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¡Tan miserable es salir vencedor de una guerra civil!

Significado de "salir" en el diccionario de español



La palabra salir procede del latín salīre, saltar, brotar.
Se denomina etimología al estudio del origen de la palabras y sus cambios estructurales y de significado.


sa · lir play
Salir es una palabra aguda de 2 sílabas.
Las palabras agudas van acentuadas en la última sílaba.


Salir es un verbo.
El verbo es la parte de la oración que se conjuga y expresa acción y estado.

Los tiempos verbales se dan en tres modos: indicativo, subjuntivo e imperativo.



Salir es una freguesia portuguesa del concelho de Loulé, con 185,29 km² de superficie y 2.775 habitantes. Su densidad de población es de 15 hab/km².

definición de salir en el diccionario español

La primera definición de salir en el diccionario de la real academia de la lengua española es pasar de dentro a fuera. Otro significado de salir en el diccionario es partir de un lugar a otro. Tal día salieron los reyes de Madrid para Barcelona. Salir es también desembarazarse, librarse de algún lugar estrecho, peligroso o molesto.



yo salgo
sales / salís
él sale
nos. salimos
vos. salís / salen
ellos salen
Pretérito imperfecto
yo salía
él salía
nos. salíamos
vos. salíais / salían
ellos salían
Pret. perfecto simple
yo salí
él salió
nos. salimos
vos. salisteis / salieron
ellos salieron
Futuro simple
yo saldré
él saldrá
nos. saldremos
vos. saldréis / saldrán
ellos saldrán
Condicional simple
yo saldría
él saldría
nos. saldríamos
vos. saldríais / saldrían
ellos saldrían
Pret. Perf. Compuesto
yo he salido
has salido
él ha salido
nos. hemos salido
vos. habéis salido
ellos han salido
Pret. Pluscuamperfecto
yo había salido
habías salido
él había salido
nos. habíamos salido
vos. habíais salido
ellos habían salido
Pretérito Anterior
yo hube salido
hubiste salido
él hubo salido
nos. hubimos salido
vos. hubisteis salido
ellos hubieron salido
Futuro perfecto
yo habré salido
habrás salido
él habrá salido
nos. habremos salido
vos. habréis salido
ellos habrán salido
Condicional Perfecto
yo habría salido
habrías salido
él habría salido
nos. habríamos salido
vos. habríais salido
ellos habrían salido
El modo indicativo es el modo verbal que enuncia como real lo expresado por el verbo.


yo salga
él salga
nos. salgamos
vos. salgáis / salgan
ellos salgan
Pretérito imperfecto
yo saliera o saliese
salieras o salieses
él saliera o saliese
nos. saliéramos o saliésemos
vos. salierais o salieseis / salieran o saliesen
ellos salieran o saliesen
Futuro simple
yo saliere
él saliere
nos. saliéremos
vos. saliereis / salieren
ellos salieren
Pret. Perf. Compuesto
yo hube salido
hubiste salido
él hubo salido
nos. hubimos salido
vos. hubisteis salido
ellos hubieron salido
Futuro Perfecto
yo habré salido
habrás salido
él habrá salido
nos. habremos salido
vos. habréis salido
ellos habrán salido
Condicional perfecto
yo habría salido
habrías salido
él habría salido
nos. habríamos salido
vos. habríais salido
ellos habrían salido
El modo subjuntivo se caracteriza por presentar una acción como posible o hipotética.
sal (tú) / salí (vos)
salid (vosotros) / salgan (ustedes)
El modo imperativo es el modo gramatical empleado para expresar mandatos, órdenes o solicitudes taxativas.
Las formas no personales del verbo carecen de persona y número.

El infinitivo muestra la acción fuera de toda perspectiva temporal. El gerundio muestra la acción durante su transcurso. El participio muestra la acción tras su terminación.







Sinónimos y antónimos de salir en el diccionario español de sinónimos



Las siguientes palabras tienen un significado similar o idéntico a «salir» y pertenecen a la misma categoría gramatical.
sinónimos de salir


Las siguientes palabras significan lo contrario que «salir» y también pertenecen a la misma categoría gramatical.
antónimos de salir


salir aparecer asomar brotar desaguar desembocar dimanar emerger escapar evacuar fluir gotear huir inundar manar marchar mojar nacer partir proceder rebosar rezumar surgir venir regresar primera lengua española pasar dentro fuera otro lugar día salieron reyes madrid para barcelona también desembarazarse librarse algún estrecho peligroso molesto trampa nuestras falsas ideas descubrir divinidad vida cotidiana laberinto cómo pensamos sentimos actuamos ramiro alvarez psicólogo clínico posee amplia experiencia temas control estrés ansiedad tanto nivel individual como grupo actualmente dirige centro psicología clínica educacional lugo crisis global análisis soluciones este libro emprendimiento

Traductor en línea con la traducción de salir a 25 idiomas

online translator


Conoce la traducción de salir a 25 idiomas con nuestro traductor multilingüe.
Las traducciones de salir presentadas en esta sección han sido obtenidas mediante traducción automática estadística a partir del idioma español.

En el siguiente apartado puedes consultar las traducciones de salir en el diccionario español-inglés así como el contexto en el que se emplean habitualmente mediante ejemplos de uso.

Traductor español - chino

1.325 millones de hablantes


570 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - inglés

get out
510 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - hindi

380 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - árabe

280 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - ruso

278 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - portugués

270 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - bengalí

260 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - francés

220 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - malayo

190 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - alemán

180 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - japonés

130 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - coreano

85 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - javanés

85 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - vietnamita

lối ra
80 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - tamil

75 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - maratí

बाहेर पडा
75 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - turco

70 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - italiano

65 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - polaco

50 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - ucraniano

40 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - rumano

30 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - griego

15 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - afrikáans

14 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - sueco

10 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - noruego

5 millones de hablantes


Conoce las traducciones de salir en inglés y el contexto en el que se emplean habitualmente mediante ejemplos de uso.

