reasonable prices.
precio + bajar
price + fall
Milk powder prices fell for a second month as production in Europe and the US increased and concerns eased that drought would reduce global supplies.
precio + caer
price + fall
Milk powder prices fell for a second month as production in Europe and the US increased and concerns eased that drought would reduce global supplies.
precio calculado según el tiempo empleado
time-based charge
On-line gives the user frequent updates, but at the cost of time based charges and, in the case of direct access to CELEX, a complex command language = La conexión en línea permite las actualizaciones frecuentes, aunque a costa de precios calculados según el tiempo empleado y, en el caso del acceso directo a CELEX, un lenguaje de comandos complejo.
precio calculado según el tiempo de conexión
connect time based pricing
A shift away from connect time based pricing to fixed rate pricing is inevitable = Es inevitable el abandono de las tarifas calculadas según el tiempo de conexión y se adopten las tarfijas planas.
precio competitivo
competitive price
To try and combat the enormous problem of online software piracy, vendors are beginning to market programs over the Internet at competitive prices.
precio con descuento
discounted price
discount price
discount price
In fact, the discounted prices for large consortia are meaningless; probably not a single buyer has actually paid the undiscounted price.
After February 24, the discount price is $495 and $595 until the day before the event, a savings of up to $900 off onsite registration.
After February 24, the discount price is $495 and $595 until the day before the event, a savings of up to $900 off onsite registration.
precio de compra
purchase price
The price of the demonstration disk is relatively modest and is normally deducted from the full purchase price.
precio de coste más margen de beneficios
cost-plus pricing
Cost-plus pricing is the technique whereby a bookseller or vendor prices each book sold on the formula of delivered cost from the publisher plus a percentage of that cost.
precio de entrada
price of admission
And coupled with it, the simple answer, yes, I think made for a rather historic exchange, and it surely was worth the price of admission.
precio de la gasolina
fuel pump price
If fuel pump prices are reduced drastically many petrol station operators will go bust.
precio de la habitación
room rate
To that end, Marriott has announced its room rates will include everything up front; no hidden taxes or fees to jack up the price at the end of your stay.
precio del aparcamiento
parking fee
The Conference Centre car park has 650 parking places, with another 5000 places nearby and parking fees can be paid with notes or coins.
precio de las acciones
share price
After rising to giddy heights, share prices of Internet companies have dropped.
precio de la suscripción
subscription price
Subscription price for the monthly updated data base is 2,350 dollars per year with the price negotiable if subscribing to other UMI products.
precio de la vivienda
house price
Banks have put the cat among the pigeons by warning that without heavy increases in interest rates house prices would spiral out of control.
precio del billete
But he was wiry and wily, too, and he would often hide in some nook of the station to save the fare.
precio del billete de autobús
bus fare
As .032 is used here in the Operations facet only, the compound, bus fares, can be expressed as 656.132.032.
precio del billete de avión
airfare [air fare]
airline fare
airflight fare
I couldn't tell you how much it cost me in postage, resumes, airfare for interviews, etc.
Increased hotel reservations helps to bolster travel agents' bottom lines as airline fare wars have meant lower commissions.
The fierce competition between these low cost carriers in Australia has made airflight fares cheaper than ever.
precio del carburante
fuel price
fuel pump price
Fishermen from across the UK have staged a protest in London over the impact of spiralling fuel prices on their industry.
If fuel pump prices are reduced drastically many petrol station operators will go bust.
precio del combustible
fuel price
fuel pump price
Fishermen from across the UK have staged a protest in London over the impact of spiralling fuel prices on their industry.
If fuel pump prices are reduced drastically many petrol station operators will go bust.
precio del productor
producer price
Agricultural prices include the purchase prices of the means of production and selling prices, i.e., producer and wholesale prices but not retail prices, of animal and crop products.
precio de regalo
giveaway price
Contrary to the mainstream car market, repossessed cars can be bought at almost giveaway price.
precio de salida
starting price
Selecting your starting price requires balancing between how much money you want for the item, and what buyers will pay for it.
precio + descender
price + fall
Milk powder prices fell for a second month as production in Europe and the US increased and concerns eased that drought would reduce global supplies.
precio desorbidato
abusive price tag
abusive price
While textbooks are clearly an important and critical component to students' education, their abusive price tags are not.
