Mots et Expressions du anglais

per | per annum | per ardua ad astra | per capita | per capita income | per cent | per centum | per contra | per day | per diem | per mensem | per mil | per mill | per pro | per se | Pera | peracid | peracidity | peracute | peradventure | Peraea | Perak | perambulate | perambulation | perambulator | perambulatory | perborate | percale | percaline | percase | perceable | perceant | perceivability | perceivable | perceivably | perceive | perceived | perceived noise decibel | perceiver | percentage | percentage distribution | percentage point | percental | percentile | percentile ranking | percept | perceptibility | perceptible | perceptibly | perception | perceptional | perceptive | perceptively | perceptiveness | perceptivity | perceptual | perceptual defence | perceptual mapping | perceptually | Perceval | perch | perchance | perched | percher | percheries | Percheron | perchery | perchlorate | perchloric acid | perchloride | perchloroethene | perchloroethylene | perciform | percine | percipience | percipiency | percipient | percipiently | Percival | percoct | percoid | percoidean | percolable | percolate | percolation | percolative | percolator | percurrent | percursory | percuss | percussant | percussion | percussion bullet | percussion cap | percussion drill | percussion instrument | percussion lock | percussion player | percussion section | percussion tool | percussional | percussionist | percussive | percussively | percussiveness | percussor | percutaneous | percutaneously | percutient | Percy | perdendo | perdendosi | Perdido | perdie | perdition | perditionable | perdu | perdue | perduellion | perdurability | perdurable | perdurably | perdurance | perduration | perdure | perdy | Perea | peregal | peregrinate | peregrination | peregrinator | peregrinatory | peregrine | peregrine falcon | peregrinity | pereion | pereiopod | Pereira | pereira bark | Perelman | peremptorily | peremptoriness | peremptory | Perendale | perennate | perennation | perennial | perenniality | perennially | perennibranch | perennity | perentie | perenties | perenty | Peres | perestroika | Perez-Reverte | perf. | perfay | perfect | perfect binding | perfect competition | perfect contrition | perfect game | perfect gas | perfect number | perfect participle | perfect pitch | perfect ream | perfect rhyme | perfect storm | perfect tense | perfecta | perfectation | perfecter | perfecti | perfectibilian | perfectibilism | perfectibilist | perfectibility | perfectible | perfection | perfectionate | perfectionism | perfectionist | perfectionistic | perfective | perfectively | perfectiveness | perfectivity | perfectly | perfectness | perfecto | perfector | perfervid | perfervidity | perfervidly | perfervidness | perfervor | perfervour | perficient | perfidies | perfidious | perfidiously | perfidiousness | perfidy | perfin | perfing | perfluorocarbon | perfoliate | perfoliation | perforable | perforans | perforant | perforate | perforated | perforated tape | perforated ulcer | perforation | perforation gauge | perforations | perforative | perforator | perforatory | perforce | perform | performability | performable | performance | performance anxiety | performance appraisal | performance art | performance artist | performance bond | performance bonus | performance car | performance drugs | performance figures | performance indicator | performance targets | performance test | performance-enhancing drug | performance-related pay | performative | performatively | performatory | performer | performing | performing arts | perfume | perfumed | perfumeless | perfumer | perfumeries | perfumery | perfumier | perfumy | perfunctorily | perfunctoriness | perfunctory | perfusate | perfuse | perfused | perfusion | perfusionist | perfusive | pergameneous | pergamentaceous | Pergamum | pergola | Pergolesi | perhaps | peri | periagua | periaktos | perianth | periapsis | periapt | periastron | periblast | periblem | peribolos | pericardia | pericardiac | pericardial | pericardian | pericarditic | pericarditis | pericardium | pericarp | pericarpial | pericarpic | pericenter | pericentral | pericentre | pericentric | perichaetial | perichaetium | perichondral | perichondria | perichondrial | perichondrium | perichoresis | periclase | periclastic | Periclean | Pericles | periclinal | pericline | periclitate | pericopal | pericope | pericopic | pericrania | pericranial | pericranium | periculous | pericycle | pericyclic | pericynthion | periderm | peridermal | peridermic | peridesmium | peridia | peridial | peridinian | peridinium | peridium | peridot | peridotic | peridotite | peridotitic | peridrome | periegesis | perigastric | perigastritis | perigeal | perigean | perigee | perigenesis | periglacial | perigon | perigone | perigonial | Perigordian | perigynous | perigyny | perihelia | perihelial | perihelion | perihepatic | perihepatitis | perikaryal | perikaryon | peril | perilla | perilous | perilously | perilousness | perilune | perilymph | perimenopausal | perimenopause | perimeter | perimeter fence | perimeter wall | perimetral | perimetric | perimetrical | perimetrically | perimetry | perimorph | perimorphic | perimorphism | perimorphous | perimysia | perimysium | perinatal | perinatally | perinea | perineal | perineal gland | perinephria | perinephric | perinephritis | perinephrium | perineum | perineural | perineurial | perineuritic | perineuritis | perineurium | period | period costume | period drama | period furniture | period of revolution | period of rotation | period pain | period pains | period piece | periodate | periodic | periodic acid | periodic function | periodic law | periodic sentence | periodic system | periodic table | periodic tenancy | periodical | periodical cicada | periodicalist | periodically | periodicity | periodide | periodisation | periodization | periodontal | periodontally | periodontia | periodontic | periodontically | periodontics | periodontist | periodontitis | periodontology | perionychia | perionychium | periost | periostea | periosteal | periosteum | periostitic | periostitis | periostracum | periotic | peripatetic | peripatetical | peripatetically | peripateticism | peripatus | peripeteia | peripeteian | peripetia | peripetian | peripety | peripheral | peripheral device | peripheral primitive neuroectodermal tumour | peripheral unit | peripheral vision | peripherality | peripherally | peripheric | peripherical | peripheries | periphery | periphonic | periphrase | periphrases | periphrasis | periphrastic | periphrastical | periphrastically | periphytic | periphyton | periplasm | periplast | periplus | periproct | peripter | peripteral | periptery | perique | perisarc | perisarcal | perisarcous | periscian | periscope | periscopic | periscopically | periselenium | perish | perish the thought! | perishability | perishable | perishableness | perishables | perishably | perished | perisher | perishing | perishingly | perisperm | perispermal | perispermic | perispomenon | perissodactyl | perissodactyle | perissodactylic | perissodactylous | perissology | perissosyllabic | peristalith | peristalses | peristalsis | peristaltic | peristaltically | peristerite | peristeronic | peristomal | peristomatic | peristome | peristomial | peristrephic | peristylar | peristyle | peritectic | perithecia | perithecial | perithecium | peritonaeal | peritonaeum | peritonea | peritoneal | peritoneal dialysis | peritoneally | peritoneoscopy | peritoneum | peritonitic | peritonitis | peritrack | peritrich | peritricha | peritrichous | peritrichously | peritus | perityphlitis | perivitelline | periwig | periwigged | periwinkle | perjink | perjinkety | perjinkity | perjure | perjured | perjurer | perjuries | perjurious | perjuriously | perjurous | perjury | perk | perk up | perkier | perkiest | perkily | perkin | Perkin's mauve | perkiness | perkish | perky | Perl | perlemoen | Perlis | perlite | perlitic | Perlman | perlocution | perlocutionary | perlocutionary act | perlustrate | perlustration | perm | perma-tan | permabear | permabull | permaculture | permafrost | permalink | permalloy | permanence | permanencies | permanency | permanent | permanent address | Permanent Court of Arbitration | permanent hardness | permanent health insurance | permanent magnet | permanent magnetism | permanent press | permanent resident | Permanent Secretary | permanent set | permanent wave | permanent way | permanent-press | permanently | permanentness | permanganate | permanganic acid | permeability | permeability coefficient | permeable | permeableness | permeably | permeameter | permeance | permeant | permease | permeate | permeation | permeative | permeator | permed | permethrin | Permian | permie | permillage | permissibility | permissible | permissibleness | permissibly | permission | permissive | permissively | permissiveness | permit | permittance | permitted | permittee | permitter | permitting | permittivities | permittivity | permutability | permutable | permutableness | permutably | permutate | permutation | permutational | permute | pern | Pernambuco | pernancy | pernicious | pernicious anaemia | perniciously | perniciousness | pernicketiness | pernickety | Pernik | pernio | pernoctate | pernoctation | Pernod | perone | peroneal | peroneus | Peronism | Peronist | peroral | perorally | perorate | peroration | perorational | perorator | perovskia | perovskite | peroxidase | peroxidation | peroxide | peroxide blonde | peroxidic | peroxidise | peroxidize | peroxisomal | peroxisome | peroxo acid | peroxy acid | peroxysulphuric acid | perp | perp walk | perpend | perpend stone | perpendicular | perpendicular Gothic | perpendicularity | perpendicularly | perpent | perpetrable | perpetrate | perpetration | perpetrator | perpetuable | perpetual | perpetual check | perpetual debenture | perpetual inventory | perpetual motion | perpetual motion of the first kind | perpetual motion of the second kind | perpetual spinach | perpetualism | perpetualist | perpetuality | perpetually | perpetuance | perpetuate | perpetuation | perpetuator | perpetuities | perpetuity | perphenazine | Perpignan | perplex | perplexed | perplexedly | perplexedness | perplexer | perplexing | perplexingly | perplexities | perplexity | perquisite | perquisition | perquisitor | perradial | perradius | Perrault | perrier | Perrier water | perries | Perrin | perron | perruquier | perry | persalt | persant | persaunt | perscrutation | perse | persecute | persecuted | persecutee | persecution | persecution complex | persecutive | persecutor | persecutory | Persei | Perseid | perseity | Persephone | Persepolis | Perseus | perseverance | perseverant | perseverate | perseveration | perseverative | perseverator | persevere | persevering | perseveringly | Pershing | Persia | Persian | Persian blinds | Persian carpet | Persian cat | Persian Empire | Persian greyhound | Persian Gulf | Persian lamb | Persian melon | Persian rug | persicaria | persicot | persienne | persiennes | persiflage | persifleur | persimmon | Persis | persist | persistence | persistency | persistent | persistent cruelty | persistent offender | persistent organic pollutant | persistent vegetative state | persistently | persister | persistingly | persistive | persnicketiness | persnickety | person | person of colour | person-to-person call | persona | persona grata | persona non grata | personable | personableness | personably | personae | personae gratae | personae non gratae | personage | personal | personal accident insurance | personal ad | personal allowance | personal assistant | personal belongings | personal best | personal bodyguard | personal call | personal care | personal chair | personal cleanliness | personal column | personal computer | personal details | personal digital assistant | personal effects | personal equation | personal equity plan | personal estate | personal foul | personal friend | personal growth | personal hygiene | personal identification number | personal insurance | personal loan | personal organizer | personal pension | personal pension plan | personal pronoun | personal property | personal relationships | personal shopper | personal space | personal stationery | personal stereo | personal stylist | personal trainer | personal tuition | personalia | personalisation | personalism | personalist | personalistic | personalities | personality | personality clash | personality cult | personality disorder | personality inventory | personality test | personality type | personalization | personalize | personalized | personalized number plate | personally | personalties | personalty | personate | personation | personative | personator | personhood | personifiable | personification | personified | personifier | personifies | personify | personize | personned | personnel | personnel agency | personnel carrier | personnel department | personnel management | personnel manager | personnel officer | personpower | persons | perspectival | perspective | perspectively | perspectivism | perspectivist | Perspex | perspicacious | perspicaciously | perspicaciousness | perspicacity | perspicuity | perspicuous | perspicuously | perspicuousness | perspirable | perspirate | perspiration | perspiratory | perspire | perspiring | perspiringly | perspiry | perstringe | persuadability | persuadable | persuade | persuaded | persuader | persuasibility | persuasible | persuasion | persuasive | persuasively | persuasiveness | persuasory | persulfuric acid | persulphate | persulphuric acid | pert | pertain | Perth | Perth and Kinross | perthite | perthitic | Perthshire | pertinacious | pertinaciously | pertinaciousness | pertinacity | pertinence | pertinency | pertinent | pertinently | pertly | pertness | perturb | perturbable | perturbably | perturbance | perturbant | perturbate | perturbation | perturbational | perturbative | perturbator | perturbatory | perturbed | perturbedly | perturber | perturbing | perturbingly | pertusate | pertuse | pertused | pertusion | pertussal | pertussis | Peru | Peru balsam | Peru Current | Perugia | Perugino | peruke | peruked | perusable | perusal | peruse | peruser | Perusia | Perutz | Peruvian | Peruvian bark | Peruvian lily | Peruzzi | perv | perv on | pervade | pervader | pervading | pervasion | pervasive | pervasively | pervasiveness | perverse | perversely | perverseness | perversion | perversities | perversity | perversive | pervert | perverted | pervertedly | pervertedness | perverter | pervertible | perviate | pervicacious | pervicacity | pervicacy | pervious | perviously | perviousness | pervy
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