debouch ; depart ; exit ; go out of ; make + departure ; march off ; quit ; take + Posesivo + departure ; leave ; issue out ; start out ; go out and about ; go out ; pop ; head out ; socialise [socialize, -USA] ; be out and about ; get out and about ; go forth ; get out ; pan out ; go + outside ; leak out ; pull out.
As they debouched into the street and hurried back to the library, Jergens thanked Meek for being someone she could share her concerns with.
He smiled again, waved goodbye, and departed.
Enter the lesson number you wish, or press the letter 'X' to exit the tutorial.
In all 20 per cent of visitors went out of the bookshop with a book they had intended to buy, 15 per cent went out with a book they had not intended to buy and 67 went out with both intended and unintended purchases.
Before making his departure, however, a few hints upon the methods of examining bibliographic compilations are necessary.
Do not march off full-tilt in front of the readers.
If you decide not to send or save the message, replace the question mark in front of 'Quit' with another character.
'I'm sure we'll be in touch a lot this week!' Suttie took her departure, repeating the offer.
'Do you ever let anyone leave without inspecting their bags?' Carpozzi asked as she sidled up to the checker.
He bade her good day and issued out into the street.
He went back into the house, addressing his Maker in low agonized tones, changed, and started out again.
Thursday 22 August is your opportunity to go out and about - seeing at first hand the great variety of library and information centres located in the Central Belt of Scotland.
They decided one day to take it upon themselves without his knowledge to go out and solicit funds from some of the large corn processors and farm equipment manufacturers.
The azaleas are popping, the redbuds are in their finest attire, and the dogwoods are lacy jewels at the edge of the wood.
It's tempting to splurge on a new hi-fi system or head out on a shopping spree, but the smart option might be to pay off an existing debt.
She is married and has a family, but does not spend much time in the director's office or socialize with her.
But if you're out and about like I am, here's where I'll be over the next few nights, and feel free to say hi if you're going to be in the same area.
Use the links below for ideas to get out and about.
Finally six men agreed to go forth in their underclothes and nooses around their necks in hopeful expectation that their sacrifice would satisfy the king's bloodlust and he would spare the rest of the citizens.
I have seen racial slurs, and quite frankly, anyone bugged by them do not get out much, or view life through rose-coloured glasses.
It took some time, but his strategy is finally starting to pan out.
We would not recommend keeping a cat that is used to going outside, as an 'indoor-only cat', unless it is for health reasons.
When the temperature is low the energy of the particles will be small and so it will not cause much of the dye to leak out.
Because of this, a vehicle pulling out in front of you or attempting to change into your lane should be warned with a toot of the horn.
acabar de salir de
be fresh out of
These researches indicate that it is important to consider whether the applicant is fresh out of high school, or a repeater, and better selection will be made if the university looks at the high school record.
al final, todo saldrá a la luz
it will come out in the wash
Conspiracy theory maybe but I do feel there is more to this than meets the eye and as they say it will come out in the wash.
al final, todo saldrá bien
it will come out in the wash
Conspiracy theory maybe but I do feel there is more to this than meets the eye and as they say it will come out in the wash.
a lo que salga
come what may
He has promised to bring Sam back, and will do so come what may, even if it involves a trudge across the country in snowshoes.
a veces las cosas salen mal
shit happens
'Shit Happens' in the story of two flatmates: Halifax, a ex-journalist with a dark past and long lost ex-wife, and Shakra, a college-drop out bent on Halifax's destruction = "A veces las cosas salen mal" es la historia de dos compañeros de piso: Halifax, un ex-periodista con un pasado oscuro y con una exesposa que no ve desde hace mucho, y Shakra, un compañero de universidad obcecado en la destrucción de Halifax .
a veces sales jodido
shit happens
'Shit Happens' in the story of two flatmates: Halifax, a ex-journalist with a dark past and long lost ex-wife, and Shakra, a college-drop out bent on Halifax's destruction = "A veces las cosas salen mal" es la historia de dos compañeros de piso: Halifax, un ex-periodista con un pasado oscuro y con una exesposa que no ve desde hace mucho, y Shakra, un compañero de universidad obcecado en la destrucción de Halifax .
aventurarse a salir
venture forth
He was to remain in his refuge for one hundred and twenty-one days, an urban Robinson Crusoe, venturing forth from his hiding hole to retrieve salvageable materials from the jettisoned impedimenta of restless travelers.
ayudar a Alguien a salir adelante
help + Nombre + get on + Posesivo + feet
Many more refugees will be assisted with transport and basic essentials such as tarpaulins and cooking utensils to help them get on their feet.
ayudar a salir de
help + Nombre + through
Playing sports can help you through tough periods and put you on the path to a healthy adult life.
conseguir que todo salga bien
get + everything right
Training for full marathons involves a lot of work, and you need to get everything right if you want to become good at it.
conseguir salir ileso
make it through in + one piece
I'm sure it was a long seven days in the slammer, but Piper made it through in one piece.
conseguir salir sano y salvo
make it through in + one piece
I'm sure it was a long seven days in the slammer, but Piper made it through in one piece.
cosas + salir bien
things + work out
That being only live once, so if you decide to jump in head first, and if things don't work out, remember, you can always leave.
dejar que Alguien se salga con la suya
let + Nombre + do things + Posesivo + (own) way
I've been trying to bite my tounge and let him do things his own way.
dejar salir
let + Nombre + out
let out
We let them out in the garden at the weekend and they enjoy exploring all the nooks and crannies and eating anything that looks tasty!.
Clair lets Luther out, leaving the door slightly ajar, before feeding the fire and starting on the coffee.
dejar salir impune
let + Nombre + off scot-free
Not only have they let her off scot-free, they have continued to use her in precisely the area in which she has shown she cannot be trusted.
entrando y saliendo de
in and out of
I'm always in and out of hospitals, so please help me towards my therapy sessions.
entrar por un oído y salir por el otro
go in + one ear and out the other
I've even had friends and relatives talk with her and give her advice but it all goes in one ear and out the other.
entrar y salir
come and go
drift in and out
wander in and out
go into and out of
Smaller microcomputer-based systems are more likely to come and go.
The practical aspects of preservation have drifted in and out of archival priorities over the last half-century.
Facilities have been included to allow the user to move away from the original query to wander in and out of different areas of interest.
Since many people go into and out of the hospital at all hours, theft is a concern.
entrar y salir corriendo
run in and out
Those who are 'perfectionists' in such things will want to drive you crazy worrying about 'what if two people go out together' or 'it won't be accurate because some users go out for a smoke and then come right back in' or 'what about kids who run in and out' and so forth.
esperar que todo salga bien
hope for + the best
This will certainly be a learning experience for me especially since it's my first book so cross your fingers and let's hope for the best.
estar saliendo con alguien
be in a dating relationship
Meeting someone for the first time can be nerve-wracking, but so can trying to balance your eagerness with your need to play it cool when you're in a dating relationship.
evitar que + salir
keep + Nombre + in
Many farmers and ranchers construct barbed-wire fences on their property to keep livestock in and unwelcome guests out.
hacer salir
push out
flush out
There is today culture of all sorts at all levels (high culture, middle-brow culture and mass culture) and there is no evidence to show that the one sort pushes out the other.
He is hounded by hired assassins and eventually flushed out of hiding for a final confrontation with his nemesis.
imposibilitado para salir de casa
housebound [house-bound]
homebound [home-bound]
The needs of readers housebound by physical disability, or made immobile by increasing age, are met by a supply of reading material from a van delivery service.
The library extends its traditional services to those homebound due to illness or handicaps through its community services librarian.
invitar a Alguien a salir
ask + Nombre + out
The problem is compounded by the fact that his boss, my second-removed boss, the director of the library, has asked me out.
invitar a salir
take + Nombre + out
I sometimes take them out to eat and always use my own car.
las cosas + salir según lo planeado
things + go to plan
Unfortunately this time things did not go to plan and Neymar got smacked in the kisser.
las cosas + salir según lo previsto
things + go to plan
Unfortunately this time things did not go to plan and Neymar got smacked in the kisser.
la verdad + salir a la luz
the truth + come out
She went down in their estimation when the truth came out.
la verdad + salir a relucir
the truth + come out
She went down in their estimation when the truth came out.
no salir
stay in
stay + indoors
It seems like the smartest plan for ringing in the New Year: staying in instead of going out.
Precautionary measures include staying indoors between dusk and dawn, avoiding perfume or aftershave, and the use of insect repellent and mosquito nets.
no salir malparado por
be none the worse for (that)
The author concludes that although many of the innovations discussed did not survive, the schools were none the worse for their experimentation.
no salir mal parado por
be none the worse for wear
He even has found a fish's stomach with puncture holes caused by eating a catfish, and the fish was still none the worse for wear.
obligar a salir
drive out + with a pitchfork
push out
It seems that classification is like nature: if you drive her out with a pitchfork, she will soon find her way back.
There is today culture of all sorts at all levels (high culture, middle-brow culture and mass culture) and there is no evidence to show that the one sort pushes out the other.
obligar a salir de
force from
The economically told chronicle of Slake's adventures is an eloquent study of poverty, of fear, and finally of hope as circumstances converge to force Slake from his temporary limbo.
personas que no pueden salir de casa
homebound, the
The system incorporates a mail service to the homebound.
por un lado entra + Nombre + y por otro sale + Nombre
in go + Nombre + at one end, and out come + Nombre + at the other
In the ultimate CIM system in go raw materials, power, product specifications and orders at one end, and out come finished products at the other.
que puede salir en préstamo
At any given level of demand, fewer loanable copies of an item are needed if provision is made on a national rather than a regional basis.
registrarse al salir
sign out
We are looking at getting a finger print time clock system to sign in and sign out about 30 employees daily.
salir a [En tecnología de la información, proceso por el cual un programa que funciona sobre una aplicación interrumpe su funcionamiento accidentalmente lo que hace que la aplicación vuelva al sistema operativo]
propagate out to
crash to
be out to
We must develop and study intelligent interfaces that propagate out to the information universe and report back to us.
On occasion the use of this program has caused Windows to crash to DOS.
If the reference head is out to lunch, the exception to the lending policy must be handled by the new librarian.
salir a altamar
go out into + the open sea
It's easy to learn and once you rent out a yacht and go out into the open sea, it's a grand way to spend your time.
salir a borbotones
gush out
come out in + spurts
For example, after a fire hydrant has been observed and described, children are addressed as follows: 'What would it feel like to be a fire hydrant? Try it and show how the water gushes out'.
Her compositions were combinations of objects and hidden containers of pigment that spurted their contents when struck by bullets.
You can tell if bleeding is arterial if the blood comes out in spurts instead of a constant flow.
salir a caminar
go for + a walk
It is hard to beat going for a walk as a way to take a break.
salir a chorros
gush out
For example, after a fire hydrant has been observed and described, children are addressed as follows: 'What would it feel like to be a fire hydrant? Try it and show how the water gushes out'.
Her compositions were combinations of objects and hidden containers of pigment that spurted their contents when struck by bullets.
salir a comer
eat out
If you consider eating out a couple times a week a necessity rather than a lark, you aren't cut out for living on a shoestring.
salir a correr
go for + a run
I went for a run with my friend last Saturday and we ran for ages.
Anyone jog at night before hitting the hay - is it good for sleep or you become too awake?.
salir a darse una vuelta
go for + a walk
It is hard to beat going for a walk as a way to take a break.
salir a dar una caminata
go for/on a jaunt
I went for a jaunt in the snow about an hour ago and my hands are still numb.
We borrowed my Grandmother's car for a few days to jaunt over to the Pacific coast.
salir a dar una vuelta
go out
They decided one day to take it upon themselves without his knowledge to go out and solicit funds from some of the large corn processors and farm equipment manufacturers.
salir a dar una vuelta en coche
go out for + a drive
There was a time when even in cities it was regarded as a evidence of complete moral depravity for a man to go out for a drive on Sunday.
salir a dar un paseo
go out for + a walk
She only went out for a walk but ended up staying out till sundown.
salir adelante
make + (both) ends meet
keep + the wolves from the door
get + unstuck
get back on + Posesivo + feet
make it through
carry + Nombre + on
As free Web sites find it increasingly difficult to make ends meet simply with the revenue generated from advertising, they are likely, either to close down or to start charging for access to the site.
Some can afford this as they are semi-retired or have other sources of income to keep the wolves from the door.
In addition, students can use the glossary to get 'unstuck' while learning.
It's a smart move on Jade's part to let Donna give her a helping hand in getting back on her feet.
He figures if he made it through WWII he can make it through anything, that's a great attitude.
The mortgage carried him on for seven months, but at the end of that time he was hard pushed for money again.
salir adelante a duras penas
eke out + a living
scratch (out) + a living
scrape + a living
eke out + an existence
He represents not only hard-pressed immigrants and their plight but also everyone else eking out a living on the street corners of cities.
David keeps at his pushcart, scratching out a living even in the dead of winter - meanwhile, Rose secretly visits Sammy to watch out for him.
A recent report finds that small business owners who employ five or less staff are, on average, barely scraping a living from all their effort.
In thus eking out an existence, however, the washerwoman was very important for the survival of her family.
salir adelante en la vida
get on in + life
He believed that, to get on in life, you just needed to work fairly hard and be a nice guy.
salir adelante por uno mismo
pull + Reflexivo + up(wards) by + Posesivo + (own) bootstraps
The idea was to induce people to pull themselves upward - morally and intellectually - by their bootstraps.
salir adelante sin la ayuda de nadie
pull + Reflexivo + up(wards) by + Posesivo + (own) bootstraps
The idea was to induce people to pull themselves upward - morally and intellectually - by their bootstraps.
salir a echarse un cigarro
go out for + a smoke
Those who are 'perfectionists' in such things will want to drive you crazy worrying about 'what if two people go out together' or 'it won't be accurate because some users go out for a smoke and then come right back in' or 'what about kids who run in and out' and so forth.
salir a flote
make + (both) ends meet
get back on + Posesivo + feet
As free Web sites find it increasingly difficult to make ends meet simply with the revenue generated from advertising, they are likely, either to close down or to start charging for access to the site.
It's a smart move on Jade's part to let Donna give her a helping hand in getting back on her feet.
salir a fumarse un cigarro
go out for + a smoke
Those who are 'perfectionists' in such things will want to drive you crazy worrying about 'what if two people go out together' or 'it won't be accurate because some users go out for a smoke and then come right back in' or 'what about kids who run in and out' and so forth.
salir a hurtadillas
steal away
He had merely stolen away as inconspicuously as possible.
salir airoso
pass + muster
pass with + flying colours
come out/up smelling like/of (a) rose(s)
The one treaty that failed to pass muster concerned the protection of databases.
There's nothing flimsy about these leather boots, put them to the test this season - they'll pass with flying colours.
He may have come out smelling of roses, but what can you do if you ever are on the receiving end of a master manipulator or cheating partner?.
salir airoso de
ride out
Without any significant restructuring, the LIS programme in Iran will provide little in the way of riding out the rapid transition that the field is currently experiencing.
salir a la calle
go out
hit + the streets
go out into + the street
go + outside
They decided one day to take it upon themselves without his knowledge to go out and solicit funds from some of the large corn processors and farm equipment manufacturers.
This highly anticipated follow-up album is due to hit the streets shortly, and not a minute too soon.
You see, it's easy to sit here at a keyboard and call for revolution, but how about going out into the street and actually starting it?.
We would not recommend keeping a cat that is used to going outside, as an 'indoor-only cat', unless it is for health reasons.
salir a la calle en avalancha
spill (out) into + the streets
Tens of thousands of immigrants spilled out into the streets in dozens of cities across the nation Monday in peaceful protests.
salir a la intemperie
go out into + the open
go out into + the elements
Tents were burnt and the women and children were forced to go out into the open.
Sometimes having a dog and being forced to go out into the elements every day is totally worth it.
salir al aire libre
go out into + the open air
I rested for two and a half days, and then set to work again, but without daring to go out into the open air yet.
salir a la luz
come to + light
go + live
A further disquieting feature which came to light was the number of people who did not approach staff for help.
The article 'BookTrack on track for lift off' discusses BookTrack, Whitaker's electronic project, which is about to go live = El artículo 'BookTrack listo para despegar' trata de BookTrack, el proyecto electrónico de Whitaker, que está a punto de salir a la luz.
salir a la palestra
come out in + the open with
The contradictions within the rural society of the nineteenth century came out in the open with the revolts of the summer of 1857.
salir a las mil maravillas
work + a treat
come up + a treat
go down + a treat
It works a treat and handles the embedded CRLF perfectly.
The window frames appeared to have not seen the light of day for over 50 years and were totally caked in dirt - although with some elbow grease the window came up a treat.
After only two days rehearsal we did a stormer of a gig from my point of view which went down a treat to a packed house.
salir a la superficie
Power struggles are surfacing at major academic institutions across the USA.
salir al campo abierto
go out into + the open country
Esau went into the open country to hunt for some wild game to bring back.
salir al descubierto
break + cover
come out in + the open
Germany warns France there is no easy way out after it elects anti-austerity president - as sour-faced Sarko breaks cover for last official duties.
They came out in the open to show the world that they are together.
salir al exterior
go out into + the open
go out into + the elements
go out into + the open air
Tents were burnt and the women and children were forced to go out into the open.
Sometimes having a dog and being forced to go out into the elements every day is totally worth it.
I rested for two and a half days, and then set to work again, but without daring to go out into the open air yet.
salir al mar abierto
go out into + the open sea
It's easy to learn and once you rent out a yacht and go out into the open sea, it's a grand way to spend your time.
salir a lo grande
go out with + a bang
Watching an agave grow for years and years and then go out with a bang can engender some intense reactions among the gardeners who love them.
salir ampollas
In the morning my shower started to splurt out boiling water, scalding my head so badly it has blistered.
salir a pasear en coche
go out for + a drive
There was a time when even in cities it was regarded as a evidence of complete moral depravity for a man to go out for a drive on Sunday.
salir a pedir de boca
come up + roses
go off without + a hitch
go off without + a glitch
turn out + perfectly
The article 'Everything's coming up roses' provides an annotated list of selected books, information sources and software for those library users who wish to find information about rose gardening.
Though she was sweating bullets, her show went off without a hitch.
Though the event went off without a glitch, there were a few things that raised some eyebrows.
It all turned out perfectly in the end, even though it wasn't what we intended.
salir apresuradamente
dash off
shoot off
zoom off (to)
fly off
dart out (of)
One at a time a bird lands, picks out a fat sunflower seed and then dashes off.
The witness said that the cockpit of the ill-fated Boeing 737 shot off 'like a meteorite' when the plane hit the ground on its belly.
Winnie decides she needs a seaside break, so she and Wilbur zoom off to the coast.
In fact, compact vehicles are flying off dealer lots at a clip not seen since the gas price hike during the summer of 2008.
It was there that my husband about jumped out of his skin when he saw a shadowy figure suddenly dart out of the kitchen.
salir a prisa salir a subasta salir a toda prisa salir a tomar una copa salir bien salir bien al final salir bramando salir canas salir como una flecha salir con Alguien salir con estupideces[Usado principalmente en escocés] salir corriendo salir corriendo a la calle salir corriendo por la puerta salir (de) salir de[A pie] salir (de) salir de caminata salir de casa salir de copas salir de donde menos Uno se lo espera salir de duda(s) salir de excursión salir de fiesta salir de Guatemala para meterse en Guatapeor salir de jarana salir de juerga salir de la cárcel[La palabra jail también se escribe gaol, principalmente en inglés de influencia británica][La palabra gaol también se escribe jail, principalmente en inglés americano] salir de la casa salir de la duda salir de la habitación salir de la miseria salir de la nada salir del armario[Generalmente aplicado a las personas homosexuales o bisexuales que hacen públicas sus preferencias sexuales] salir de la rutina tradicional salir de la situación salir del cascarón salir del círculo salir del escondite salir del trabajo salir de marcha salir de nuevo salir de parranda salir de paseo salir de paseo en coche salir de perlas salir de + Posesivo + escondite salir de + Posesivo + refugio salir de prisa salir de quién sabe dónde salir desapercibido salir desde salir desviado salir de una situación difícil salir de un impás salir disparado salir disparado como una bala salir disparado como un cohete salir disparado de salir disparado por la puerta salir echando humo salir echando leches salir el tiro por la culata salir en defensa de Alguien salir en desbandada salir en el lavado salir en estampida salir en forma radial de salir en la colada salir enojado dando zapatazos salir en pareja con salir en tropel salir escaldado salir estrepitosamente salir fatal[Coloquial] salir fuera salir furioso salir ganando[Verbo irregular: pasado y participio won] salir glorioso salir granos salir grietas salir horriblemente mal salir huyendo salir ileso salir impune salir inadvertidamente salir jodido salir juntos salir los dientes salir mal salir malparado salir perdiendo salir perjudicado salir pitando salir por la noche salir por los cerros de Ubeda salir por piernas salir por pies salir + Posesivo + número salir resueltamente salir ronchas salir rugiendo salir sangre salir sano y salvo salirse con la de Uno salirse con las de Uno salirse con las suyas salirse de[En coche] salirse de convencionalismos salirse de la carretera salirse de la ley salirse de las casillas salirse del molde salir según lo planeado salir según lo previsto salirse por la tangente salirse y caerse salir sigilosamente salir sin ganar ni perder[Lo comido por lo servido] salir sin ser visto salir sin un rasguño salir sobre ruedas salir todo bien salir (todo) de maravilla salir todo redondo salir una gotera salir un momento a salir un poco perjudicado salir un sarpullido salir violentamente salir volando salir zumbando si no aguantas el calor, sal de la cocina sol + salir por volver a salir volver a salir a la superficie