This new law is primarily aimed at reducing abusive prices for goods and services resulting from a lack of competition.
precio desorbitado
prohibitive price tag
prohibitive price
Unfortunately, a digital oscilloscope with this array of features often comes with a prohibitive price tag.
Concerns have been raised that prohibitive prices are preventing first-time buyers entering the housing market.
precio de tarifa
list price
listed price
At the same time publishers and booksellers combined once more to fix retail prices, concluding in 1900 a 'net book agreement' by which booksellers were forbidden to retail new books at less than list prices.
The next stage was for publishers and booksellers to agree to maintain prices, that is not to retail books at a discount on the listed price.
precio de venta al público
retail price
cover price
list price
listed price
retail selling price
At the same time publishers and booksellers combined once more to fix retail prices, concluding in 1900 a 'net book agreement' by which booksellers were forbidden to retail new books at less than list prices.
Because of the shortage, many newspapers were sold by vendors above the cover price, including those copies due to be sent to libraries.
At the same time publishers and booksellers combined once more to fix retail prices, concluding in 1900 a 'net book agreement' by which booksellers were forbidden to retail new books at less than list prices.
The next stage was for publishers and booksellers to agree to maintain prices, that is not to retail books at a discount on the listed price.
Since we buy back only the number of books we need, you may not always be able to sell your books for 50% of the current retail selling price.
precio + dispararse
price + spiral out of control
price + go through the roof
price + soar through the roof
Banks have put the cat among the pigeons by warning that without heavy increases in interest rates house prices would spiral out of control.
And, just as many people had predicted, prices went through the roof.
With the price of milk soaring through the roof lots of folks are reconsidering powdered milk for it's economy.
precio especial
reduced rate
special rate
reduced fee
discounted price
discount price
preferential rate
Subscription price is 55 pounds (103 dollars) with reduced rates for members of the Institute of Information Scientists.
Availability is by means of a monthly subscription of 34.95 dollars with special rates for doctors' groups.
We have exetended the registration deadline for reduced fee of 300 EUR instead of 350 EUR until April, 17th.
In fact, the discounted prices for large consortia are meaningless; probably not a single buyer has actually paid the undiscounted price.
After February 24, the discount price is $495 and $595 until the day before the event, a savings of up to $900 off onsite registration.
At time of booking state you were referred by IFLA and request preferential rates.
precio especial por cantidad
discount quantity price
These calf-length baseball pants and knee-length baseball pants are available at discount quantity prices.
precio especial por compra al por mayor
bulk deal
Pharmaceutical companies have made bulk deals with governments where they still make substantial profits while charging much less for the prescriptions.
precio especial por volumen
discount quantity price
These calf-length baseball pants and knee-length baseball pants are available at discount quantity prices.
precio excesivo
steep price
overpricing [over-pricing]
inflated price
Since the Reagan administration began its war on waste in 1981, farmers and other citizens have had not alternative to buying their information from the private sector at far steeper prices.
Failure to distinguish legitimate electro-copying as royalty-free or over-pricing of royalty-paid electro-copying will weaken their role in scholarly communication.
Publishers know that libraries will consider any discount from artificially inflated prices to be a bargain.
precio fijo
fixed charge
The author criticizes the pricing level of the service with its fixed charge of 600 dollars per year.
precio inflado
inflated price
Publishers know that libraries will consider any discount from artificially inflated prices to be a bargain.
precio inicial
starting price
Selecting your starting price requires balancing between how much money you want for the item, and what buyers will pay for it.
precio íntegro
full price
Below is the list of tickets offered today for half-price, special offers, and full-price.
precio máximo
price cap
The governor has the power to suspend the price caps if she determines they would cause a major adverse impact on the economy.
precio medio
average price
A survey of top 10 commercial and learned society publishers found the 1989 average prices (pounds sterling) to be £207.78 for commercial and £217.85 for learned society publishers.
precio mínimo
threshold price
An 'import levy' is then charged on the importer's price in order to bring it up to the threshold price.
precio normal
full price
Below is the list of tickets offered today for half-price, special offers, and full-price.
precio para estudiantes
student rate
Student rates and day registrations are also available.
precio + ponerse por las nubes
price + go through the roof
price + spiral out of control
price + spiral out of control