make + a quick exit
come up for + auction
go under + the hammer
put up for + auction
come under + the hammer
make + a hasty exit
go out for + a drink
go + well
pan out
turn out + right in the end
turn out for + the best (in the end)
roar out of
get + grey hair
be off like a shot
take off like + a shot
make + a bolt for
shoot off
dash off
take to + Posesivo + heels
run off
tear out
go off like + a shot
fly off
dart out (of)
go (out) on + a date
talk + nonsense
leg it
run off
run away
make + a bolt for
dash off
take off
shoot off
take off + running
take to + Posesivo + heels
tear out
zoom off (to)
fly off
dart out (of)
make + a run for it
run into + the street
run out of + the door
come out (of)
set off (from)
get out of
walk out of
climb out of
break out of
break through
strike out from
quit + Lugar
come out (of)
set off (from)
go for/on a jaunt
leave + home
get out of + the house
set + foot out of the house
go out for + a drink
come out of + the woodwork
make + sure
find out
be doubly sure
go for/on a jaunt
take + a hike
out of the fire and into the frying pan
out of the frying pan and into the fire
paint + the town red
go out on + the town
go out + boozing
paint + the town red
go out on + the town
release + Nombre + from jail
release + Nombre + from gaol
go + outside
make + sure
find out
be doubly sure
step out of + the room
haul + Reflexivo + out of + Posesivo + bog
come out of + nowhere
come out of + the closet
break out of + the traditional mould
extricate + Reflexivo
come out of + Posesivo + shell
break out of + circle
come out of + hiding
clock off + work
get off + work
paint + the town red
go out on + the town
come back out
go out + boozing
paint + the town red
go out on + the town
go out for + a walk
go out for + a drive
come up + a treat
go down + a treat
raise + Posesivo + head above the parapet
raise + Posesivo + head above the parapet
make + a quick exit
come out of + the woodwork
sneak out (of)
set out from
go + wide
haul + Reflexivo + out of + Posesivo + bog
circumvent + impasse
make + a bolt for
shoot off
dash off
take to + Posesivo + heels
run off
tear out
be off like a shot
take off like + a shot
go off like + a shot
fly off
dart out (of)
shoot off
fly off
dart out (of)
shoot off
fly off
dart out (of)
shoot out of
run out of + the door
take off
make + a bolt for
dash off
shoot off
be off like a shot
take off like + a shot
go off like + a shot
fly off
dart out (of)
take off
make + a bolt for
dash off
shoot off
be off like a shot
take off like + a shot
go off like + a shot
fly off
dart out (of)
stand up for
stick + Posesivo + neck out (for)
come out in + the wash
radiate from
come out in + the wash
stomp out of
stomp off
go (out) on + a date
get + the rough edge of + Posesivo + tongue
crash out of
storm out (of)
go + pear-shaped
go + belly up
go + tits up
be out and about
get out and about
storm out (of)
make + a profit
compare + favourably
be better off
win + the day
win out
be better served by
come out on + top
come out/up smelling like/of (a) rose(s)
pass + muster
pass with + flying colours
break out in + spots
come out in + spots
develop + cracks
go + horribly wrong
make off (with)
do + a bunk
escape + injury
be left without + a scratch
come out + unscathed
escape + unscathed
escape without + a scratch
make it through in + one piece
get away with it
get away with + murder
get away + scot-free
go + scot-free
escape + scot-free
get off + scot-free
sneak out (of)
get + the shit(tty) end of the stick
get + the short end of the stick
get + a raw deal
be an item
cut + Posesivo + teeth
go + wrong
go + awry
get + the rough edge of + Posesivo + tongue
be the worse for it
get + the shit(tty) end of the stick
get + the short end of the stick
get + a raw deal
be in a sorry state (of affairs)
be in a bad way
be in a bad state (of affairs)
victimise [victimize, -USA]
come off + worst
lose out
compare + unfavourably
lose + Posesivo + neck
be a little worse off
pay + the price
pay + the penalty
take off
make + a bolt for
dash off
shoot off
take to + Posesivo + heels
run off
tear out
be off like a shot
take off like + a shot
go off like + a shot
zoom off (to)
fly off
dart out (of)
have + a night out
go off on + a tangent
go off at + a tangent
fly off at/on + a tangent
make + a hasty exit
take off + running
leg it
take to + Posesivo + heels
run off
tear out
show + a clean pair of heels
take + flight
Posesivo + number + come up
sally forth
come out in + a rash
break out in + a rash
roar out of
draw + blood
make it through in + one piece
have + Posesivo + way (with)
get away with it
get + Posesivo + (own) way
have (it) + Posesivo + (own) way
get away with + murder
get away + scot-free
get off + scot-free
have it + both ways
depart from
opt out (of/from)
step out of
spill out of
drive off
fall out (of)
think out(side) + (of) the box
go off + the road
step beyond + the law
be beside + Reflexivo + with anger
be beside + Reflexivo + with rage
think out(side) + (of) the box
go (off) as + planned
work out + according to plan
run + according to plan
go (off) as + planned
work out + according to plan
run + according to plan
go off + the track
get off + the track
fly off at/on + a tangent
go off on + a tangent
go off at + a tangent
wander off + track
wander off + topic
fall out (of)
steal away
slither out of
break + even
sneak out (of)
slip out
steal away
be left without + a scratch
go off without + a hitch
go off without + a glitch
land on + Posesivo + (own two) feet
fall on + Posesivo + feet
come up + roses
turn out + perfectly
land on + Posesivo + (own two) feet
fall on + Posesivo + feet
spring + a leak
pop down to
be a little worse prepared
be a little worse off
come out in + a rash
break out in + a rash
storm out (of)
crash out of
make + a bolt for
dash off
shoot off
be off like a shot
take off like + a shot
go off like + a shot
zoom off (to)
fly off
dart out (of)
make + a bolt for
if you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen
if you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen
sun + rise on
come back out
I sat near the back door, ready to make a quick exit once the interview session concluded.
When Captain Cook's 'Endeavour' journal came up for auction in London, in 1923, it was keenly sought by many libraries.
An oil painting depicting Madonna in the nude with her ex-husband Guy Ritchie will go under the hammer this week.
Thomas Jefferson willed his book collection to the University of Virginia of which he was the first rector (these books, in fact, were auctioned by his executors to satisfy his debts).
Her home was put up for auction and sold after being foreclosed.
Their next property auction will see a total of 40 properties come under the hammer in its biggest commercial property auction since launching in 2010.
The women will either look uncomfortable and make a hasty exit or will stand there with blank looks on their faces pretending not to have heard.
The most popular activities are either those involving little physical effort (eg, listening to records), looking after the house & garden, or gregarious activities like going out for a drink.
The move went well and only took 6 of the 10 days and 320 of the 500 volunteers scheduled.
It took some time, but his strategy is finally starting to pan out.
We can, of course, ignore the problem and hope that it all turns out right in the end after all, that is what we are doing now.
She was an eternal optimist and known to provide comfort to others with sayings such as 'things will turn out for the best in the end'.
Across the street, an American tank roared out of the monumental gates of the Defense Ministry, untouched by the looters presumably because they knew that the ministry, at least, would be under close guard by American troops.
All animals can get grey hair, it is just part of the aging process.
I'm sure if you were offered a much better salary in the private sector, you'd be off like a shot.
Fenced in yards are a must, as he will take off like a shot after cats, squirrels, rabbits, bikes, and even cars.
These are some of the shots I took before the heavens opened and we bolted for the car.
Most birds, faced with a predator, will make a bolt for safety, even if it means abandoning any eggs or chicks in its nest.
The witness said that the cockpit of the ill-fated Boeing 737 shot off 'like a meteorite' when the plane hit the ground on its belly.
One at a time a bird lands, picks out a fat sunflower seed and then dashes off.
When the lad heard it he got frightened, and took to his heels as though he were running a race.
She ran off to take out the appropriate protection order against Mr. Pants, considering his intent to kill her.
He soon found that he was talking to air, as the man suddenly tore out of the shop like his trousers were on fire.
But he went off like a shot and gradually passed everybody and finally, in the rain, passed Prost to win the race.
In fact, compact vehicles are flying off dealer lots at a clip not seen since the gas price hike during the summer of 2008.
It was there that my husband about jumped out of his skin when he saw a shadowy figure suddenly dart out of the kitchen.
Also, going on a date can be a little less scary if the person has already gotten the seal of approval from someone that you trust.
Blood hypothesized that girls were dated because they exhibit such personality characteristics as consideration, cheerfulness, being a good sport, & a sense of humor=Blood formuló la hipótesis de que las chicas tenían citas debido a las características de su personalidad como consideración, alegría, ser una tía apañada y tener sentido del humor.
Money is not the root of all evil but too much money can make you talk nonsense.
So that's what a Scotsman does when he gets drunk: he havers at you.
The book 'Legging it' overviews trends in male and female dress from the Middle Ages to the present, concentrating on leg coverings: breeches, trousers, stockings'.
She ran off to take out the appropriate protection order against Mr. Pants, considering his intent to kill her.
Street boys like Slake, a dodger used to running away, do not, even when they are myopic and dreamers, allow themselves to bump into lampposts.
These are some of the shots I took before the heavens opened and we bolted for the car.
Most birds, faced with a predator, will make a bolt for safety, even if it means abandoning any eggs or chicks in its nest.
One at a time a bird lands, picks out a fat sunflower seed and then dashes off.
No, he was not one to take off like a deer at the first warning of certain dangers.
The witness said that the cockpit of the ill-fated Boeing 737 shot off 'like a meteorite' when the plane hit the ground on its belly.
But luckily the animals were all fairly timid and with a holler they would take off running.
When the lad heard it he got frightened, and took to his heels as though he were running a race.
He soon found that he was talking to air, as the man suddenly tore out of the shop like his trousers were on fire.
Winnie decides she needs a seaside break, so she and Wilbur zoom off to the coast.
In fact, compact vehicles are flying off dealer lots at a clip not seen since the gas price hike during the summer of 2008.
It was there that my husband about jumped out of his skin when he saw a shadowy figure suddenly dart out of the kitchen.
She steeled herself against the heavy rain, had her keys ready for the door, and made a run for it.
She ran into the street stark naked, waving her arms wildly and screaming at the top of her voice, 'Stop, stop!'.
All of sudden, the door opened and my husband's nephew who is 19 ran out of the door really upset.
Maybe it's the frustrated library school professor in him crying to come out - whatever it is, give him a chance to show you what he knows.
In order to execute this mammoth task, the route to the theatre was completely cleared immediately before the convoy set off.
'I better get out of here before I wind up with more jobs!' Rachel Bough gave a short laugh.
As she walked out of the library, he warned her 'cast no clout till May is out'.
As regards the construction of large libraries Sweden has begun climbing out of the trough which it entered in the 1970s.
Librarians must make an effort to break out of their insularity by imbibing foreign experience.
Is there a glass ceiling for librarians? If so, what's the best way to break through it?.
It was sung by immigrants as they struck out from distant shores and pioneers who pushed westward against an unforgiving wilderness.
She rose, took his hand, wished him well, and quitted the room.
Maybe it's the frustrated library school professor in him crying to come out - whatever it is, give him a chance to show you what he knows.
In order to execute this mammoth task, the route to the theatre was completely cleared immediately before the convoy set off.
I went for a jaunt in the snow about an hour ago and my hands are still numb.
We borrowed my Grandmother's car for a few days to jaunt over to the Pacific coast.
The symptoms of agoraphobia, a condition in which an individual fears entering public areas, include fears of leaving home, fainting, entering open and closed spaces, shopping, entering social situations, and traveling far from home.
Aside from just being able to get out of the house, there are a number of other reasons why working away from home from time to time is a great idea.
By the end of the exercise I think everyone watching was wondering how two such old crocks could dare to set foot out of the house.
The most popular activities are either those involving little physical effort (eg, listening to records), looking after the house & garden, or gregarious activities like going out for a drink.
And I'm sure there's plenty more unknowns or 'brand-news' yet to come out of the woodwork.
DOBIS/LIBIS first checks the borrower's number to make sure that it is in the files and is valid.
For example, a person can consult the system holdings files to find out whether a library in the network owns a copy of the document.
Nothing unusual was felt in the breast exam but she sent me for an ultrasound - just to be doubly sure.
I went for a jaunt in the snow about an hour ago and my hands are still numb.
It is one of America's last flag stop trains allowing travelers to get off the train anywhere along a 55-mile stretch to hike the backcountry.
We borrowed my Grandmother's car for a few days to jaunt over to the Pacific coast.
It is time to take a hike and enjoy what's left of our gorgeous environment.
A couple had only been married for two weeks and the husband, although very much in love, couldn't wait to go out on the town and party with his old buddies.
The article is titled 'Out of the fire and into the frying pan'.
Further, your question about using hydrocortisone cream makes me think of the saying, 'out of the frying pan and into the fire'.
Another sign of middle age is when, after painting the town red, you have to rest a week before applying the second coat.
A couple had only been married for two weeks and the husband, although very much in love, couldn't wait to go out on the town and party with his old buddies.
For students who want to avoid tourists, it's definitely one of the best places to go out boozing.
Another sign of middle age is when, after painting the town red, you have to rest a week before applying the second coat.
A couple had only been married for two weeks and the husband, although very much in love, couldn't wait to go out on the town and party with his old buddies.
Sex offender Jonathan King is told to 'shut up' after he protests his innocence as he is released from jail.
She is about 53 years old in this photo and she was released from gaol in 1931, three years after this photo was taken.
We would not recommend keeping a cat that is used to going outside, as an 'indoor-only cat', unless it is for health reasons.
DOBIS/LIBIS first checks the borrower's number to make sure that it is in the files and is valid.
For example, a person can consult the system holdings files to find out whether a library in the network owns a copy of the document.
Nothing unusual was felt in the breast exam but she sent me for an ultrasound - just to be doubly sure.
They stepped out of the room and he punched her in the face, sending her sprawling and giving her a black eye that lasted for the rest of the tour.
To haul themselves out of their bog, their networks must facilitate tailoring of records to meet local needs.
Photons come out of nowhere, they cannot be stored, they can barely be pinned down in time, and they have no home in space whatsoever.
The article 'Sex texts come out of the closet' presents a guide to collection development for public librarians in the area of sex.
This paper offers advice to help librarians break out of the traditional mould and plan effective programmes for young adults.
It dawned on her that what she was doing might be a mistake, and she began to think of how best to extricate herself.
To be the life and soul of a party or social gathering requires you to come out of your shell and let go.
Things go around in circles, and so I thought maybe we ought to break out of the circle.
The actress - who was recently photographed without her wedding ring - is to come out of hiding and jump back into the spotlight.
Just wait until they hear the newest company rule: No bathroom breaks until you clock off work at the end of the day.
I can't wait to get off work, then I can finally stop staring at this damn computer, and go stare at a different computer!.
Another sign of middle age is when, after painting the town red, you have to rest a week before applying the second coat.
A couple had only been married for two weeks and the husband, although very much in love, couldn't wait to go out on the town and party with his old buddies.
A couple had only been married for two weeks and the husband, although very much in love, couldn't wait to go out on the town and party with his old buddies.
When our waiter came back out after clearing the table, we were certain that he was going to politely usher us out, but instead, he asked us if we were interested in dessert!.
For students who want to avoid tourists, it's definitely one of the best places to go out boozing.
Another sign of middle age is when, after painting the town red, you have to rest a week before applying the second coat.
A couple had only been married for two weeks and the husband, although very much in love, couldn't wait to go out on the town and party with his old buddies.
She only went out for a walk but ended up staying out till sundown.
There was a time when even in cities it was regarded as a evidence of complete moral depravity for a man to go out for a drive on Sunday.
The window frames appeared to have not seen the light of day for over 50 years and were totally caked in dirt - although with some elbow grease the window came up a treat.
After only two days rehearsal we did a stormer of a gig from my point of view which went down a treat to a packed house.
As Scots we are sometimes shy; we are sometimes afraid to raise our heads above the parapet; we are sometimes afraid to raise our voices.
As Scots we are sometimes shy; we are sometimes afraid to raise our heads above the parapet; we are sometimes afraid to raise our voices.
I sat near the back door, ready to make a quick exit once the interview session concluded.
And I'm sure there's plenty more unknowns or 'brand-news' yet to come out of the woodwork.
The temptation will be for the borrower to bypass the issue desk and sneak out of the library with his chosen books=El usuario se sentirá tentado a eludir el mostrador de préstamo y salir inadvertidamente de la biblioteca con los libros que quiere.
They later followed the cavalcade of foxhounds which set out from the centre of the village.
Ronaldo wasted a golden chance to equalise with a header that went wide.
To haul themselves out of their bog, their networks must facilitate tailoring of records to meet local needs.
The impasse is not totally circumvented by this means however.
These are some of the shots I took before the heavens opened and we bolted for the car.
Most birds, faced with a predator, will make a bolt for safety, even if it means abandoning any eggs or chicks in its nest.
The witness said that the cockpit of the ill-fated Boeing 737 shot off 'like a meteorite' when the plane hit the ground on its belly.
One at a time a bird lands, picks out a fat sunflower seed and then dashes off.
When the lad heard it he got frightened, and took to his heels as though he were running a race.
She ran off to take out the appropriate protection order against Mr. Pants, considering his intent to kill her.
He soon found that he was talking to air, as the man suddenly tore out of the shop like his trousers were on fire.
I'm sure if you were offered a much better salary in the private sector, you'd be off like a shot.
Fenced in yards are a must, as he will take off like a shot after cats, squirrels, rabbits, bikes, and even cars.
But he went off like a shot and gradually passed everybody and finally, in the rain, passed Prost to win the race.
In fact, compact vehicles are flying off dealer lots at a clip not seen since the gas price hike during the summer of 2008.
It was there that my husband about jumped out of his skin when he saw a shadowy figure suddenly dart out of the kitchen.
The witness said that the cockpit of the ill-fated Boeing 737 shot off 'like a meteorite' when the plane hit the ground on its belly.
In fact, compact vehicles are flying off dealer lots at a clip not seen since the gas price hike during the summer of 2008.
It was there that my husband about jumped out of his skin when he saw a shadowy figure suddenly dart out of the kitchen.
The witness said that the cockpit of the ill-fated Boeing 737 shot off 'like a meteorite' when the plane hit the ground on its belly.
In fact, compact vehicles are flying off dealer lots at a clip not seen since the gas price hike during the summer of 2008.
It was there that my husband about jumped out of his skin when he saw a shadowy figure suddenly dart out of the kitchen.
Another very large asteroid shoots out of world globalization and the internationalization of universities.
All of sudden, the door opened and my husband's nephew who is 19 ran out of the door really upset.
These are some of the shots I took before the heavens opened and we bolted for the car.
No, he was not one to take off like a deer at the first warning of certain dangers.
Most birds, faced with a predator, will make a bolt for safety, even if it means abandoning any eggs or chicks in its nest.
One at a time a bird lands, picks out a fat sunflower seed and then dashes off.
The witness said that the cockpit of the ill-fated Boeing 737 shot off 'like a meteorite' when the plane hit the ground on its belly.
I'm sure if you were offered a much better salary in the private sector, you'd be off like a shot.
Fenced in yards are a must, as he will take off like a shot after cats, squirrels, rabbits, bikes, and even cars.
But he went off like a shot and gradually passed everybody and finally, in the rain, passed Prost to win the race.
In fact, compact vehicles are flying off dealer lots at a clip not seen since the gas price hike during the summer of 2008.
It was there that my husband about jumped out of his skin when he saw a shadowy figure suddenly dart out of the kitchen.
These are some of the shots I took before the heavens opened and we bolted for the car.
No, he was not one to take off like a deer at the first warning of certain dangers.
Most birds, faced with a predator, will make a bolt for safety, even if it means abandoning any eggs or chicks in its nest.
One at a time a bird lands, picks out a fat sunflower seed and then dashes off.
The witness said that the cockpit of the ill-fated Boeing 737 shot off 'like a meteorite' when the plane hit the ground on its belly.
I'm sure if you were offered a much better salary in the private sector, you'd be off like a shot.
Fenced in yards are a must, as he will take off like a shot after cats, squirrels, rabbits, bikes, and even cars.
But he went off like a shot and gradually passed everybody and finally, in the rain, passed Prost to win the race.
In fact, compact vehicles are flying off dealer lots at a clip not seen since the gas price hike during the summer of 2008.
It was there that my husband about jumped out of his skin when he saw a shadowy figure suddenly dart out of the kitchen.
While this direct contact can backfire if the person is not knowledgeable about the product, it is also a golden opportunity to respond directly to customer questions and unique needs.
While project ALBIS was seen as an exercise in networking that misfired it did produce some positive results=Aunque se consideraba que el proyecto ALBIS fue un intento de cooperación en red que fracasó, no obstante produjo algunos resultados positivos.
The author argues that librarians should stand up for their patrons.
But commercial businesses do this all the time: somebody sticks a neck out, and gets promoted or loses neck depending on results.
The noise spooked the animals, and many stampeded over a cliff to their deaths.
In fact, if I accidently goop some on my clothing, I can rest assured that it will come out in the wash without damaging or staining.
The noise spooked the animals, and many stampeded over a cliff to their deaths.
Daisy wheel printers have a series of petals radiating from a hub and each petal is embossed with a character.
In fact, if I accidently goop some on my clothing, I can rest assured that it will come out in the wash without damaging or staining.
She really blew her stack as she stomped out of the sales manager's office talking to herself.
She starts to pout when she doesn't get her way, stomping off, giving everyone the silent treatment, snapping at people.
Blood hypothesized that girls were dated because they exhibit such personality characteristics as consideration, cheerfulness, being a good sport, & a sense of humor=Blood formuló la hipótesis de que las chicas tenían citas debido a las características de su personalidad como consideración, alegría, ser una tía apañada y tener sentido del humor.
Also, going on a date can be a little less scary if the person has already gotten the seal of approval from someone that you trust.
The noise spooked the animals, and many stampeded over a cliff to their deaths.
So the unhappy lame man got up with a flea in his ear and went to the second Prince, but here, too, he got the rough edge of his tongue=Así pues, el cojo desafortunado se levantó con las orejas gachas y fue a ver al segundo príncipe, pero de nuevo salió escaldado.
I crashed out of the room and tried to find the entrance, but it was not easy it was like a maze of rooms.
A 24-year-old man has killed himself with chloroform after storming out of work when a colleague taunted him about never making the coffee.
The test on the new machines went pear-shaped: nothing really worked properly and they had to install everything again.
Our ISP (Internet Service Provider) went belly up 10 days ago and we have been unable to send & receive emails since.
At least Justin will have his 100 million dollars to fall back on if things do go tits up.
But if you're out and about like I am, here's where I'll be over the next few nights, and feel free to say hi if you're going to be in the same area.
Use the links below for ideas to get out and about.
A 24-year-old man has killed himself with chloroform after storming out of work when a colleague taunted him about never making the coffee.
Following our examples, the neighbors decide that they can provide the lower-cost food service to the wider community by buying in even larger quantities, and in the process make a profit for themselves.
Those who perform in this manner can be characterized as those who would 'rather fight than win'.
The system compares favourably with commercial ones in cost and reliability=El sistema se compara favorablemente con los sistemas comerciales en coste y fiabilidad.
Everybody would be better off if academic libraries provided research services on a pay as you go basis.
All argument in favour of the change was rejected by the library users and local esteem for the library won the day.
It remains to be seen which approach will win out, in the current tug-of-war.
However, librarians are better served by presuming any given alternativa title is geared for adult audiences, until proven otherwise=No obstante, es aconsejable que los bibliotecarios asuman que cualquier título alternativo va dirigido a un público adulto, hasta que no se demuestre lo contrario.
The real story here is that no matter which format ultimately comes out on top, the battle will be long and protracted, with both formats existing side by side for some time.
He may have come out smelling of roses, but what can you do if you ever are on the receiving end of a master manipulator or cheating partner?.
The one treaty that failed to pass muster concerned the protection of databases.
There's nothing flimsy about these leather boots, put them to the test this season - they'll pass with flying colours.
I just wondered has anybody been breaking out in spots since they found out their pregnant?.
My little 2 yr old nephew came out in spots today and is itching like mad the poor thing.
However, the tremendous increase in publication volume that cannot be reconciled with the number of scholars undertaking and reporting their research suggests that the process has developed cracks, if indeed it has not broken down completely.
Krissi said that it would be ready this week unless 'everything goes horribly wrong'.
To pull off the heist, the thief stole a swipe card for the complex before using the wheelchair to make off.
As soon as the advance was paid however the manager did a bunk with the money, around 100000, and was never seen nor heard of again.
All three escaped injury, but one lost property.
He was left without a scratch and pursued the shooter on foot until the gunman commandeered a passing car.
The owner of the tool shed was inside when the storm hit - he hid in his tractor cab and came out unscathed.
It seems a bit unfair, though, for Clausen to take all of the heat while her underlings escape unscathed.
Luckily, he escaped without a scratch and now has a great story to tell his buddies.
I'm sure it was a long seven days in the slammer, but Piper made it through in one piece.
He was waiting for the opportunity to unleash his fury, no one calls him a pig and gets away with it.
Seldom has someone so close to the echelons of power faced capital punishment since there is widespread belief in the country that the rich and powerful can literally get away with murder.
As a result, the perpetrators are getting away scot-free.
What is truly and more heinously wrong though is that the architects of the financial disaster will likely go scot-free.
Needless to say that his plans go awry, as his first chosen victim dies of natural causes while his second escapes scot-free.
There was a chance we might get caught but we always got off scot-free.
The temptation will be for the borrower to bypass the issue desk and sneak out of the library with his chosen books=El usuario se sentirá tentado a eludir el mostrador de préstamo y salir inadvertidamente de la biblioteca con los libros que quiere.
No matter how you look at it you are getting the shit end of the stick.
Statistics show that women usually get the short end of the stick when their marriages break up.
Boys are getting a raw deal because the education system dramatically favours girls, a leading academic has warned.
Being salacious in character, he spread the gossip that the boss and his new secretary were an item.
'Is he cutting his teeth?' 'Yes,' murmured Fenichka, 'he has cut four teeth already and now the gums are swollen again="Le están saliendo los dientes? "Si," murmuró Fenichka, "le han salido cuatro dientes de momento y ahora las encías están de nuevo inflamadas.
Areas of particular concern are: equipment set-up and use; helping develop search strategies, logon/logoff procedures; and emergency assistance when things go wrong.
I have heard too many horror stories of such systems going awry.
While project ALBIS was seen as an exercise in networking that misfired it did produce some positive results=Aunque se consideraba que el proyecto ALBIS fue un intento de cooperación en red que fracasó, no obstante produjo algunos resultados positivos.
While this direct contact can backfire if the person is not knowledgeable about the product, it is also a golden opportunity to respond directly to customer questions and unique needs.
So the unhappy lame man got up with a flea in his ear and went to the second Prince, but here, too, he got the rough edge of his tongue=Así pues, el cojo desafortunado se levantó con las orejas gachas y fue a ver al segundo príncipe, pero de nuevo salió escaldado.
The current practice of lies and deceit practiced by banks is going to ultimately be their own undoing, and we'll all be the worse for it.
No matter how you look at it you are getting the shit end of the stick.
Statistics show that women usually get the short end of the stick when their marriages break up.
Boys are getting a raw deal because the education system dramatically favours girls, a leading academic has warned.
Often quoted as the most polluted sea of the world, the Baltic Sea is indeed in a sorry state.
Several of those who are wounded, have had their limbs cut off, ?nd arc thought to be in a bad way.
In recent years the agricultural sector has been in a bad state of affairs, and a bold planning policy in this direction is necessary.
In the name of collegiality, students are victimized, considerable intellectual resources are being squandered, and the general public is deliberately misled.
The archive collection is part of the university library and when competing with the rest of the system for money always comes off worst.
Libraries, in the crush to pay journal invoices, are losing out, as other services as well as staffing and pay all end up unfunded=Las bibliotecas, ante la presión de tener que pagar las facturas de las revistas, salen perdiendo ya que otros servicios así como el personal y los salarios terminanan todos con insuficientes fondos.
Salaries of library professionals compare unfavourably with pay scales in the information industry.
But commercial businesses do this all the time: somebody sticks a neck out, and gets promoted or loses neck depending on results.
The world is a little worse off than it was before as his talents, good cheer, metered insanity will be missed.
The searcher, however, pays the price with less-accessible records and with loss of searching facilities.
They will have to free themselves from the shackles of convention or else pay the penalty.
No, he was not one to take off like a deer at the first warning of certain dangers.
These are some of the shots I took before the heavens opened and we bolted for the car.
Most birds, faced with a predator, will make a bolt for safety, even if it means abandoning any eggs or chicks in its nest.
One at a time a bird lands, picks out a fat sunflower seed and then dashes off.
The witness said that the cockpit of the ill-fated Boeing 737 shot off 'like a meteorite' when the plane hit the ground on its belly.
When the lad heard it he got frightened, and took to his heels as though he were running a race.
She ran off to take out the appropriate protection order against Mr. Pants, considering his intent to kill her.
He soon found that he was talking to air, as the man suddenly tore out of the shop like his trousers were on fire.
I'm sure if you were offered a much better salary in the private sector, you'd be off like a shot.
Fenced in yards are a must, as he will take off like a shot after cats, squirrels, rabbits, bikes, and even cars.
But he went off like a shot and gradually passed everybody and finally, in the rain, passed Prost to win the race.
Winnie decides she needs a seaside break, so she and Wilbur zoom off to the coast.
In fact, compact vehicles are flying off dealer lots at a clip not seen since the gas price hike during the summer of 2008.
It was there that my husband about jumped out of his skin when he saw a shadowy figure suddenly dart out of the kitchen.
If you have a night out and drink alcohol, a lot of water before bed really helps.
The book encourages the reader to go off on a tangent and wander from thought to thought endlessly.
If you go off at tangents, you could end up with pointless discussions about the best car to buy, the public transport alternatives, etc.
There's a real danger of flying off on a tangent while writing about this as it for once is purely about politics and there's 'nowt' as controversial as that.
The women will either look uncomfortable and make a hasty exit or will stand there with blank looks on their faces pretending not to have heard.
But luckily the animals were all fairly timid and with a holler they would take off running.
The book 'Legging it' overviews trends in male and female dress from the Middle Ages to the present, concentrating on leg coverings: breeches, trousers, stockings'.
When the lad heard it he got frightened, and took to his heels as though he were running a race.
She ran off to take out the appropriate protection order against Mr. Pants, considering his intent to kill her.
He soon found that he was talking to air, as the man suddenly tore out of the shop like his trousers were on fire.
The performance - shattering in the 1950's - is now less impressive, but it can still show a clean pair of heels to most cars on the road.
Fallow deer are very wary of people, and will take flight as soon as they hear or see someone.
All you have to do is pick up the phone and find out if your lucky number has come up!.
She put the dishes in the sink, locked the balcony door, found her purse, and sallied forth.
My son who is 3 always comes out in a rash when he's had a cold, tummy bug or temperature.
I just recently got a tattoo, and I'm now breaking out in a rash.
Across the street, an American tank roared out of the monumental gates of the Defense Ministry, untouched by the looters presumably because they knew that the ministry, at least, would be under close guard by American troops.
He ended up biting his lip and drawing some blood after doing a few summersaults and landing on his face.
I'm sure it was a long seven days in the slammer, but Piper made it through in one piece.
Sweet Lou is a ladies' man who does not have to say much to have his way with women.
He was waiting for the opportunity to unleash his fury, no one calls him a pig and gets away with it.
You're one of the two reference librarians to be hired because Vijay got his way!.
He could perceive that she was a person who was accustomed to having her own way.
Seldom has someone so close to the echelons of power faced capital punishment since there is widespread belief in the country that the rich and powerful can literally get away with murder.
As a result, the perpetrators are getting away scot-free.
There was a chance we might get caught but we always got off scot-free.
You can't have it both ways - you've got to think before you post every detail of your life to the Internet.
It is sometimes helpful to depart from strict alphabetical arrangement.
The author takes a critical look at the UK government's education policy with regard to schools' 'opting out' of local government control.
In studying other cultures it is particularly important to step out of one's own conditioning and not let one's own values stand in the way.
The results appear there and then not only on the VDU screen but also on a roll of paper which spills out of the attached printer at a rate of knots.
To dream that you drive off a mountain road suggests that the higher you climb in life, the harder it is to stay at the top.
Rods may hold the cards in the drawer and stops may prevent drawers from falling out the cabinet.
Metrosexuals are an emerging breed of men who think outside the box of male stereotypes.
Suddenly, the smell struck his nostrils - the pungency of processed corn syrup, as if the car had gone off the road and fallen into the neck of a gigantic bottle of syrup.
How do you really treat your customers, do you milk them dry or do you really want to offer your products and services without stepping beyond the law?.
A woman identifying herself as Beard's mother attempted to calm the young man down, but Beard was beside himself with anger.
He was beside himself with rage over the goal that never was .
Metrosexuals are an emerging breed of men who think outside the box of male stereotypes.
This unlikely threesome of a con artist, a hit man, and a idiot find themselves in deep water when their heist doesn't go off as planned.
Hopefully things will work out according to plan, so far so good and things are falling into place.
Our team would be happy to assist and advise you to ensure that your events run according to plan from start to finish.
This unlikely threesome of a con artist, a hit man, and a idiot find themselves in deep water when their heist doesn't go off as planned.
Hopefully things will work out according to plan, so far so good and things are falling into place.
Our team would be happy to assist and advise you to ensure that your events run according to plan from start to finish.
The Commission, however, goes off the track with its structural and institutional recommendations on how to ensure the long-term availability of public information resources=No obstante, la Comisión se sale por la tangente con sus recomendaciones estructurales e institucionales sobre cómo asegurar la disponibilidad a largo plazo de los recursos de información pública.
'This discussion is getting off the track,' he said politely="Esta discusión se está saliendo por la tangente", dijo cortésmente.
There's a real danger of flying off on a tangent while writing about this as it for once is purely about politics and there's 'nowt' as controversial as that.
The book encourages the reader to go off on a tangent and wander from thought to thought endlessly.
If you go off at tangents, you could end up with pointless discussions about the best car to buy, the public transport alternatives, etc.
You may find that it is easy to find ourself wandering off track, following something that really interests you, and ultimately not answering the question.
Occasional wandering off topic is allowed, but should be kept to a bare minimum.
Rods may hold the cards in the drawer and stops may prevent drawers from falling out the cabinet.
He had merely stolen away as inconspicuously as possible.
Drowsily he slithered out of bed, opened his closet door and got dressed like he had done every morning before.
Would the library have to charge more than the major document delivery suppliers in order to break even on the cost of the service?.
The temptation will be for the borrower to bypass the issue desk and sneak out of the library with his chosen books=El usuario se sentirá tentado a eludir el mostrador de préstamo y salir inadvertidamente de la biblioteca con los libros que quiere.
The two deflated employees exchanged looks and slipped quietly out of the room.
He had merely stolen away as inconspicuously as possible.
He was left without a scratch and pursued the shooter on foot until the gunman commandeered a passing car.
Though she was sweating bullets, her show went off without a hitch.
Though the event went off without a glitch, there were a few things that raised some eyebrows.
He thought he had landed on his feet when he got a job at a large and prestigious firm, but he soon discovered there was more to the job than he imagined.
However it seems the he has fallen on his feet with a promising career ahead of him that all started from a karaoke night.
The article 'Everything's coming up roses' provides an annotated list of selected books, information sources and software for those library users who wish to find information about rose gardening.
It all turned out perfectly in the end, even though it wasn't what we intended.
He thought he had landed on his feet when he got a job at a large and prestigious firm, but he soon discovered there was more to the job than he imagined.
However it seems the he has fallen on his feet with a promising career ahead of him that all started from a karaoke night.
While the region grapples with fixing its sewer infrastructure, another set of underground pipes are springing leaks.
An important point which arises from this research is that using some applications software would be a case of 'overkill', or, to use an analogy, of using a Rolls-Royce to pop down to the corner shop!.
Scouts will now be a little worse prepared after they were banned from carrying their traditional penknives due to the new law.
The world is a little worse off than it was before as his talents, good cheer, metered insanity will be missed.
My son who is 3 always comes out in a rash when he's had a cold, tummy bug or temperature.
I just recently got a tattoo, and I'm now breaking out in a rash.
A 24-year-old man has killed himself with chloroform after storming out of work when a colleague taunted him about never making the coffee.
I crashed out of the room and tried to find the entrance, but it was not easy it was like a maze of rooms.
These are some of the shots I took before the heavens opened and we bolted for the car.
Most birds, faced with a predator, will make a bolt for safety, even if it means abandoning any eggs or chicks in its nest.
One at a time a bird lands, picks out a fat sunflower seed and then dashes off.
The witness said that the cockpit of the ill-fated Boeing 737 shot off 'like a meteorite' when the plane hit the ground on its belly.
I'm sure if you were offered a much better salary in the private sector, you'd be off like a shot.
Fenced in yards are a must, as he will take off like a shot after cats, squirrels, rabbits, bikes, and even cars.
But he went off like a shot and gradually passed everybody and finally, in the rain, passed Prost to win the race.
Winnie decides she needs a seaside break, so she and Wilbur zoom off to the coast.
In fact, compact vehicles are flying off dealer lots at a clip not seen since the gas price hike during the summer of 2008.
It was there that my husband about jumped out of his skin when he saw a shadowy figure suddenly dart out of the kitchen.
These are some of the shots I took before the heavens opened and we bolted for the car.
Most birds, faced with a predator, will make a bolt for safety, even if it means abandoning any eggs or chicks in its nest.
She then went on to say: 'I anticipate it's going to get even hotter - and if you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen'.
I was immediately reminded of the old saying, 'If you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen'.
The sun seems to rise and set on Vijay as far as Coy is corcerned.
When our waiter came back out after clearing the table, we were certain that he was going to politely usher us out, but instead, he asked us if we were interested in dessert!.
Divided collections are being reunited and bodies of material considered lost after World War 2 are resurfacing in Eastern Europe as well as in Germany.
debouch ; depart ; exit ; go out of ; make + departure ; march off ; quit ; take + Posesivo + departure ; leave ; issue out ; start out ; go out and about ; go out ; pop ; head out ; socialise [socialize, -USA] ; be out and about ; get out and about ; go forth ; get out ; pan out ; go + outside ; leak out ; pull out.
As they debouched into the street and hurried back to the library, Jergens thanked Meek for being someone she could share her concerns with.
He smiled again, waved goodbye, and departed.
Enter the lesson number you wish, or press the letter 'X' to exit the tutorial.
In all 20 per cent of visitors went out of the bookshop with a book they had intended to buy, 15 per cent went out with a book they had not intended to buy and 67 went out with both intended and unintended purchases.