price + soar through the roof
And, just as many people had predicted, prices went through the roof.
Banks have put the cat among the pigeons by warning that without heavy increases in interest rates house prices would spiral out of control.
Banks have put the cat among the pigeons by warning that without heavy increases in interest rates house prices would spiral out of control.
With the price of milk soaring through the roof lots of folks are reconsidering powdered milk for it's economy.
precio por unidad
unit price
For supercomputers the number of sales is at a much lower level, but the unit prices are correspondingly higher.
precio prohibitivo
prohibitively expensive
prohibitive price tag
prohibitive price
At the present time online catalogs seem to be prohibitively expensive for public libraries.
Unfortunately, a digital oscilloscope with this array of features often comes with a prohibitive price tag.
Concerns have been raised that prohibitive prices are preventing first-time buyers entering the housing market.
precio razonable
fair price
reasonable price
A knowledge of the microform market will bring familiarity with publishers and their goods, and will help in deciding what is a fair price.
A balanced supply and demand will benefit both producers and consumers, because it will lead to reasonable prices.
precio rebajado
marked-down price
Instead of keeping such items in our warehouse collecting dust, we are placing them here for a clearance sale at significantly marked-down prices.
precio reducido
marked-down price
Instead of keeping such items in our warehouse collecting dust, we are placing them here for a clearance sale at significantly marked-down prices.
precio regalado
giveaway price
Contrary to the mainstream car market, repossessed cars can be bought at almost giveaway price.
price range
price rate
price structure
The aim was to identify and document current trends and practices in costing and pricing, and cost recovery and performance measurement in order to provide assistance to colleagues attempting to resolve financial management issues.
The author reviews some of the features of text retrieval software packages currently on the market with notes on price ranges.
The second reason is that companies have to take care of costs to meet the descending price rate of the market.
The analysis found substantial differences in price structure among regions, but less price differentiation based on quality than in prior years.
precios competitivos
competitive rates
The conference organisers have negotiated some very competitive rates for air travel to Glasgow.
precios de las materias primas
commodity prices
The idea of teletext is to supply, over the airwaves, such items of information as news flashes, the latest sport results, and commodity prices.
precios descontrolados
runaway prices
Tighter budgets and runaway journal prices have made it necessary for growing numbers of academic libraries to trim their collections.
precios disparados
spiralling prices
runaway prices
The problem of spiraling prices for periodicals in academic libraries cannot be solved simply by reducing staff.
Tighter budgets and runaway journal prices have made it necessary for growing numbers of academic libraries to trim their collections.
precios + dispararse
prices + spiral
Academic librarians have seen their budgets levelled and shrinking and have witnessed serials prices spiralling out of control.
precios en alza
rising costs
runaway prices
runaway costs
The base of higher education is shrinking because of the drop in the birthrate and rising costs.
Tighter budgets and runaway journal prices have made it necessary for growing numbers of academic libraries to trim their collections.
Runaway periodicals costs have forced many academic libraries to initiate periodicals review and cancellation projects.
precio simbólico
nominal fee
This enormous amount of information is available to the public free or for nominal fees.
precios + ponerse por las nubes
prices + spiral
Academic librarians have seen their budgets levelled and shrinking and have witnessed serials prices spiralling out of control.
precios por las nubes
spiralling prices
The problem of spiraling prices for periodicals in academic libraries cannot be solved simply by reducing staff.
precio tirado
giveaway price
Contrary to the mainstream car market, repossessed cars can be bought at almost giveaway price.
que no tiene precio
The libraries have spent centuries with the collections and storage of priceless information.
que tiene precio
Much of this is free games software, with some educational programs, but there are also some priced applications programs available.
rebajar el precio
cut + price
Officials say the company's poor second quarter performance is due to cutting prices too low.
rebajar los precios
knock down + prices
slash + prices
But many shoppers said stores were not knocking down prices as much as in years past.
In the meantime, they are slashing prices to woo would-be buyers.
reducción de los precios
price cut
This is the first CD price cut since the media format came on the scene in the 1980's.
reducción de precios
The system was working well enough by the 1780s for the trade to be alarmed by the pricecutting of James Lackington.
reducir el precio
reduce + price
cut + price