Before making his departure, however, a few hints upon the methods of examining bibliographic compilations are necessary.
Do not march off full-tilt in front of the readers.
If you decide not to send or save the message, replace the question mark in front of 'Quit' with another character.
'I'm sure we'll be in touch a lot this week!' Suttie took her departure, repeating the offer.
'Do you ever let anyone leave without inspecting their bags?' Carpozzi asked as she sidled up to the checker.
He bade her good day and issued out into the street.
He went back into the house, addressing his Maker in low agonized tones, changed, and started out again.
Thursday 22 August is your opportunity to go out and about - seeing at first hand the great variety of library and information centres located in the Central Belt of Scotland.
They decided one day to take it upon themselves without his knowledge to go out and solicit funds from some of the large corn processors and farm equipment manufacturers.
The azaleas are popping, the redbuds are in their finest attire, and the dogwoods are lacy jewels at the edge of the wood.
It's tempting to splurge on a new hi-fi system or head out on a shopping spree, but the smart option might be to pay off an existing debt.
She is married and has a family, but does not spend much time in the director's office or socialize with her.
But if you're out and about like I am, here's where I'll be over the next few nights, and feel free to say hi if you're going to be in the same area.
Use the links below for ideas to get out and about.
Finally six men agreed to go forth in their underclothes and nooses around their necks in hopeful expectation that their sacrifice would satisfy the king's bloodlust and he would spare the rest of the citizens.
I have seen racial slurs, and quite frankly, anyone bugged by them do not get out much, or view life through rose-coloured glasses.
It took some time, but his strategy is finally starting to pan out.
We would not recommend keeping a cat that is used to going outside, as an 'indoor-only cat', unless it is for health reasons.
When the temperature is low the energy of the particles will be small and so it will not cause much of the dye to leak out.
Because of this, a vehicle pulling out in front of you or attempting to change into your lane should be warned with a toot of the horn.
acabar de salir de
be fresh out of
These researches indicate that it is important to consider whether the applicant is fresh out of high school, or a repeater, and better selection will be made if the university looks at the high school record.
al final, todo saldrá a la luz
it will come out in the wash
Conspiracy theory maybe but I do feel there is more to this than meets the eye and as they say it will come out in the wash.
al final, todo saldrá bien
it will come out in the wash
Conspiracy theory maybe but I do feel there is more to this than meets the eye and as they say it will come out in the wash.
a lo que salga
come what may
He has promised to bring Sam back, and will do so come what may, even if it involves a trudge across the country in snowshoes.
a veces las cosas salen mal
shit happens
'Shit Happens' in the story of two flatmates: Halifax, a ex-journalist with a dark past and long lost ex-wife, and Shakra, a college-drop out bent on Halifax's destruction = "A veces las cosas salen mal" es la historia de dos compañeros de piso: Halifax, un ex-periodista con un pasado oscuro y con una exesposa que no ve desde hace mucho, y Shakra, un compañero de universidad obcecado en la destrucción de Halifax .
a veces sales jodido
shit happens
'Shit Happens' in the story of two flatmates: Halifax, a ex-journalist with a dark past and long lost ex-wife, and Shakra, a college-drop out bent on Halifax's destruction = "A veces las cosas salen mal" es la historia de dos compañeros de piso: Halifax, un ex-periodista con un pasado oscuro y con una exesposa que no ve desde hace mucho, y Shakra, un compañero de universidad obcecado en la destrucción de Halifax .
aventurarse a salir
venture forth
He was to remain in his refuge for one hundred and twenty-one days, an urban Robinson Crusoe, venturing forth from his hiding hole to retrieve salvageable materials from the jettisoned impedimenta of restless travelers.
ayudar a Alguien a salir adelante
help + Nombre + get on + Posesivo + feet
Many more refugees will be assisted with transport and basic essentials such as tarpaulins and cooking utensils to help them get on their feet.
ayudar a salir de
help + Nombre + through
Playing sports can help you through tough periods and put you on the path to a healthy adult life.
conseguir que todo salga bien
get + everything right
Training for full marathons involves a lot of work, and you need to get everything right if you want to become good at it.
conseguir salir ileso
make it through in + one piece
I'm sure it was a long seven days in the slammer, but Piper made it through in one piece.
conseguir salir sano y salvo
make it through in + one piece
I'm sure it was a long seven days in the slammer, but Piper made it through in one piece.
cosas + salir bien
things + work out
That being only live once, so if you decide to jump in head first, and if things don't work out, remember, you can always leave.
dejar que Alguien se salga con la suya
let + Nombre + do things + Posesivo + (own) way
I've been trying to bite my tounge and let him do things his own way.
dejar salir
let + Nombre + out
let out
We let them out in the garden at the weekend and they enjoy exploring all the nooks and crannies and eating anything that looks tasty!.
Clair lets Luther out, leaving the door slightly ajar, before feeding the fire and starting on the coffee.
dejar salir impune
let + Nombre + off scot-free
Not only have they let her off scot-free, they have continued to use her in precisely the area in which she has shown she cannot be trusted.
entrando y saliendo de
in and out of
I'm always in and out of hospitals, so please help me towards my therapy sessions.
entrar por un oído y salir por el otro
go in + one ear and out the other
I've even had friends and relatives talk with her and give her advice but it all goes in one ear and out the other.
entrar y salir
come and go
drift in and out
wander in and out
go into and out of
Smaller microcomputer-based systems are more likely to come and go.
The practical aspects of preservation have drifted in and out of archival priorities over the last half-century.
Facilities have been included to allow the user to move away from the original query to wander in and out of different areas of interest.
Since many people go into and out of the hospital at all hours, theft is a concern.
entrar y salir corriendo
run in and out
Those who are 'perfectionists' in such things will want to drive you crazy worrying about 'what if two people go out together' or 'it won't be accurate because some users go out for a smoke and then come right back in' or 'what about kids who run in and out' and so forth.
esperar que todo salga bien
hope for + the best
This will certainly be a learning experience for me especially since it's my first book so cross your fingers and let's hope for the best.
estar saliendo con alguien
be in a dating relationship
Meeting someone for the first time can be nerve-wracking, but so can trying to balance your eagerness with your need to play it cool when you're in a dating relationship.
evitar que + salir
keep + Nombre + in
Many farmers and ranchers construct barbed-wire fences on their property to keep livestock in and unwelcome guests out.
hacer salir
push out
flush out
There is today culture of all sorts at all levels (high culture, middle-brow culture and mass culture) and there is no evidence to show that the one sort pushes out the other.
He is hounded by hired assassins and eventually flushed out of hiding for a final confrontation with his nemesis.
imposibilitado para salir de casa
housebound [house-bound]
homebound [home-bound]
The needs of readers housebound by physical disability, or made immobile by increasing age, are met by a supply of reading material from a van delivery service.
The library extends its traditional services to those homebound due to illness or handicaps through its community services librarian.
invitar a Alguien a salir
ask + Nombre + out
The problem is compounded by the fact that his boss, my second-removed boss, the director of the library, has asked me out.
invitar a salir
take + Nombre + out
I sometimes take them out to eat and always use my own car.
las cosas + salir según lo planeado
things + go to plan
Unfortunately this time things did not go to plan and Neymar got smacked in the kisser.
las cosas + salir según lo previsto
things + go to plan
Unfortunately this time things did not go to plan and Neymar got smacked in the kisser.
la verdad + salir a la luz
the truth + come out
She went down in their estimation when the truth came out.
la verdad + salir a relucir
the truth + come out
She went down in their estimation when the truth came out.
no salir
stay in
stay + indoors
It seems like the smartest plan for ringing in the New Year: staying in instead of going out.
Precautionary measures include staying indoors between dusk and dawn, avoiding perfume or aftershave, and the use of insect repellent and mosquito nets.
no salir malparado por
be none the worse for (that)
The author concludes that although many of the innovations discussed did not survive, the schools were none the worse for their experimentation.
no salir mal parado por
be none the worse for wear
He even has found a fish's stomach with puncture holes caused by eating a catfish, and the fish was still none the worse for wear.
obligar a salir
drive out + with a pitchfork
push out
It seems that classification is like nature: if you drive her out with a pitchfork, she will soon find her way back.
There is today culture of all sorts at all levels (high culture, middle-brow culture and mass culture) and there is no evidence to show that the one sort pushes out the other.
obligar a salir de
force from
The economically told chronicle of Slake's adventures is an eloquent study of poverty, of fear, and finally of hope as circumstances converge to force Slake from his temporary limbo.
personas que no pueden salir de casa
homebound, the
The system incorporates a mail service to the homebound.
por un lado entra + Nombre + y por otro sale + Nombre
in go + Nombre + at one end, and out come + Nombre + at the other
In the ultimate CIM system in go raw materials, power, product specifications and orders at one end, and out come finished products at the other.
que puede salir en préstamo
At any given level of demand, fewer loanable copies of an item are needed if provision is made on a national rather than a regional basis.
registrarse al salir
sign out
We are looking at getting a finger print time clock system to sign in and sign out about 30 employees daily.
salir a [En tecnología de la información, proceso por el cual un programa que funciona sobre una aplicación interrumpe su funcionamiento accidentalmente lo que hace que la aplicación vuelva al sistema operativo]
propagate out to
crash to
be out to
We must develop and study intelligent interfaces that propagate out to the information universe and report back to us.
On occasion the use of this program has caused Windows to crash to DOS.
If the reference head is out to lunch, the exception to the lending policy must be handled by the new librarian.
salir a altamar
go out into + the open sea
It's easy to learn and once you rent out a yacht and go out into the open sea, it's a grand way to spend your time.
salir a borbotones
gush out
come out in + spurts
For example, after a fire hydrant has been observed and described, children are addressed as follows: 'What would it feel like to be a fire hydrant? Try it and show how the water gushes out'.
Her compositions were combinations of objects and hidden containers of pigment that spurted their contents when struck by bullets.
You can tell if bleeding is arterial if the blood comes out in spurts instead of a constant flow.
salir a caminar
go for + a walk
It is hard to beat going for a walk as a way to take a break.
salir a chorros
gush out
For example, after a fire hydrant has been observed and described, children are addressed as follows: 'What would it feel like to be a fire hydrant? Try it and show how the water gushes out'.
Her compositions were combinations of objects and hidden containers of pigment that spurted their contents when struck by bullets.
salir a comer
eat out
If you consider eating out a couple times a week a necessity rather than a lark, you aren't cut out for living on a shoestring.
salir a correr
go for + a run
I went for a run with my friend last Saturday and we ran for ages.
Anyone jog at night before hitting the hay - is it good for sleep or you become too awake?.
salir a darse una vuelta
go for + a walk
It is hard to beat going for a walk as a way to take a break.
salir a dar una caminata
go for/on a jaunt
I went for a jaunt in the snow about an hour ago and my hands are still numb.
We borrowed my Grandmother's car for a few days to jaunt over to the Pacific coast.
salir a dar una vuelta
go out
They decided one day to take it upon themselves without his knowledge to go out and solicit funds from some of the large corn processors and farm equipment manufacturers.
salir a dar una vuelta en coche
go out for + a drive
There was a time when even in cities it was regarded as a evidence of complete moral depravity for a man to go out for a drive on Sunday.
salir a dar un paseo
go out for + a walk
She only went out for a walk but ended up staying out till sundown.
salir adelante
make + (both) ends meet
keep + the wolves from the door
get + unstuck
get back on + Posesivo + feet
make it through
carry + Nombre + on
As free Web sites find it increasingly difficult to make ends meet simply with the revenue generated from advertising, they are likely, either to close down or to start charging for access to the site.
Some can afford this as they are semi-retired or have other sources of income to keep the wolves from the door.
In addition, students can use the glossary to get 'unstuck' while learning.
It's a smart move on Jade's part to let Donna give her a helping hand in getting back on her feet.
He figures if he made it through WWII he can make it through anything, that's a great attitude.
The mortgage carried him on for seven months, but at the end of that time he was hard pushed for money again.
salir adelante a duras penas
eke out + a living
scratch (out) + a living
scrape + a living
eke out + an existence
He represents not only hard-pressed immigrants and their plight but also everyone else eking out a living on the street corners of cities.
David keeps at his pushcart, scratching out a living even in the dead of winter - meanwhile, Rose secretly visits Sammy to watch out for him.
A recent report finds that small business owners who employ five or less staff are, on average, barely scraping a living from all their effort.
In thus eking out an existence, however, the washerwoman was very important for the survival of her family.
salir adelante en la vida
get on in + life
He believed that, to get on in life, you just needed to work fairly hard and be a nice guy.
salir adelante por uno mismo
pull + Reflexivo + up(wards) by + Posesivo + (own) bootstraps
The idea was to induce people to pull themselves upward - morally and intellectually - by their bootstraps.
salir adelante sin la ayuda de nadie
pull + Reflexivo + up(wards) by + Posesivo + (own) bootstraps
The idea was to induce people to pull themselves upward - morally and intellectually - by their bootstraps.
salir a echarse un cigarro
go out for + a smoke
Those who are 'perfectionists' in such things will want to drive you crazy worrying about 'what if two people go out together' or 'it won't be accurate because some users go out for a smoke and then come right back in' or 'what about kids who run in and out' and so forth.
salir a flote
make + (both) ends meet
get back on + Posesivo + feet
As free Web sites find it increasingly difficult to make ends meet simply with the revenue generated from advertising, they are likely, either to close down or to start charging for access to the site.
It's a smart move on Jade's part to let Donna give her a helping hand in getting back on her feet.
salir a fumarse un cigarro
go out for + a smoke
Those who are 'perfectionists' in such things will want to drive you crazy worrying about 'what if two people go out together' or 'it won't be accurate because some users go out for a smoke and then come right back in' or 'what about kids who run in and out' and so forth.
salir a hurtadillas
steal away
He had merely stolen away as inconspicuously as possible.
salir airoso
pass + muster
pass with + flying colours
come out/up smelling like/of (a) rose(s)
The one treaty that failed to pass muster concerned the protection of databases.
There's nothing flimsy about these leather boots, put them to the test this season - they'll pass with flying colours.
He may have come out smelling of roses, but what can you do if you ever are on the receiving end of a master manipulator or cheating partner?.
salir airoso de
ride out
Without any significant restructuring, the LIS programme in Iran will provide little in the way of riding out the rapid transition that the field is currently experiencing.
salir a la calle
go out
hit + the streets
go out into + the street
go + outside
They decided one day to take it upon themselves without his knowledge to go out and solicit funds from some of the large corn processors and farm equipment manufacturers.
This highly anticipated follow-up album is due to hit the streets shortly, and not a minute too soon.
You see, it's easy to sit here at a keyboard and call for revolution, but how about going out into the street and actually starting it?.
We would not recommend keeping a cat that is used to going outside, as an 'indoor-only cat', unless it is for health reasons.
salir a la calle en avalancha
spill (out) into + the streets
Tens of thousands of immigrants spilled out into the streets in dozens of cities across the nation Monday in peaceful protests.
salir a la intemperie
go out into + the open
go out into + the elements
Tents were burnt and the women and children were forced to go out into the open.
Sometimes having a dog and being forced to go out into the elements every day is totally worth it.
salir al aire libre
go out into + the open air
I rested for two and a half days, and then set to work again, but without daring to go out into the open air yet.
salir a la luz
come to + light
go + live
A further disquieting feature which came to light was the number of people who did not approach staff for help.
The article 'BookTrack on track for lift off' discusses BookTrack, Whitaker's electronic project, which is about to go live = El artículo 'BookTrack listo para despegar' trata de BookTrack, el proyecto electrónico de Whitaker, que está a punto de salir a la luz.
salir a la palestra
come out in + the open with
The contradictions within the rural society of the nineteenth century came out in the open with the revolts of the summer of 1857.
salir a las mil maravillas
work + a treat
come up + a treat
go down + a treat
It works a treat and handles the embedded CRLF perfectly.
The window frames appeared to have not seen the light of day for over 50 years and were totally caked in dirt - although with some elbow grease the window came up a treat.
After only two days rehearsal we did a stormer of a gig from my point of view which went down a treat to a packed house.
salir a la superficie
Power struggles are surfacing at major academic institutions across the USA.
salir al campo abierto
go out into + the open country
Esau went into the open country to hunt for some wild game to bring back.
salir al descubierto
break + cover
come out in + the open
Germany warns France there is no easy way out after it elects anti-austerity president - as sour-faced Sarko breaks cover for last official duties.
They came out in the open to show the world that they are together.
salir al exterior
go out into + the open
go out into + the elements
go out into + the open air
Tents were burnt and the women and children were forced to go out into the open.
Sometimes having a dog and being forced to go out into the elements every day is totally worth it.
I rested for two and a half days, and then set to work again, but without daring to go out into the open air yet.
salir al mar abierto
go out into + the open sea
It's easy to learn and once you rent out a yacht and go out into the open sea, it's a grand way to spend your time.
salir a lo grande
go out with + a bang
Watching an agave grow for years and years and then go out with a bang can engender some intense reactions among the gardeners who love them.
salir ampollas
In the morning my shower started to splurt out boiling water, scalding my head so badly it has blistered.
salir a pasear en coche
go out for + a drive
There was a time when even in cities it was regarded as a evidence of complete moral depravity for a man to go out for a drive on Sunday.
salir a pedir de boca
come up + roses
go off without + a hitch
go off without + a glitch
turn out + perfectly
The article 'Everything's coming up roses' provides an annotated list of selected books, information sources and software for those library users who wish to find information about rose gardening.
Though she was sweating bullets, her show went off without a hitch.
Though the event went off without a glitch, there were a few things that raised some eyebrows.
It all turned out perfectly in the end, even though it wasn't what we intended.
salir apresuradamente
dash off
shoot off
zoom off (to)
fly off
dart out (of)
One at a time a bird lands, picks out a fat sunflower seed and then dashes off.
The witness said that the cockpit of the ill-fated Boeing 737 shot off 'like a meteorite' when the plane hit the ground on its belly.
Winnie decides she needs a seaside break, so she and Wilbur zoom off to the coast.
In fact, compact vehicles are flying off dealer lots at a clip not seen since the gas price hike during the summer of 2008.
It was there that my husband about jumped out of his skin when he saw a shadowy figure suddenly dart out of the kitchen.
salir a prisa salir a subasta salir a toda prisa salir a tomar una copa salir bien salir bien al final salir bramando salir canas salir como una flecha salir con Alguien salir con estupideces[Usado principalmente en escocés] salir corriendo salir corriendo a la calle salir corriendo por la puerta salir (de) salir de[A pie] salir (de) salir de caminata salir de casa salir de copas salir de donde menos Uno se lo espera salir de duda(s) salir de excursión salir de fiesta salir de Guatemala para meterse en Guatapeor salir de jarana salir de juerga salir de la cárcel[La palabra jail también se escribe gaol, principalmente en inglés de influencia británica][La palabra gaol también se escribe jail, principalmente en inglés americano] salir de la casa salir de la duda salir de la habitación salir de la miseria salir de la nada salir del armario[Generalmente aplicado a las personas homosexuales o bisexuales que hacen públicas sus preferencias sexuales] salir de la rutina tradicional salir de la situación salir del cascarón salir del círculo salir del escondite salir del trabajo salir de marcha salir de nuevo salir de parranda salir de paseo salir de paseo en coche salir de perlas salir de + Posesivo + escondite salir de + Posesivo + refugio salir de prisa salir de quién sabe dónde salir desapercibido salir desde salir desviado salir de una situación difícil salir de un impás salir disparado salir disparado como una bala salir disparado como un cohete salir disparado de salir disparado por la puerta salir echando humo salir echando leches salir el tiro por la culata salir en defensa de Alguien salir en desbandada salir en el lavado salir en estampida salir en forma radial de salir en la colada salir enojado dando zapatazos salir en pareja con salir en tropel salir escaldado salir estrepitosamente salir fatal[Coloquial] salir fuera salir furioso salir ganando[Verbo irregular: pasado y participio won] salir glorioso salir granos salir grietas salir horriblemente mal salir huyendo salir ileso salir impune salir inadvertidamente salir jodido salir juntos salir los dientes salir mal salir malparado salir perdiendo salir perjudicado salir pitando salir por la noche salir por los cerros de Ubeda salir por piernas salir por pies salir + Posesivo + número salir resueltamente salir ronchas salir rugiendo salir sangre salir sano y salvo salirse con la de Uno salirse con las de Uno salirse con las suyas salirse de[En coche] salirse de convencionalismos salirse de la carretera salirse de la ley salirse de las casillas salirse del molde salir según lo planeado salir según lo previsto salirse por la tangente salirse y caerse salir sigilosamente salir sin ganar ni perder[Lo comido por lo servido] salir sin ser visto salir sin un rasguño salir sobre ruedas salir todo bien salir (todo) de maravilla salir todo redondo salir una gotera salir un momento a salir un poco perjudicado salir un sarpullido salir violentamente salir volando salir zumbando si no aguantas el calor, sal de la cocina sol + salir por volver a salir volver a salir a la superficie
make + a quick exit
come up for + auction
go under + the hammer
put up for + auction
come under + the hammer
make + a hasty exit
go out for + a drink
go + well
pan out
turn out + right in the end
turn out for + the best (in the end)
roar out of
get + grey hair
be off like a shot
take off like + a shot
make + a bolt for
shoot off
dash off
take to + Posesivo + heels
run off
tear out
go off like + a shot
fly off
dart out (of)
go (out) on + a date
talk + nonsense
leg it
run off
run away
make + a bolt for
dash off
take off
shoot off
take off + running
take to + Posesivo + heels
tear out
zoom off (to)
fly off
dart out (of)
make + a run for it
run into + the street
run out of + the door
come out (of)
set off (from)
get out of
walk out of
climb out of
break out of
break through
strike out from
quit + Lugar
come out (of)
set off (from)
go for/on a jaunt
leave + home
get out of + the house
set + foot out of the house
go out for + a drink
come out of + the woodwork
make + sure
find out
be doubly sure
go for/on a jaunt
take + a hike
out of the fire and into the frying pan
out of the frying pan and into the fire
paint + the town red
go out on + the town
go out + boozing
paint + the town red
go out on + the town
release + Nombre + from jail
release + Nombre + from gaol
go + outside
make + sure
find out
be doubly sure
step out of + the room
haul + Reflexivo + out of + Posesivo + bog
come out of + nowhere
come out of + the closet
break out of + the traditional mould
extricate + Reflexivo
come out of + Posesivo + shell
break out of + circle
come out of + hiding
clock off + work
get off + work
paint + the town red
go out on + the town
come back out
go out + boozing
paint + the town red
go out on + the town
go out for + a walk
go out for + a drive
come up + a treat
go down + a treat
raise + Posesivo + head above the parapet
raise + Posesivo + head above the parapet
make + a quick exit
come out of + the woodwork
sneak out (of)
set out from
go + wide
haul + Reflexivo + out of + Posesivo + bog
circumvent + impasse
make + a bolt for
shoot off
dash off
take to + Posesivo + heels
run off
tear out
be off like a shot
take off like + a shot
go off like + a shot
fly off
dart out (of)
shoot off
fly off
dart out (of)
shoot off
fly off
dart out (of)
shoot out of
run out of + the door
take off
make + a bolt for
dash off
shoot off
be off like a shot
take off like + a shot
go off like + a shot
fly off
dart out (of)
take off
make + a bolt for
dash off
shoot off
be off like a shot
take off like + a shot
go off like + a shot
fly off
dart out (of)
stand up for
stick + Posesivo + neck out (for)
come out in + the wash
radiate from
come out in + the wash
stomp out of
stomp off
go (out) on + a date
get + the rough edge of + Posesivo + tongue
crash out of
storm out (of)
go + pear-shaped
go + belly up
go + tits up
be out and about
get out and about
storm out (of)
make + a profit
compare + favourably
be better off
win + the day
win out
be better served by
come out on + top
come out/up smelling like/of (a) rose(s)
pass + muster
pass with + flying colours
break out in + spots
come out in + spots
develop + cracks
go + horribly wrong
make off (with)
do + a bunk
escape + injury
be left without + a scratch
come out + unscathed
escape + unscathed
escape without + a scratch
make it through in + one piece
get away with it
get away with + murder
get away + scot-free
go + scot-free
escape + scot-free
get off + scot-free
sneak out (of)
get + the shit(tty) end of the stick
get + the short end of the stick
get + a raw deal
be an item
cut + Posesivo + teeth
go + wrong
go + awry
get + the rough edge of + Posesivo + tongue
be the worse for it
get + the shit(tty) end of the stick
get + the short end of the stick
get + a raw deal
be in a sorry state (of affairs)
be in a bad way
be in a bad state (of affairs)
victimise [victimize, -USA]
come off + worst
lose out
compare + unfavourably
lose + Posesivo + neck
be a little worse off
pay + the price
pay + the penalty
take off
make + a bolt for
dash off
shoot off
take to + Posesivo + heels
run off
tear out
be off like a shot
take off like + a shot
go off like + a shot
zoom off (to)
fly off
dart out (of)
have + a night out
go off on + a tangent
go off at + a tangent
fly off at/on + a tangent
make + a hasty exit
take off + running
leg it
take to + Posesivo + heels
run off
tear out
show + a clean pair of heels
take + flight
Posesivo + number + come up
sally forth
come out in + a rash
break out in + a rash
roar out of
draw + blood
make it through in + one piece
have + Posesivo + way (with)
get away with it
get + Posesivo + (own) way
have (it) + Posesivo + (own) way
get away with + murder
get away + scot-free
get off + scot-free
have it + both ways
depart from
opt out (of/from)
step out of
spill out of
drive off
fall out (of)
think out(side) + (of) the box
go off + the road
step beyond + the law
be beside + Reflexivo + with anger
be beside + Reflexivo + with rage
think out(side) + (of) the box
go (off) as + planned
work out + according to plan
run + according to plan
go (off) as + planned
work out + according to plan
run + according to plan
go off + the track
get off + the track
fly off at/on + a tangent
go off on + a tangent
go off at + a tangent
wander off + track
wander off + topic
fall out (of)
steal away
slither out of
break + even
sneak out (of)
slip out
steal away
be left without + a scratch
go off without + a hitch
go off without + a glitch
land on + Posesivo + (own two) feet
fall on + Posesivo + feet
come up + roses
turn out + perfectly
land on + Posesivo + (own two) feet
fall on + Posesivo + feet
spring + a leak
pop down to
be a little worse prepared
be a little worse off
come out in + a rash
break out in + a rash
storm out (of)
crash out of
make + a bolt for
dash off
shoot off
be off like a shot
take off like + a shot
go off like + a shot
zoom off (to)
fly off
dart out (of)
make + a bolt for
if you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen
if you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen
sun + rise on
come back out
I sat near the back door, ready to make a quick exit once the interview session concluded.
When Captain Cook's 'Endeavour' journal came up for auction in London, in 1923, it was keenly sought by many libraries.
An oil painting depicting Madonna in the nude with her ex-husband Guy Ritchie will go under the hammer this week.
Thomas Jefferson willed his book collection to the University of Virginia of which he was the first rector (these books, in fact, were auctioned by his executors to satisfy his debts).
Her home was put up for auction and sold after being foreclosed.
Their next property auction will see a total of 40 properties come under the hammer in its biggest commercial property auction since launching in 2010.
The women will either look uncomfortable and make a hasty exit or will stand there with blank looks on their faces pretending not to have heard.
The most popular activities are either those involving little physical effort (eg, listening to records), looking after the house & garden, or gregarious activities like going out for a drink.
The move went well and only took 6 of the 10 days and 320 of the 500 volunteers scheduled.
It took some time, but his strategy is finally starting to pan out.
We can, of course, ignore the problem and hope that it all turns out right in the end after all, that is what we are doing now.
She was an eternal optimist and known to provide comfort to others with sayings such as 'things will turn out for the best in the end'.
Across the street, an American tank roared out of the monumental gates of the Defense Ministry, untouched by the looters presumably because they knew that the ministry, at least, would be under close guard by American troops.
All animals can get grey hair, it is just part of the aging process.
I'm sure if you were offered a much better salary in the private sector, you'd be off like a shot.
Fenced in yards are a must, as he will take off like a shot after cats, squirrels, rabbits, bikes, and even cars.
These are some of the shots I took before the heavens opened and we bolted for the car.
Most birds, faced with a predator, will make a bolt for safety, even if it means abandoning any eggs or chicks in its nest.
The witness said that the cockpit of the ill-fated Boeing 737 shot off 'like a meteorite' when the plane hit the ground on its belly.
One at a time a bird lands, picks out a fat sunflower seed and then dashes off.
When the lad heard it he got frightened, and took to his heels as though he were running a race.
She ran off to take out the appropriate protection order against Mr. Pants, considering his intent to kill her.
He soon found that he was talking to air, as the man suddenly tore out of the shop like his trousers were on fire.
But he went off like a shot and gradually passed everybody and finally, in the rain, passed Prost to win the race.
In fact, compact vehicles are flying off dealer lots at a clip not seen since the gas price hike during the summer of 2008.
It was there that my husband about jumped out of his skin when he saw a shadowy figure suddenly dart out of the kitchen.
Also, going on a date can be a little less scary if the person has already gotten the seal of approval from someone that you trust.
Blood hypothesized that girls were dated because they exhibit such personality characteristics as consideration, cheerfulness, being a good sport, & a sense of humor=Blood formuló la hipótesis de que las chicas tenían citas debido a las características de su personalidad como consideración, alegría, ser una tía apañada y tener sentido del humor.
Money is not the root of all evil but too much money can make you talk nonsense.
So that's what a Scotsman does when he gets drunk: he havers at you.
The book 'Legging it' overviews trends in male and female dress from the Middle Ages to the present, concentrating on leg coverings: breeches, trousers, stockings'.
She ran off to take out the appropriate protection order against Mr. Pants, considering his intent to kill her.
Street boys like Slake, a dodger used to running away, do not, even when they are myopic and dreamers, allow themselves to bump into lampposts.
These are some of the shots I took before the heavens opened and we bolted for the car.
Most birds, faced with a predator, will make a bolt for safety, even if it means abandoning any eggs or chicks in its nest.
One at a time a bird lands, picks out a fat sunflower seed and then dashes off.
No, he was not one to take off like a deer at the first warning of certain dangers.
The witness said that the cockpit of the ill-fated Boeing 737 shot off 'like a meteorite' when the plane hit the ground on its belly.
But luckily the animals were all fairly timid and with a holler they would take off running.
When the lad heard it he got frightened, and took to his heels as though he were running a race.
He soon found that he was talking to air, as the man suddenly tore out of the shop like his trousers were on fire.
Winnie decides she needs a seaside break, so she and Wilbur zoom off to the coast.
In fact, compact vehicles are flying off dealer lots at a clip not seen since the gas price hike during the summer of 2008.
It was there that my husband about jumped out of his skin when he saw a shadowy figure suddenly dart out of the kitchen.
She steeled herself against the heavy rain, had her keys ready for the door, and made a run for it.
She ran into the street stark naked, waving her arms wildly and screaming at the top of her voice, 'Stop, stop!'.
All of sudden, the door opened and my husband's nephew who is 19 ran out of the door really upset.
Maybe it's the frustrated library school professor in him crying to come out - whatever it is, give him a chance to show you what he knows.
In order to execute this mammoth task, the route to the theatre was completely cleared immediately before the convoy set off.
'I better get out of here before I wind up with more jobs!' Rachel Bough gave a short laugh.
As she walked out of the library, he warned her 'cast no clout till May is out'.
As regards the construction of large libraries Sweden has begun climbing out of the trough which it entered in the 1970s.
Librarians must make an effort to break out of their insularity by imbibing foreign experience.
Is there a glass ceiling for librarians? If so, what's the best way to break through it?.
It was sung by immigrants as they struck out from distant shores and pioneers who pushed westward against an unforgiving wilderness.
She rose, took his hand, wished him well, and quitted the room.
Maybe it's the frustrated library school professor in him crying to come out - whatever it is, give him a chance to show you what he knows.
In order to execute this mammoth task, the route to the theatre was completely cleared immediately before the convoy set off.
I went for a jaunt in the snow about an hour ago and my hands are still numb.
We borrowed my Grandmother's car for a few days to jaunt over to the Pacific coast.
The symptoms of agoraphobia, a condition in which an individual fears entering public areas, include fears of leaving home, fainting, entering open and closed spaces, shopping, entering social situations, and traveling far from home.
Aside from just being able to get out of the house, there are a number of other reasons why working away from home from time to time is a great idea.
By the end of the exercise I think everyone watching was wondering how two such old crocks could dare to set foot out of the house.
The most popular activities are either those involving little physical effort (eg, listening to records), looking after the house & garden, or gregarious activities like going out for a drink.
And I'm sure there's plenty more unknowns or 'brand-news' yet to come out of the woodwork.
DOBIS/LIBIS first checks the borrower's number to make sure that it is in the files and is valid.
For example, a person can consult the system holdings files to find out whether a library in the network owns a copy of the document.
Nothing unusual was felt in the breast exam but she sent me for an ultrasound - just to be doubly sure.
I went for a jaunt in the snow about an hour ago and my hands are still numb.
It is one of America's last flag stop trains allowing travelers to get off the train anywhere along a 55-mile stretch to hike the backcountry.
We borrowed my Grandmother's car for a few days to jaunt over to the Pacific coast.
It is time to take a hike and enjoy what's left of our gorgeous environment.
A couple had only been married for two weeks and the husband, although very much in love, couldn't wait to go out on the town and party with his old buddies.
The article is titled 'Out of the fire and into the frying pan'.
Further, your question about using hydrocortisone cream makes me think of the saying, 'out of the frying pan and into the fire'.
Another sign of middle age is when, after painting the town red, you have to rest a week before applying the second coat.
A couple had only been married for two weeks and the husband, although very much in love, couldn't wait to go out on the town and party with his old buddies.
For students who want to avoid tourists, it's definitely one of the best places to go out boozing.
Another sign of middle age is when, after painting the town red, you have to rest a week before applying the second coat.
A couple had only been married for two weeks and the husband, although very much in love, couldn't wait to go out on the town and party with his old buddies.
Sex offender Jonathan King is told to 'shut up' after he protests his innocence as he is released from jail.
She is about 53 years old in this photo and she was released from gaol in 1931, three years after this photo was taken.
We would not recommend keeping a cat that is used to going outside, as an 'indoor-only cat', unless it is for health reasons.
DOBIS/LIBIS first checks the borrower's number to make sure that it is in the files and is valid.
For example, a person can consult the system holdings files to find out whether a library in the network owns a copy of the document.
Nothing unusual was felt in the breast exam but she sent me for an ultrasound - just to be doubly sure.
They stepped out of the room and he punched her in the face, sending her sprawling and giving her a black eye that lasted for the rest of the tour.
To haul themselves out of their bog, their networks must facilitate tailoring of records to meet local needs.
Photons come out of nowhere, they cannot be stored, they can barely be pinned down in time, and they have no home in space whatsoever.
The article 'Sex texts come out of the closet' presents a guide to collection development for public librarians in the area of sex.
This paper offers advice to help librarians break out of the traditional mould and plan effective programmes for young adults.
It dawned on her that what she was doing might be a mistake, and she began to think of how best to extricate herself.
To be the life and soul of a party or social gathering requires you to come out of your shell and let go.
Things go around in circles, and so I thought maybe we ought to break out of the circle.
The actress - who was recently photographed without her wedding ring - is to come out of hiding and jump back into the spotlight.
Just wait until they hear the newest company rule: No bathroom breaks until you clock off work at the end of the day.
I can't wait to get off work, then I can finally stop staring at this damn computer, and go stare at a different computer!.
Another sign of middle age is when, after painting the town red, you have to rest a week before applying the second coat.
A couple had only been married for two weeks and the husband, although very much in love, couldn't wait to go out on the town and party with his old buddies.
A couple had only been married for two weeks and the husband, although very much in love, couldn't wait to go out on the town and party with his old buddies.
When our waiter came back out after clearing the table, we were certain that he was going to politely usher us out, but instead, he asked us if we were interested in dessert!.
For students who want to avoid tourists, it's definitely one of the best places to go out boozing.
Another sign of middle age is when, after painting the town red, you have to rest a week before applying the second coat.
A couple had only been married for two weeks and the husband, although very much in love, couldn't wait to go out on the town and party with his old buddies.
She only went out for a walk but ended up staying out till sundown.
There was a time when even in cities it was regarded as a evidence of complete moral depravity for a man to go out for a drive on Sunday.
The window frames appeared to have not seen the light of day for over 50 years and were totally caked in dirt - although with some elbow grease the window came up a treat.
After only two days rehearsal we did a stormer of a gig from my point of view which went down a treat to a packed house.
As Scots we are sometimes shy; we are sometimes afraid to raise our heads above the parapet; we are sometimes afraid to raise our voices.
As Scots we are sometimes shy; we are sometimes afraid to raise our heads above the parapet; we are sometimes afraid to raise our voices.
I sat near the back door, ready to make a quick exit once the interview session concluded.
And I'm sure there's plenty more unknowns or 'brand-news' yet to come out of the woodwork.
The temptation will be for the borrower to bypass the issue desk and sneak out of the library with his chosen books=El usuario se sentirá tentado a eludir el mostrador de préstamo y salir inadvertidamente de la biblioteca con los libros que quiere.
They later followed the cavalcade of foxhounds which set out from the centre of the village.
Ronaldo wasted a golden chance to equalise with a header that went wide.
To haul themselves out of their bog, their networks must facilitate tailoring of records to meet local needs.
The impasse is not totally circumvented by this means however.
These are some of the shots I took before the heavens opened and we bolted for the car.
Most birds, faced with a predator, will make a bolt for safety, even if it means abandoning any eggs or chicks in its nest.
The witness said that the cockpit of the ill-fated Boeing 737 shot off 'like a meteorite' when the plane hit the ground on its belly.
One at a time a bird lands, picks out a fat sunflower seed and then dashes off.
When the lad heard it he got frightened, and took to his heels as though he were running a race.
She ran off to take out the appropriate protection order against Mr. Pants, considering his intent to kill her.
He soon found that he was talking to air, as the man suddenly tore out of the shop like his trousers were on fire.
I'm sure if you were offered a much better salary in the private sector, you'd be off like a shot.
Fenced in yards are a must, as he will take off like a shot after cats, squirrels, rabbits, bikes, and even cars.
But he went off like a shot and gradually passed everybody and finally, in the rain, passed Prost to win the race.
In fact, compact vehicles are flying off dealer lots at a clip not seen since the gas price hike during the summer of 2008.
It was there that my husband about jumped out of his skin when he saw a shadowy figure suddenly dart out of the kitchen.
The witness said that the cockpit of the ill-fated Boeing 737 shot off 'like a meteorite' when the plane hit the ground on its belly.
In fact, compact vehicles are flying off dealer lots at a clip not seen since the gas price hike during the summer of 2008.
It was there that my husband about jumped out of his skin when he saw a shadowy figure suddenly dart out of the kitchen.
The witness said that the cockpit of the ill-fated Boeing 737 shot off 'like a meteorite' when the plane hit the ground on its belly.
In fact, compact vehicles are flying off dealer lots at a clip not seen since the gas price hike during the summer of 2008.
It was there that my husband about jumped out of his skin when he saw a shadowy figure suddenly dart out of the kitchen.
Another very large asteroid shoots out of world globalization and the internationalization of universities.
All of sudden, the door opened and my husband's nephew who is 19 ran out of the door really upset.
These are some of the shots I took before the heavens opened and we bolted for the car.
No, he was not one to take off like a deer at the first warning of certain dangers.
Most birds, faced with a predator, will make a bolt for safety, even if it means abandoning any eggs or chicks in its nest.
One at a time a bird lands, picks out a fat sunflower seed and then dashes off.
The witness said that the cockpit of the ill-fated Boeing 737 shot off 'like a meteorite' when the plane hit the ground on its belly.
I'm sure if you were offered a much better salary in the private sector, you'd be off like a shot.
Fenced in yards are a must, as he will take off like a shot after cats, squirrels, rabbits, bikes, and even cars.
But he went off like a shot and gradually passed everybody and finally, in the rain, passed Prost to win the race.
In fact, compact vehicles are flying off dealer lots at a clip not seen since the gas price hike during the summer of 2008.
It was there that my husband about jumped out of his skin when he saw a shadowy figure suddenly dart out of the kitchen.
These are some of the shots I took before the heavens opened and we bolted for the car.
No, he was not one to take off like a deer at the first warning of certain dangers.
Most birds, faced with a predator, will make a bolt for safety, even if it means abandoning any eggs or chicks in its nest.
One at a time a bird lands, picks out a fat sunflower seed and then dashes off.
The witness said that the cockpit of the ill-fated Boeing 737 shot off 'like a meteorite' when the plane hit the ground on its belly.
I'm sure if you were offered a much better salary in the private sector, you'd be off like a shot.