The author urges publishers to reduce prices and review the rationale behind their structuring of book prices.
Officials say the company's poor second quarter performance is due to cutting prices too low.
relación calidad-precio
price-performance ratio
This service has an unparalled price-performance ratio = La relación calidad-precio de este servicio es incomparable.
sensible a los precios
price sensitive
This segment of the population is relatively quality-sensitive and not very price sensitive.
sin precio
Eastern European serials are unpriced as they come via exchange agreements.
subida del precio de la gasolina
gas price hike
In fact, compact vehicles are flying off dealer lots at a clip not seen since the gas price hike during the summer of 2008.
subida de precios
price rise
rising costs
price increase
increased price
price hike
The socialists states are developing library networks as a way of coping with price rises.
The base of higher education is shrinking because of the drop in the birthrate and rising costs.
This article discusses the worsening acquisitions budget at the library placing blame on the continuing large price increases of periodicals and books.
The serials crisis is related to increased prices and the inability of academic libraries to keep pace with the demand for research materials.
The Minister is firm about not rolling back oil prices insisting that the price hike was 'very marginal'.
subir de precio
rise in + price
This article examines the problems facing libraries as acquisitions budgets are severely reduced and library materials continue to rise in price.
subir el precio
push + cost + up
raise + price
jack up + the price
rack up + the price
For example, a micro computer with a facility for access via multiple terminals would obviously push the cost up considerably.
Publishers are likely to react to economic difficulties by raising their prices and reducing the number of published titles.
To that end, Marriott has announced its room rates will include everything up front; no hidden taxes or fees to jack up the price at the end of your stay.
Retailers are just adding salt to injury by rack up the price even more.
susceptible a los precios
price sensitive
This segment of the population is relatively quality-sensitive and not very price sensitive.
tabla de comparación de precios
price-comparison table
Some consumer advice centres would not only handle complaints but also provided pre-shopping advice, combined with attractive exhibitions, leaflets, price-comparison tables, and other consumer education activities.
tarifa de precios
pricing structure
pricing algorithm
pricing scheme
pricing model
price structure
This paper gives examples of the computer program's main menu structure, the customer addresses file, the types of job completed, pricing structures and cumulative statistics.
This article reviews some of the models used for pricing on-line information services and discusses some of the implications of these pricing algorithms.
The new pricing scheme will be phased in gradually, the plan being to reduce connect fees as other fees are increased.
The growing use of the Internet by publishers will lead to a variety of pricing models for document delivery.
The analysis found substantial differences in price structure among regions, but less price differentiation based on quality than in prior years.
tener un precio razonable
be reasonably priced
Provided there is a node within a local call distance, this arrangement is reasonably priced.
tirado de precio
at a steal
for a steal
A steal now but iron ore is set to soar.
Any rooms booked at a steal to the guests is still better than having the rooms stay empty.
This bistro not only serves a fabulous breakfast for a steal, but provides a quiet, elegant space for muck-a-mucks to powwow.
todo tiene precio
everything has a price
We live in a time when everything has a price but nothing has value!.
todo tiene su precio
everything has its price
Sociological studies, psychological studies, and literature have shown again and again everything has its price.
vender a precio de costo
sell at + cost
Part of its work had included the preparation of a directory of city organizations and services which the library agreed to publish and sell at cost.
vender a precio de ganga
sell at + bargain price
In the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries these 'copy books' were claimed and promptly sold at bargain prices by the London workmen.
vender a un precio más barato que
Despite what amounts to undercutting by direct sale publishers calling themselves 'book clubs', the British net book agreement has remained in force until the present day.
vender en el extranjero a precios inferiores que en el país de origen
If a company has reasonable evidence that an imported product is being dumped or unfairly subsidized, a formal application for anti-dumping or countervailing action may be made to the European Commission.
venta a un precio más barato
The author instances the distribution bomb delivered via the World Wide Web and its devastation of Encyclopedia Britannica sales and the undercutting of CD-ROM prices = El autor pone como ejemplo cómo la World Wide Web ha sido una bomba para la distribución y ha devastado las ventas de la Encyclopedia Britannica y la venta del CD-ROM a un precio más barato.