Fenced in yards are a must, as he will take off like a shot after cats, squirrels, rabbits, bikes, and even cars.
But he went off like a shot and gradually passed everybody and finally, in the rain, passed Prost to win the race.
In fact, compact vehicles are flying off dealer lots at a clip not seen since the gas price hike during the summer of 2008.
It was there that my husband about jumped out of his skin when he saw a shadowy figure suddenly dart out of the kitchen.
While this direct contact can backfire if the person is not knowledgeable about the product, it is also a golden opportunity to respond directly to customer questions and unique needs.
While project ALBIS was seen as an exercise in networking that misfired it did produce some positive results=Aunque se consideraba que el proyecto ALBIS fue un intento de cooperación en red que fracasó, no obstante produjo algunos resultados positivos.
The author argues that librarians should stand up for their patrons.
But commercial businesses do this all the time: somebody sticks a neck out, and gets promoted or loses neck depending on results.
The noise spooked the animals, and many stampeded over a cliff to their deaths.
In fact, if I accidently goop some on my clothing, I can rest assured that it will come out in the wash without damaging or staining.
The noise spooked the animals, and many stampeded over a cliff to their deaths.
Daisy wheel printers have a series of petals radiating from a hub and each petal is embossed with a character.
In fact, if I accidently goop some on my clothing, I can rest assured that it will come out in the wash without damaging or staining.
She really blew her stack as she stomped out of the sales manager's office talking to herself.
She starts to pout when she doesn't get her way, stomping off, giving everyone the silent treatment, snapping at people.
Blood hypothesized that girls were dated because they exhibit such personality characteristics as consideration, cheerfulness, being a good sport, & a sense of humor=Blood formuló la hipótesis de que las chicas tenían citas debido a las características de su personalidad como consideración, alegría, ser una tía apañada y tener sentido del humor.
Also, going on a date can be a little less scary if the person has already gotten the seal of approval from someone that you trust.
The noise spooked the animals, and many stampeded over a cliff to their deaths.
So the unhappy lame man got up with a flea in his ear and went to the second Prince, but here, too, he got the rough edge of his tongue=Así pues, el cojo desafortunado se levantó con las orejas gachas y fue a ver al segundo príncipe, pero de nuevo salió escaldado.
I crashed out of the room and tried to find the entrance, but it was not easy it was like a maze of rooms.
A 24-year-old man has killed himself with chloroform after storming out of work when a colleague taunted him about never making the coffee.
The test on the new machines went pear-shaped: nothing really worked properly and they had to install everything again.
Our ISP (Internet Service Provider) went belly up 10 days ago and we have been unable to send & receive emails since.
At least Justin will have his 100 million dollars to fall back on if things do go tits up.
But if you're out and about like I am, here's where I'll be over the next few nights, and feel free to say hi if you're going to be in the same area.
Use the links below for ideas to get out and about.
A 24-year-old man has killed himself with chloroform after storming out of work when a colleague taunted him about never making the coffee.
Following our examples, the neighbors decide that they can provide the lower-cost food service to the wider community by buying in even larger quantities, and in the process make a profit for themselves.
Those who perform in this manner can be characterized as those who would 'rather fight than win'.
The system compares favourably with commercial ones in cost and reliability=El sistema se compara favorablemente con los sistemas comerciales en coste y fiabilidad.
Everybody would be better off if academic libraries provided research services on a pay as you go basis.
All argument in favour of the change was rejected by the library users and local esteem for the library won the day.
It remains to be seen which approach will win out, in the current tug-of-war.
However, librarians are better served by presuming any given alternativa title is geared for adult audiences, until proven otherwise=No obstante, es aconsejable que los bibliotecarios asuman que cualquier título alternativo va dirigido a un público adulto, hasta que no se demuestre lo contrario.
The real story here is that no matter which format ultimately comes out on top, the battle will be long and protracted, with both formats existing side by side for some time.
He may have come out smelling of roses, but what can you do if you ever are on the receiving end of a master manipulator or cheating partner?.
The one treaty that failed to pass muster concerned the protection of databases.
There's nothing flimsy about these leather boots, put them to the test this season - they'll pass with flying colours.
I just wondered has anybody been breaking out in spots since they found out their pregnant?.
My little 2 yr old nephew came out in spots today and is itching like mad the poor thing.
However, the tremendous increase in publication volume that cannot be reconciled with the number of scholars undertaking and reporting their research suggests that the process has developed cracks, if indeed it has not broken down completely.
Krissi said that it would be ready this week unless 'everything goes horribly wrong'.
To pull off the heist, the thief stole a swipe card for the complex before using the wheelchair to make off.
As soon as the advance was paid however the manager did a bunk with the money, around 100000, and was never seen nor heard of again.
All three escaped injury, but one lost property.
He was left without a scratch and pursued the shooter on foot until the gunman commandeered a passing car.
The owner of the tool shed was inside when the storm hit - he hid in his tractor cab and came out unscathed.
It seems a bit unfair, though, for Clausen to take all of the heat while her underlings escape unscathed.
Luckily, he escaped without a scratch and now has a great story to tell his buddies.
I'm sure it was a long seven days in the slammer, but Piper made it through in one piece.
He was waiting for the opportunity to unleash his fury, no one calls him a pig and gets away with it.
Seldom has someone so close to the echelons of power faced capital punishment since there is widespread belief in the country that the rich and powerful can literally get away with murder.
As a result, the perpetrators are getting away scot-free.
What is truly and more heinously wrong though is that the architects of the financial disaster will likely go scot-free.
Needless to say that his plans go awry, as his first chosen victim dies of natural causes while his second escapes scot-free.
There was a chance we might get caught but we always got off scot-free.
The temptation will be for the borrower to bypass the issue desk and sneak out of the library with his chosen books=El usuario se sentirá tentado a eludir el mostrador de préstamo y salir inadvertidamente de la biblioteca con los libros que quiere.
No matter how you look at it you are getting the shit end of the stick.
Statistics show that women usually get the short end of the stick when their marriages break up.
Boys are getting a raw deal because the education system dramatically favours girls, a leading academic has warned.
Being salacious in character, he spread the gossip that the boss and his new secretary were an item.
'Is he cutting his teeth?' 'Yes,' murmured Fenichka, 'he has cut four teeth already and now the gums are swollen again="Le están saliendo los dientes? "Si," murmuró Fenichka, "le han salido cuatro dientes de momento y ahora las encías están de nuevo inflamadas.
Areas of particular concern are: equipment set-up and use; helping develop search strategies, logon/logoff procedures; and emergency assistance when things go wrong.
I have heard too many horror stories of such systems going awry.
While project ALBIS was seen as an exercise in networking that misfired it did produce some positive results=Aunque se consideraba que el proyecto ALBIS fue un intento de cooperación en red que fracasó, no obstante produjo algunos resultados positivos.
While this direct contact can backfire if the person is not knowledgeable about the product, it is also a golden opportunity to respond directly to customer questions and unique needs.
So the unhappy lame man got up with a flea in his ear and went to the second Prince, but here, too, he got the rough edge of his tongue=Así pues, el cojo desafortunado se levantó con las orejas gachas y fue a ver al segundo príncipe, pero de nuevo salió escaldado.
The current practice of lies and deceit practiced by banks is going to ultimately be their own undoing, and we'll all be the worse for it.
No matter how you look at it you are getting the shit end of the stick.
Statistics show that women usually get the short end of the stick when their marriages break up.
Boys are getting a raw deal because the education system dramatically favours girls, a leading academic has warned.
Often quoted as the most polluted sea of the world, the Baltic Sea is indeed in a sorry state.
Several of those who are wounded, have had their limbs cut off, ?nd arc thought to be in a bad way.
In recent years the agricultural sector has been in a bad state of affairs, and a bold planning policy in this direction is necessary.
In the name of collegiality, students are victimized, considerable intellectual resources are being squandered, and the general public is deliberately misled.
The archive collection is part of the university library and when competing with the rest of the system for money always comes off worst.
Libraries, in the crush to pay journal invoices, are losing out, as other services as well as staffing and pay all end up unfunded=Las bibliotecas, ante la presión de tener que pagar las facturas de las revistas, salen perdiendo ya que otros servicios así como el personal y los salarios terminanan todos con insuficientes fondos.
Salaries of library professionals compare unfavourably with pay scales in the information industry.
But commercial businesses do this all the time: somebody sticks a neck out, and gets promoted or loses neck depending on results.
The world is a little worse off than it was before as his talents, good cheer, metered insanity will be missed.
The searcher, however, pays the price with less-accessible records and with loss of searching facilities.
They will have to free themselves from the shackles of convention or else pay the penalty.
No, he was not one to take off like a deer at the first warning of certain dangers.
These are some of the shots I took before the heavens opened and we bolted for the car.
Most birds, faced with a predator, will make a bolt for safety, even if it means abandoning any eggs or chicks in its nest.
One at a time a bird lands, picks out a fat sunflower seed and then dashes off.
The witness said that the cockpit of the ill-fated Boeing 737 shot off 'like a meteorite' when the plane hit the ground on its belly.
When the lad heard it he got frightened, and took to his heels as though he were running a race.
She ran off to take out the appropriate protection order against Mr. Pants, considering his intent to kill her.
He soon found that he was talking to air, as the man suddenly tore out of the shop like his trousers were on fire.
I'm sure if you were offered a much better salary in the private sector, you'd be off like a shot.
Fenced in yards are a must, as he will take off like a shot after cats, squirrels, rabbits, bikes, and even cars.
But he went off like a shot and gradually passed everybody and finally, in the rain, passed Prost to win the race.
Winnie decides she needs a seaside break, so she and Wilbur zoom off to the coast.
In fact, compact vehicles are flying off dealer lots at a clip not seen since the gas price hike during the summer of 2008.
It was there that my husband about jumped out of his skin when he saw a shadowy figure suddenly dart out of the kitchen.
If you have a night out and drink alcohol, a lot of water before bed really helps.
The book encourages the reader to go off on a tangent and wander from thought to thought endlessly.
If you go off at tangents, you could end up with pointless discussions about the best car to buy, the public transport alternatives, etc.
There's a real danger of flying off on a tangent while writing about this as it for once is purely about politics and there's 'nowt' as controversial as that.
The women will either look uncomfortable and make a hasty exit or will stand there with blank looks on their faces pretending not to have heard.
But luckily the animals were all fairly timid and with a holler they would take off running.
The book 'Legging it' overviews trends in male and female dress from the Middle Ages to the present, concentrating on leg coverings: breeches, trousers, stockings'.
When the lad heard it he got frightened, and took to his heels as though he were running a race.
She ran off to take out the appropriate protection order against Mr. Pants, considering his intent to kill her.
He soon found that he was talking to air, as the man suddenly tore out of the shop like his trousers were on fire.
The performance - shattering in the 1950's - is now less impressive, but it can still show a clean pair of heels to most cars on the road.
Fallow deer are very wary of people, and will take flight as soon as they hear or see someone.
All you have to do is pick up the phone and find out if your lucky number has come up!.
She put the dishes in the sink, locked the balcony door, found her purse, and sallied forth.
My son who is 3 always comes out in a rash when he's had a cold, tummy bug or temperature.
I just recently got a tattoo, and I'm now breaking out in a rash.
Across the street, an American tank roared out of the monumental gates of the Defense Ministry, untouched by the looters presumably because they knew that the ministry, at least, would be under close guard by American troops.
He ended up biting his lip and drawing some blood after doing a few summersaults and landing on his face.
I'm sure it was a long seven days in the slammer, but Piper made it through in one piece.
Sweet Lou is a ladies' man who does not have to say much to have his way with women.
He was waiting for the opportunity to unleash his fury, no one calls him a pig and gets away with it.
You're one of the two reference librarians to be hired because Vijay got his way!.
He could perceive that she was a person who was accustomed to having her own way.
Seldom has someone so close to the echelons of power faced capital punishment since there is widespread belief in the country that the rich and powerful can literally get away with murder.
As a result, the perpetrators are getting away scot-free.
There was a chance we might get caught but we always got off scot-free.
You can't have it both ways - you've got to think before you post every detail of your life to the Internet.
It is sometimes helpful to depart from strict alphabetical arrangement.
The author takes a critical look at the UK government's education policy with regard to schools' 'opting out' of local government control.
In studying other cultures it is particularly important to step out of one's own conditioning and not let one's own values stand in the way.
The results appear there and then not only on the VDU screen but also on a roll of paper which spills out of the attached printer at a rate of knots.
To dream that you drive off a mountain road suggests that the higher you climb in life, the harder it is to stay at the top.
Rods may hold the cards in the drawer and stops may prevent drawers from falling out the cabinet.
Metrosexuals are an emerging breed of men who think outside the box of male stereotypes.
Suddenly, the smell struck his nostrils - the pungency of processed corn syrup, as if the car had gone off the road and fallen into the neck of a gigantic bottle of syrup.
How do you really treat your customers, do you milk them dry or do you really want to offer your products and services without stepping beyond the law?.
A woman identifying herself as Beard's mother attempted to calm the young man down, but Beard was beside himself with anger.
He was beside himself with rage over the goal that never was .
Metrosexuals are an emerging breed of men who think outside the box of male stereotypes.
This unlikely threesome of a con artist, a hit man, and a idiot find themselves in deep water when their heist doesn't go off as planned.
Hopefully things will work out according to plan, so far so good and things are falling into place.
Our team would be happy to assist and advise you to ensure that your events run according to plan from start to finish.
This unlikely threesome of a con artist, a hit man, and a idiot find themselves in deep water when their heist doesn't go off as planned.
Hopefully things will work out according to plan, so far so good and things are falling into place.
Our team would be happy to assist and advise you to ensure that your events run according to plan from start to finish.
The Commission, however, goes off the track with its structural and institutional recommendations on how to ensure the long-term availability of public information resources=No obstante, la Comisión se sale por la tangente con sus recomendaciones estructurales e institucionales sobre cómo asegurar la disponibilidad a largo plazo de los recursos de información pública.
'This discussion is getting off the track,' he said politely="Esta discusión se está saliendo por la tangente", dijo cortésmente.
There's a real danger of flying off on a tangent while writing about this as it for once is purely about politics and there's 'nowt' as controversial as that.
The book encourages the reader to go off on a tangent and wander from thought to thought endlessly.
If you go off at tangents, you could end up with pointless discussions about the best car to buy, the public transport alternatives, etc.
You may find that it is easy to find ourself wandering off track, following something that really interests you, and ultimately not answering the question.
Occasional wandering off topic is allowed, but should be kept to a bare minimum.
Rods may hold the cards in the drawer and stops may prevent drawers from falling out the cabinet.
He had merely stolen away as inconspicuously as possible.
Drowsily he slithered out of bed, opened his closet door and got dressed like he had done every morning before.
Would the library have to charge more than the major document delivery suppliers in order to break even on the cost of the service?.
The temptation will be for the borrower to bypass the issue desk and sneak out of the library with his chosen books=El usuario se sentirá tentado a eludir el mostrador de préstamo y salir inadvertidamente de la biblioteca con los libros que quiere.
The two deflated employees exchanged looks and slipped quietly out of the room.
He had merely stolen away as inconspicuously as possible.
He was left without a scratch and pursued the shooter on foot until the gunman commandeered a passing car.
Though she was sweating bullets, her show went off without a hitch.
Though the event went off without a glitch, there were a few things that raised some eyebrows.
He thought he had landed on his feet when he got a job at a large and prestigious firm, but he soon discovered there was more to the job than he imagined.
However it seems the he has fallen on his feet with a promising career ahead of him that all started from a karaoke night.
The article 'Everything's coming up roses' provides an annotated list of selected books, information sources and software for those library users who wish to find information about rose gardening.
It all turned out perfectly in the end, even though it wasn't what we intended.
He thought he had landed on his feet when he got a job at a large and prestigious firm, but he soon discovered there was more to the job than he imagined.
However it seems the he has fallen on his feet with a promising career ahead of him that all started from a karaoke night.
While the region grapples with fixing its sewer infrastructure, another set of underground pipes are springing leaks.
An important point which arises from this research is that using some applications software would be a case of 'overkill', or, to use an analogy, of using a Rolls-Royce to pop down to the corner shop!.
Scouts will now be a little worse prepared after they were banned from carrying their traditional penknives due to the new law.
The world is a little worse off than it was before as his talents, good cheer, metered insanity will be missed.
My son who is 3 always comes out in a rash when he's had a cold, tummy bug or temperature.
I just recently got a tattoo, and I'm now breaking out in a rash.
A 24-year-old man has killed himself with chloroform after storming out of work when a colleague taunted him about never making the coffee.
I crashed out of the room and tried to find the entrance, but it was not easy it was like a maze of rooms.
These are some of the shots I took before the heavens opened and we bolted for the car.
Most birds, faced with a predator, will make a bolt for safety, even if it means abandoning any eggs or chicks in its nest.
One at a time a bird lands, picks out a fat sunflower seed and then dashes off.
The witness said that the cockpit of the ill-fated Boeing 737 shot off 'like a meteorite' when the plane hit the ground on its belly.
I'm sure if you were offered a much better salary in the private sector, you'd be off like a shot.
Fenced in yards are a must, as he will take off like a shot after cats, squirrels, rabbits, bikes, and even cars.
But he went off like a shot and gradually passed everybody and finally, in the rain, passed Prost to win the race.
Winnie decides she needs a seaside break, so she and Wilbur zoom off to the coast.
In fact, compact vehicles are flying off dealer lots at a clip not seen since the gas price hike during the summer of 2008.
It was there that my husband about jumped out of his skin when he saw a shadowy figure suddenly dart out of the kitchen.
These are some of the shots I took before the heavens opened and we bolted for the car.
Most birds, faced with a predator, will make a bolt for safety, even if it means abandoning any eggs or chicks in its nest.
She then went on to say: 'I anticipate it's going to get even hotter - and if you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen'.
I was immediately reminded of the old saying, 'If you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen'.
The sun seems to rise and set on Vijay as far as Coy is corcerned.
When our waiter came back out after clearing the table, we were certain that he was going to politely usher us out, but instead, he asked us if we were interested in dessert!.
Divided collections are being reunited and bodies of material considered lost after World War 2 are resurfacing in Eastern Europe as well as in Germany.
salir (de)
salir (de) 
  come out (of) ; get out of ; walk out of ; climb out of ; break out of ; break through ; strike out from ; quit + Lugar ; set off (from).
 Maybe it's the frustrated library school professor in him crying to come out - whatever it is, give him a chance to show you what he knows.
 'I better get out of here before I wind up with more jobs!' Rachel Bough gave a short laugh.
 As she walked out of the library, he warned her 'cast no clout till May is out'.
 As regards the construction of large libraries Sweden has begun climbing out of the trough which it entered in the 1970s.
 Librarians must make an effort to break out of their insularity by imbibing foreign experience.
 Is there a glass ceiling for librarians? If so, what's the best way to break through it?.
 It was sung by immigrants as they struck out from distant shores and pioneers who pushed westward against an unforgiving wilderness.
 She rose, took his hand, wished him well, and quitted the room.
 In order to execute this mammoth task, the route to the theatre was completely cleared immediately before the convoy set off.
salir a
salir a 
  propagate out to ; crash to ; be out to.
 We must develop and study intelligent interfaces that propagate out to the information universe and report back to us.
 On occasion the use of this program has caused Windows to crash to DOS.
 If the reference head is out to lunch, the exception to the lending policy must be handled by the new librarian.