Tendencias de uso de la palabra precio



El término «precio» es muy utilizado habitualmente y ocupa la posición 75 de nuestra lista de términos más usados del diccionario de español.
Muy usado
En el mapa anterior se refleja la frecuencia de uso del término «precio» en los diferentes paises.
Principales tendencias de búsqueda y usos comunes de precio
Listado de las príncipales búsquedas realizadas por los usuarios para acceder a nuestro diccionario de español en línea y expresiones más usadas con la palabra «precio».


El gráfico expresa la evolución anual de la frecuencia de uso de la palabra «precio» en los últimos 500 años. Su implementación se basa en el análisis de la frecuencia de aparición del término «precio» en las fuentes impresas digitalizadas del español publicadas desde el año 1500 hasta la actualidad.

Citas, bibliografía en español y actualidad sobre precio



Citas y frases célebres con la palabra precio.
El precio del pensar es pensar bien.
El valor de tu casa es el precio que tu vecino quiere pagar por ella.
Henri M. De Montherlant
La libertad existe siempre. Basta pagar su precio.
Jacinto Benavente
Todo lo que tiene un valor puede tener un precio.
John Ray
El precio más alto que puede pagarse por cualquier cosa es pedirla por favor.
José Luis López Vázquez
Si el precio de la sabiduría es la vejez, prefiero ser imbécil.
José Martí
La libertad cuesta muy cara y es necesario o resignarse a vivir sin ella o comprarla a su precio.
Marcel Proust
Una obra de arte que encierre teorías es como un objeto sobre el que se ha dejado la etiqueta del precio.
Mateo Alemán
Libertad. Loada de sabios, deseada de muchos y cantada de poetas, para cuya estimación todo el oro y las riquezas de la tierra es poco precio.
Omar Khayyam
Vive plenamente mientras puedas y no calcules el precio.


Recopilación de refranes del refranero popular español con el término precio.
A ese precio, no habría ya vara en la tienda.
En el bien comer, el precio no has de ver.
Engáñame en el precio y no en lo que merco.
La escasez levanta el precio.
La salud no tiene precio, y el que la arriesga es un necio.
Marido rico y necio no tiene precio.
Sin precio no se han las mujeres.
Todo necio confunde valor y precio.
Un buen consejo, no tiene precio.
Vende público y compra secreto, no te sabrán el primer precio.
Los refranes recogen el saber popular. Señalan qué actitud conviene adoptar en cada situación, definen la razón de una determinada conducta, extraen las consecuencias de una circunstancia… entrañando en cualquier caso un fin didáctico y aleccionador y convirtiendo la anécdota humana en tema de reflexión.

Los primeros refranes escritos se remontan a la Edad Media y versan sobre todo lo cotidiano (trabajos del campo, la iglesia, los hombres, mujeres, etc…).

Miguel de Cervantes, en Don Quijote de la Mancha escribe: "los refranes son sentencias breves, sacadas de la experiencia y especulación de nuestros antiguos ancianos". Seguirá diciendo Don Quijote sobre la utilidad de los refranes: "cualquiera de los que has dicho [, Sancho,] basta para dar a entender tu pensamiento" (Segunda parte, capítulo XVII).


Descubre el uso de precio en la siguiente selección bibliográfica. Libros relacionados con precio y pequeños extractos de los mismos para contextualizar su uso en la literatura.
La Determinación Del Precio en la Obra Pública Del Gobierno ...
CONTENIDO: Prologo - Salarios y sueldos - Costo base de materiales - Costo base de equipos - Costos basicos y horarios - Costos finales - Presupuesto a costo directo - Programacion CPM-GANTT - Gastos indirectos - Financiamiento - ...
Gilberto Enríquez Harper, Carlos Suarez, 2002
El precio. Clave de la rentabilidad
Cada uno de los temas se explica por medio de ejemplos reales de empresas que participan en mercados masivos e industriales de América Latina.Nicolás Restrepo ha logrado con este libro mostrar el precio desde un punto de vista ...
Nicolás Restrepo Abad, 2012
Instrumentos de Marketing: Decisiones sobre producto, ...
La finalidad de esta obra es que el lector de la misma aprenda y asimile los diferentes instrumentos de marketing bajo una metodología adaptada al Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior.
Verónica Baena Graciá, María de Fátima Moreno Sánchez, 2010
Direccion de Marketing
Precio alto (No hay demanda a este precio) Límite superior del precio Valoración de los consumidores de las características exclusivas del producto Punto de referencia Precios de la competencia y de productos sustitutos Costos Umbral ...
Philip Kotler, Kevin Lane Keller, 2009
El Precio Para Ser Medico: Memorias de Un Estudiante de Medicina
Relata la historia de un joven que pierde a su padre a los 9 aqos Lo envman a estudiar interno en una gran ciudad donde se gradua de Bachiller.
Joseph N. Nader, 2004
Macroeconomía: introducción a la Economía
Ilustración 3-10 Los precios por encima del precio de equilibrio crean un excedente El precio de mercado de 350 € está por encima del precio de equilibrio, que es 250 €. Se genera un excedente: a 350 € por entrada, los vendedores ...
Paul R. Krugman, Robin Wells, 2007
Fundamentos de economía
Cuando se dan cuenta de que tal vez se queden sin existencias, los vendedores aumentan el precio a 4 $ por botellín. Venden 4000 al día. Los que no quieren pagarla a ese precio deciden no adquirirla. Inmediatamente, los consumidores ...
Paul R. Krugman, Martha L. Olney, Robin Wells, 2008
Economics (Spanish Translation)
Primero veremos los efectos del monopolio sobre el precio y la cantidad producida. Después abordaremos las preguntas acerca de la eficiencia. Comparación de la producción y el precio La figura 12.5 muestra el mercado que vamos a ...
Michael Parkin, 2004
Gestión de precios
- La demanda (IV): la relación calidad precio.- Métodos de fijación de precios basados en la demanda.- La competencia.- Objetivos de la política de precios.- Estrategias de precios.- Fijación de precios internacionales.- Bibliografía.
Enrique Carlos Díez de Castro, Isabel María Rosa Díaz, 2008
Todo tiene un precio
Eduardo Porter, periodista económico de The New York Times, aborda en Todo tiene un precio lo que de verdad se esconde tras los códigos de barras y las etiquetas que marcan con cifras el coste de nuestras vidas y nos revela lo que en ...
Eduardo Porter, 2012