Tendencias de uso de la palabra salir



El término «salir» es muy utilizado habitualmente y ocupa la posición 464 de nuestra lista de términos más usados del diccionario de español.
Muy usado
En el mapa anterior se refleja la frecuencia de uso del término «salir» en los diferentes paises.
Principales tendencias de búsqueda y usos comunes de salir
Listado de las príncipales búsquedas realizadas por los usuarios para acceder a nuestro diccionario de español en línea y expresiones más usadas con la palabra «salir».


El gráfico expresa la evolución anual de la frecuencia de uso de la palabra «salir» en los últimos 500 años. Su implementación se basa en el análisis de la frecuencia de aparición del término «salir» en las fuentes impresas digitalizadas del español publicadas desde el año 1500 hasta la actualidad.

Citas, bibliografía en español y actualidad sobre salir



Citas y frases célebres con la palabra salir.
Abe Kobo
La soledad es un infierno para los que intentan salir de ella; es también una felicidad para los ermitaños que se esconden.
André Maurois
El mejor medio para salir airoso de una conversación difícil es ir a ella sin preparación alguna.
Tira en pleno Nilo a un hombre afortunado, que volverá a salir con un pez en la boca.
Arthur Schopenhauer
Nadie puede salir de su individualidad.
Charles Baudelaire
El amor es la necesidad de salir de uno mismo.
Fernand Vanderem
El hambre hace salir del bosque al lobo, y del arte al escritor.
François De La Rochefoucauld
Hay ocasiones en la vida en las que para salir airosamente hace falta estar un poco loco.
Gaspar Melchor De Jovellanos
Todo impuesto debe salir de lo superfluo, y no de lo necesario.
¡Tan miserable es salir vencedor de una guerra civil!
Pablo Neruda
Yo creía que la ruta pasaba por el hombre, y que de allí tenía que salir el destino.


Recopilación de refranes del refranero popular español con el término salir.
Nadie entre en el bien sino mirando cómo ha de salir de él.
Pedir sobrado por salir con lo mediado.
Salir de la posada es la mayor jornada.
Abril siempre será ruin, al entrar o al salir, o en medio por no mentir.
Al salir de mi casa me pongo un gorro, las faltas que me ponen por las que pongo.
Amigo soy leal, hasta salir al umbral.
Antes queda dispuesta una embarcación que una mujer que se dispone a salir.
Dejar salir al pájaro encerrado es meterse a la jaula.
El que entra en la Inquisición, suele salir chamuscado.
El sol, el médico y el alguacil, por todas partes entran y vuelven a salir.
Los refranes recogen el saber popular. Señalan qué actitud conviene adoptar en cada situación, definen la razón de una determinada conducta, extraen las consecuencias de una circunstancia… entrañando en cualquier caso un fin didáctico y aleccionador y convirtiendo la anécdota humana en tema de reflexión.

Los primeros refranes escritos se remontan a la Edad Media y versan sobre todo lo cotidiano (trabajos del campo, la iglesia, los hombres, mujeres, etc…).

Miguel de Cervantes, en Don Quijote de la Mancha escribe: "los refranes son sentencias breves, sacadas de la experiencia y especulación de nuestros antiguos ancianos". Seguirá diciendo Don Quijote sobre la utilidad de los refranes: "cualquiera de los que has dicho [, Sancho,] basta para dar a entender tu pensamiento" (Segunda parte, capítulo XVII).


Descubre el uso de salir en la siguiente selección bibliográfica. Libros relacionados con salir y pequeños extractos de los mismos para contextualizar su uso en la literatura.
Salir de la trampa
«Salir de la trampa» es librarse de nuestras falsas ideas y descubrir la divinidad de la vida cotidiana.
Alan Watts, 1994
Para salir del laberinto: cómo pensamos, sentimos y actuamos
Ramiro J.ALVAREZ, psicólogo clínico, posee amplia experiencia en temas de control de estrés y ansiedad, tanto a nivel individual como de grupo. Actualmente dirige el Centro de Psicología Clínica y Educacional de Lugo.
Ramiro J. Álvarez, 1992
Para salir de la crisis global: Análisis y soluciones. ...
En este libro Para salir de la crisis global.
Ramón Tamames, 2009
Salir de la noche: por una enfermería humanizada
Ayudar a una persona en medio del sufrimiento es todo un arte.
J Bermejo, 1999
¿Cómo salir del liberalismo?
Ha llegado el momento de redefinir una política de lo posible, más allá de las fuerzas desplegadas por el mercado y los comunitarismos radicales, de manera que se acepte tanto la identidad como los proyectos de esos otros a la vez ...
Alain Touraine, 2011
Miedo a salir de noche:
Un viejo escritor de novelas del Oeste que afronta su última aventura. Alguien que persigue el fantasma de sus mejores amigos, fallecidos hace años en accidente de tráfico. Todos ellos tienen "Miedo a salir de noche".
David G. Panadero, 2012
CUANDO LA VIDA NOS LO PONE DIFICIL: Como salir reforzado de ...
A lo largo del proceso natural de nuestra vida nos encontramos tanto experiencias felices como situaciones difíciles de superar.
La Casa
Entra en La casa, donde te encontrarás en medio del juego mortal de un asesino en el cual la única manera de ganar es perdiendo y la única manera de salir está dentro. Un juego, siete jugadores, y tres reglas.
Frank Peretti, 2006
Guía de Recursos para Salir del Clóset:
Esperamos que la Guía de Recursos Para Salir del Clóset de la Human Rights Campaign sea un buen punto de partida en este tu viaje.
Human Rights Campaign
Una princesa en el espejo: Una guía para salir del ...
'Una princesa en el espejo' trae consigo la promesa de que cuando conectes con el verdadero poder de la esencia femenina, la magia aparecerá en tu vida.
María Tolmo Taulé, 2012


Conoce de qué se habla en los medios de comunicación nacionales e internacionales y cómo se emplea el término salir en el contexto de las siguientes noticias.
El cruce entre Gallardo y D'Alessandro, que no quería salir
“No me gusta salir nunca”, dijo D'Alessandro como para justificar un enojo que -según sus propias palabras- fue pasajero. “El técnico es el que dá las órdenes. «Clarí, Ago 16»
La polémica de Sergio Peris-Mencheta y Rubén Ochandiano sobre ...
Quizá todo sea una especie de montaje publicitario para darle más bombo al 20º aniversario de Al Salir de Clase, una de las ficciones más míticas de los ... «El Huffington Post, Ago 16»
Pokémon Go, ¿Qué Pokémon puede salir de tu huevo?
El Pokémon resultante de los huevos en el exitoso Pokémon Go es una de las cuestiones que más interesa a los jugadores. Cada vez que se abre un huevo ... «IGN España, Jul 16»
Gerardo Ortiz paga fianza para salir libre
Sin dar mayor información, el abogado señaló en entrevista que el monto fijado se depositó en efectivo y tendrá que salir en el transcurso de este domingo. «, Jul 16»
Beneficios de salir de tu 'zona de confort'
Al contrario, pues casi todos los profesionales deberían salir de su rutina, de lo que saben hacer y ya no les supone reto alguno, para buscar nuevas ... «Expansió, Jul 16»
Antes de salir con tus hijos a lugares concurridos, sigue el ...
Si planeas salir con tus hijos pequeños a un evento de grandes multitudes, al zoológico, a la feria o a cualquier lugar en el que exista el riesgo de perderlos de ... «Actitud Fem, Jul 16»
El país más atractivo del mundo también quiere salir de la Unión ...
El país más atractivo del mundo también quiere salir de la Unión Europea. Publicado: 4 jul 2016 14:34 GMT | Última actualización: 4 jul 2016 15:36 GMT. «RT en Español - Noticias internacionales, Jul 16»
Cómo salir de un fichero de morosos
Caer de un fichero de morosos es fácil, pero salir, en ocasiones, es un auténtico quebradero de cabeza. Si le han comunicado que debe dinero, esté de ... «El Mundo, Jul 16»
¿Quién será el siguiente? Mapa de países que pueden salir de la ...
El diario británico 'The Independent' ha elaborado un mapa de otros países que pueden seguir el ejemplo del Reino Unido y salir de la Unión Europea. «RT en Español - Noticias internacionales, Jun 16»
El Brexit gana el referendo: Reino Unido elige salir de la Unión ...
Los británicos fueron llamados a decidir dónde quieren estar en el mundo y este viernes, tras votar en un inédito referendo el día anterior, decidieron que su ... «BBC Mundo, Jun 16»



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