Conoce de qué se habla en los medios de comunicación nacionales e internacionales y cómo se emplea el término precio en el contexto de las siguientes noticias.
El precio del barril de la OPEP baja seis centavos, hasta 44,55 dólares
Viena, 12 sep (.).- El precio del barril de referencia de la OPEP bajó el viernes 6 centavos, hasta 44,55 dólares, informó hoy en Viena el grupo petrolero. El barril ... « España, Sep 16»
El precio de la vivienda (sobre todo la nueva) sigue creciendo ...
El precio de la vivienda libre aumentó un 3,9% en el segundo trimestre en tasa interanual, casi dos puntos y medio por debajo del repunte anual del primer ... «, Sep 16»
Gasolina Magna llegará a su precio máximo
La Magna subirá dos centavos (0.14%), y costara 13.98 pesos por litro, su precio máximo autorizado para este año, informó la Secretaría de Hacienda y Crédito ... «, Ago 16»
A partir del miércoles, 10% menos el precio de gas LP: Hacienda
El próximo miércoles 17 de agosto se dará una disminución temporal equivalente a 1.28 pesos por kilogramo en los precios máximos del gas LP, y con ello el ... «Excélsior, Ago 16»
Precios de gasolinas en México, por debajo del promedio global ...
Los precios de las gasolinas en México están por debajo del promedio global, incluso con los incrementos registrados en los últimos dos meses, resaltó el ... «Excélsior, Ago 16»
Agosto inicia con un nuevo gasolinazo; estos son los nuevos ...
Agosto inicia con un nuevo gasolinazo; estos son los nuevos precios en México. La Secretaría de Hacienda anunció un alza en el precio en la gasolina Magna ... «Animal Politico, Jul 16»
¿Por qué el petróleo está bajando tanto de precio?
El precio del oro negro alcanza cotas mínimas que no obtenía desde hace tres meses. Lejos, muy lejos quedan aquellos 139,83 dólares por barril de Brent del ... «Cinco Días, Jul 16»
Medicamentos: congelan precios hasta fin de año
El Gobierno espera poder anunciar en las próximas semanas un plan de precios cuidados para medicamentos de venta libre (y otros rubros). Aunque con otro ... «LA NACION, Jul 16»
Advierten que el precio del aceite se podría triplicar desde la ...
El secretario general de la Federación de Aceiteros, Daniel Yofra, advirtió hoy que desde la semana que viene el precio del aceite se triplicará debido a que el ... «LA NACION, Jul 16»
¿Regresan los gasolinazos? Precio de gasolina Magna y Premium ...
Precio de gasolina Magna y Premium sube a partir del 1 de julio. A partir de este próximo viernes las gasolinas Magna y Premium tendrán un aumento de 24 y ... «Animal Político Versión Móvil, Jun 16»



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